Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love

Are You Intense?

Michele Lisenbury Christensen Season 1 Episode 5

Have you been told "You're intense!" or "You're a LOT" or that your feelings, your senses, your volume, your speed of thought or speech were too fast?  Have you felt others recoil from you in a way that didn't match how you think of yourself?  

You might be intense.  We need to talk about intensity, because it's not a character failing or a liability.  It's a superpower, but with great power comes great responsibility (um, that was Spiderman).  Listen in for all the deets on what intensity is and a number of stories from me, your host, as well as my friend Dr. Jessica Pullins, and others about how we can use our powers for good... and for the intimacy we crave.

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