Sex.Love.Power.: Sacred Sexuality, Conscious Polarity, and Waking Up In Love

Superiority And Shame

Michele Lisenbury Christensen Season 1 Episode 31

“We have 2 kids, but I feel like I’m a mother of three, including my husband!”

“Why does he have to talk down to me about the things I struggle with?”

Do either of these sound familiar to you?

Some people find themselves frustrated by a sense their partner is less adult than they are or that their partner is incompetent in some way. 

Others feel that their partner treats them like they’re inferior or broken or bad or wrong.

If you are in either of those groups, this episode is for you. 

These experiences live in more relationships than you probably realize. Very few couples escape experiencing these patterns at some point. I want to give you perspectives and tools that will help when these patterns pop up, either for you or for those you care about.  I want to liberate every relationship from blame and rejection, from criticism and defensiveness. 

I'm going to break down:

  • What's really happening when we feel superior to our partner or we behave in ways that are condescending, 
  • What's really going on when we feel like we have to win our partner's approval or their satisfaction for our relationship to be okay
  • How to get on a more even footing when one of you has shifted into an inferior or superior stance.

And more

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