CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

Nourish Yourself and Trust the Timing of Your Life with Michelle Fox - Episode 397

Sheila Botelho

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How to Nourish & Trust the timing of your life, while stepping into your worthiness to build your dream vision & expand your wealth.

Today we continue our conversation around the journey of empowerment, wellness, and self-discovery for women over 40. We're joined by the incredible culinary nutrition expert Michelle Fox, as we explore how women can nurture their bodies and souls during this enriching phase of life. Together, we discuss the profound connection between food and well-being, and how embracing a nutrient-rich diet can enhance your health and happiness.

We also tackle the importance of self-investment and the courage it takes to pursue your dreams. From my transition from a stable corporate job to entrepreneurship, to Michelle's insights on hormonal health, we highlight the barriers women face and the beauty of embracing authenticity. With stories of vulnerability and the strength that comes from failing forward, we encourage you to bet on yourself, cherish your unique contributions, and remain open to life's possibilities with faith and gratitude.

Follow @michellefoxlove, listen to her podcast Nourish, and learn about her upcoming retreats at the link in the comments.

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Speaker 1:

It's all about your intention. And so yes, to my friends who are listening if you are waiting for the perfect moment to start that business, or the perfect moment to you know, ask that potential role model out for coffee, like whatever it is that you're feeling a little bit fearful of, go for it, because the worst thing that can happen is a no, or maybe you even feel embarrassed. The worst thing that can happen is a no, or maybe you even feel embarrassed, but I promise you nobody is looking at you as close as you are looking at yourself right now.

Speaker 2:

We're talking today all about how to nourish yourself for the life that you love. I'm Sheila Botello. I am a self-care strategist, creator of this season's self-care app, and I'm also host of the Connect with Sheila Botello podcast. This is part of yet another Instagram live conversation series I am so excited about. We're going to be focusing a lot on the themes of women, wealth and worthiness, with some of my favorite experts in different fields, where you get to learn so much that you can apply to your wellbeing, your relationships, your family, your business, your vision for your life.

Speaker 2:

Today, I'm thrilled to have a guest on with me who has a whole series of things that are focused on helping you nourish yourself so you can live the life that you love Michelle Fox Love, who I'll be bringing on in just a moment, who's just arrived. Hi, michelle, she will help you nourish yourself. She has a podcast called Nourish. She'll take you around the world on retreats, if you like. I can't wait for you to hear her story and get to know her. She is such a gift, so please welcome Michelle. Michelle, you know what? As I was putting this up this song, michelle my bell came into my head. I'm like oh, welcome.

Speaker 1:

I love it. That actually was a song my father would sing to me quite frequently, and so that brings a big heart throb to my face.

Speaker 2:

Oh Well, it's like my mother's name is Suzanne, or was Suzanne, and so I used to sing her the Suzy Q song, because you know there's always a song. Come on now, and of course, oh, sheila, hello. Thank you, prince. Thank you, there is a song for Sheila there you go, including.

Speaker 1:

That happens to be my mother's name, so it's like I love this full circle moment we're all connected, we're all connected and music is at the core right.

Speaker 2:

Music is at the core, for music is often at the core for me.

Speaker 1:

I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I remember that you shared that with me a while ago. Oh my gosh, it just that gave me chills, oh my goodness. So I'm so happy that you're here today. I've been having so much fun watching you globetrot and help people get healthy and enjoy healthy eating, and making it sexy and amazing.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for noticing and thanks for following and for all of your consistent support. Sheila, Like I feel like from day one when we met in Kate Northrup's Empress Origin group, like you have been the most amazing cheerleader, so thank you for that.

Speaker 2:

It's been my pleasure, it's so fun to see how so many of us came through many different ideologies and ideations to come to this place and to know that because of that we know this is just going to be something. It's a journey. We're going to keep shifting and pivoting and as our soul guides us and as we move through the seasons of our life because we are not, it's not linear we get to have fun, we get to play, and I love that. That is really what you help people embody is the playful pleasure so much so I would love to introduce yourself like your professional introduction for yourself, and then maybe share also what brought you into the work that you do, and then we can talk more about where you're headed.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, thank you. I mean, first of all, just your introduction to the IG Live. I'm like, okay, pr agent Sheila, hi, done, the job is yours, it'll be fun. I think I'd have a blast. Oh, my gosh, I would love to have you on my team. And so, speaking of that, just to answer you directly, my training is in culinary nutrition and it's another full circle moment. My teacher, megan Teltner, she's there in Toronto with you. I just noticed in your little bio and so, again, I just I love our connection and so, yes, my whole goal is to nourish women, specifically women over 40, because we have unique needs. I happen to be 51, very proud 51-year-old, same thing, and the main reason, you too. Yeah, full system.

Speaker 2:

See, 50s are awesome, everyone. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I mean yes to your point. They continue to get better, and promptly after we get off of this live. I'm in the Sprouts parking lot right now. So that's part of being 51 is having a family I need to feed. But then, after grocery shopping and dropping off the dog, I'm having to get my hormones checked, because your girl has the nutrition down but my hormones. I just got some blood work back, btmi, but it turns out I have secondary hypothyroidism, which would explain the weight gain, the bloating, the night sweats, even though I'm eating the way you're supposed to eat. So all that to say to your point about this being a progression yes, I have my studies in culinary nutrition and I am continually learning as I go, and then, of course, I have a calling to continually share my learning, learning as I go. And then, of course, I have a calling to continually share my learnings as I go, and so it's just been a real pleasure and I take it as a privilege to be able to help and teach women as I follow this journey. Also, you asked where it's taking me.

Speaker 1:

So the nutrition was one piece, and then the more I worked with women, trying to help them learn what to eat and how to eat. It turned out I could talk 24 hours a day. Sheila and a lot of women were just like uh-huh, but I have, you know, this to do. I have that to do. Like all these things they put in front of themselves instead of taking care of themselves, I'm like oh, this isn't a nutrition issue, this is a mindset issue, and so that kind of morphed into my retreats, and so the retreats are spaces where it's perfectly safe for you to like let your belly hang out. You don't have to wear a bra if you don't want to. You're in the company of other like-hearted women where we can talk about these issues, and I can actually hold your hand and show you like this is how we can eat when you go home, so that you can live and have the life that you want. So that's where I am today.

Speaker 2:

I love that so much and, most of all, I love how you're always so transparent about your journey. I love how you're always so transparent about your journey because you named something that I think is so, so key when people think about having a mentor or guide or a coach, and that is it's not about having just someone with expertise, but someone who also is on their own learning journey, who is not perfect in a no one is right. We're all on our journey, and the fact that you speak to, the fact that you're doing all the things and there's still some things you need to tweak and understand from another expert Fabulous. And yes, I'm such a proponent of getting those annual at least annual blood tests to see where things are at through our whole adult life, but especially as women, as we shift cyclically, because I have dear friends who went through menopause in their mid 40s and then I'm still perimenopausal and you know you're shifting. You're seeing things that I love it.

Speaker 2:

Go to Michelle's Lincoln bio and you'll see something about. You know what's happening with my hormones, like why am I fit? Why is it so hot in here? I think is what it's titled, and it talks about hormonal health and the things and how to eat to help your hormones. And then, yes, we've got our the brain stuff going on, which is our thyroid, et cetera. Hormones fluctuate just because of the time of life we're in. So it's great that you're doing that and I'm holding you in my heart as you go through those, those pieces, because sometimes it can feel like an inconvenience, but it is. I think you'll believe this too. It's so foundational to us having a really happy now and future If we just get that stuff dialed in.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely. It's so worth putting the work in. And I see my girl, donnie, just came on. So hello, donnie. She's on this 50 plus journey with us as well.

Speaker 2:

I see her as my big sister, helping me with some of these things as well to see each other and move through this together and I really I remember when you were first taking the culinary experience into groups and going to cook for people, live and showing them, and that looked like so much fun. And then, when the retreat started, I thought, ooh, I think a lot of women can really get down with that. I saw this one comedian saying something about mention the word retreat and all the women are like I'm there and God was like no, I don't make me go, like I just want to hang out. And I think it's just so timely and the beautiful thing is you having them in that container to be able to. Oh yes, thank you for dropping your link. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Please go check out the link. It'll be in the comments. If you're joining us later as well, you can check this out. Um, but it'd be having everyone in that container so that they can really be. It's like it's like an incubator really to to try things and to see how good they feel and be doing it with other people and then having tools for when they go home. So talk to me about what is the typical retreat like, when you know what is. Where do you typically go? Do you have different places, you have planned for the future and what is the itinerary like?

Speaker 1:

Yes, love that question. I want to take one step back and then I will promise to answer you directly. But you said I used to teach cooking classes and I just wanted to highlight that AARP has been an amazing supporter of our community and so I did sign an annual contract with them. So every first Thursday I do teach cooking classes. And anybody in your world yes, all my Canadian friends, including my US friends you're welcome. Aarp has footed the bill. So 6.30pm Mountain second Thursdays of the month, come join us. It's always a lot of fun in my kitchen, oh so great.

Speaker 2:

How did? You make it out.

Speaker 1:

I would love to have you in class. That would be really fun.

Speaker 2:

My husband would be happy. Ooh, cool new things to eat.

Speaker 1:

I find that's one of the biggest complaints for people, specifically in partnerships and with families. It's like, well, I'm cooking the same thing over and over and I always say go to Dr Google. But even that can be like overwhelming. So yeah, just come to my class, I'll hook you up.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 1:

So with that. So that's taking care of the bills footed from my retreats. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to get those sponsored for you to come for free, so there is a prize tag. However, it is so worth it because, yes to your point, I create safe spaces. They're very small.

Speaker 1:

So this next retreat in September is in Tulum. We only accept 10 women for that, and then eight women following February will be in Costa Rica, and if you go to MichelleFoxcom forward slash retreat, you'll see all the yummy, juicy details. But the one thing I do want to just highlight is I'll be working with Amber Joy Simon, who I refer to as a sex coach in Tulum, working with Amber Joy Simon, who I refer to as a sex coach in Tulum, and so we're all going to be about. You'll love this, sheila, the divine feminine, and getting into our divine feminine essence, and we'll be in a safe space again with like-hearted women. For my introverts, you can come and go as you please, everything's optional but it'll just be a really beautiful time to tune out all of our daily to-dos and just be present with ourselves.

Speaker 2:

I love that. And, yeah, that optional part that you have thrown in there. That is so beautiful, because I think there can be a lot of pressure when people sign up to go to any kind of event that, oh, I need to be at every single thing, I need to be a box checker. But when you throw in that word optional, it is a release for so many women who have not allowed themselves real space to relax. I think really we have been conditioned by society to be those box checkers and to be everything to everyone at the expense of taking care of ourselves, which is why self-care is such a foundation to my work and obviously yours as well, and so I did want to get your take on that.

Speaker 2:

Actually, you mentioned, you know, there's a price tag for it, and that means women need to invest in themselves. And this is something that comes up over and over and over again as I'm serving my clients and as I'm speaking to new potential clients and as I'm working with other people as they're developing their clientele. And that is the price tag the wealth, that what they feel they're worthy of generating and what they feel they're worthy of investing in themselves. Because if you were to ask them if they're a parent, for instance, you know what's the maximum amount of money you would save to, if you could, to put your kid through school so they have a great, shining, gleaming future. They would say, hey, this guy's the limit.

Speaker 2:

Or how much will you spend on this travel soccer team, for instance? Hey, they're going to go on all the trips. I'm going to do it, I'll work two jobs, I'll do it all for them. But what will they do to invest in themselves and their own self-care? Or their dream, their big dream that has been within them that they have not actually captured and taken action on, because there may be investments involved, that often gets pushed to the side. I'd love for you to speak to that, because I know here you are like expanding over the last gosh. How long have we known each other? Five, seven years, like? When did you join that origin community we were in?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I want to say five or six-ish years.

Speaker 2:

And so in that time you have you know actually where were you before and to bring you into this space, and then what caused you to actually make those investments in yourself? And then, like I guess, just however, you want to answer that question about women and worthiness to be able to invest in themselves. I'd love to hear your take.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes. So I worked as an executive assistant for a little over 25 years in corporate America in the financial space and I got really really good. I mean, I would hope anybody working in a similar space for 25 years I would hope you'd continue to get better. But the thing I also got really good at is putting everybody in front of me and in front of my needs and keep hoping for that elusive okay, one day I'll take that vacation or one day I'll be on sabbatical.

Speaker 1:

And, sheila, I got to the point where I'm like no, just no, like enough is enough, and so I do have, you know, some conservative side or conservative pieces to me, I will say, when it comes to finances. So it wasn't like I quit corporate cold turkey, but I did take the steps. So I took the steps to save up some money. I took the steps to go to school for nutrition nights, evenings, weekends, and then I also, once I graduated, I took those steps to work part-time in my business, while I was still holding on to my full-time corporate job, still taking care of my family and my cute puppy dog. I don't know if Chloe's made a little cameo yet back there.

Speaker 1:

I'm looking for her Come on Chloe, I'm going to pop up before we're done. She's always the star of the show. All that to say. Once I proved to myself that, oh, yes, I can save the money, yes, I can serve in a way that's also serving back to me, the universe came and I know you're a spiritual goddess as well the universe had my back, I mean the entire way. But once I accepted for myself that, yes, this is possible to build the dream I want, I went for it.

Speaker 1:

And so, as you know, as an entrepreneur, it is not all roses and sunshine, like, yes, there is so much beauty, and I will tell you, there is some struggle as well, and so I just continue to stay open to what is next, what the divine has in store. And what I've seen is, the more I'm giving in ways that feel authentic to me, and the more I'm teaching, the more other people are saying, well, I want more of this. And hey, michelle, I know you're doing the retreats, can you teach me how to do a retreat? And I'm like, oh well, maybe that's the next segment of my business is teaching people how to build retreats. And it's like, oh, michelle, you have a podcast, teach me how to do a podcast and tomorrow I'm teaching a big class for Boulder Startup Week around podcasting and so, truly, I'm just in that space of trying to stay open and it's been really life-giving, I have to say.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's so beautiful. Do you know your human design? I?

Speaker 1:

do. I am a manifesting generator. That makes sense. It's so reliant. Yeah and yes, and I will say I'm also Sagittarius sun sign, with a Sagittarius rising and Sagittarius. We are not known for our patience, and one of the biggest lessons for Manny Gens is you're supposed to be patient and wait for the next opportunity, and so it feels a little crazy making sometimes, I have to admit, but I'm doing my best. I'm trying to stay open. I feel like the more I say that, hopefully the more it'll get into my head. We're going to just stay open.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's like yoga, it's a practice, we're just practicing, we're just practicing and I feel like, even though you have mentioned that, you know you have these two opposing kind of things like or maybe they don't necessarily play nicely together this idea of at least I found I'm also a sacral manifesting generator. 1-3, that's my thing, and maybe the 1-3 helps me, because the 1 is the research and practice and the three is sharing what I learned, so that maybe helps me. I'm also a cancer, so I think the patience thing may be a little more patient. But all that to say, when you are leaning into it, as you said, you, you're practicing it. What's cool about that is it gives you the space to allow what has landed already for you to go a level deeper. Right, you get to say, oh, okay, so nothing, nothing new is coming. But we're always faced with beautiful ways we can tweak, and it seems like you do that very naturally.

Speaker 2:

And if you, if everyone listening to this, please go listen to the nourish podcast because, as you can tell you here, michelle speaking, she just such a beautiful communicator, asks the best questions. It's a wonderful podcast to listen to. You get to hear the history, even early, early on you get to hear the history of like her family. I think I had your siblings on at one point and that was like so nourishing for me so nourishing on all the levels is for podcast, for sure, that's my heart it's thank you Including.

Speaker 1:

We're on hiatus right now, but I would love to have you on as a guest once we get back going, so I'm planting that seed right now.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I'm a yes, so just send me an invite. I'm happy to do that. I think this is how we help each other as women step more fully into our worthiness and and look for what is possible for us to move to the next phases of our whole growth and development and wealth being part of that. And I think it's it's when you see others doing it, it's it's instant felt permission, in a sense, to grow and shine, because I feel like a lot of women I talk to. I don't know about if you experience this, but this idea that there's this either, um, the fear of failure yes, that's probably everyone but also the fear of shining too brightly, right of wait.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry, can you say that again? The second part the fear of what?

Speaker 2:

The fear of shining too brightly, that maybe they'll become not as relatable to their current group of friends or colleagues, when really, my belief is, when we all shine as bright as we were meant to, we're all going to just like. The whole world is brighter. And I also have found that when people are out there doing the thing, when they're really going after their calling, they're not critical, they're cheerleaders. Maybe, speak to me about what your experience has been around this as well Cause.

Speaker 2:

I know you hang out with a lot of other entrepreneurs and in beautiful containers where there's people building their dreams.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I literally just got goosebumps as you were saying that, because I had brunch with a girlfriend on Thursday and she was pointing out she's like Michelle, it's really rare the way you lead. She's like you see deeper and you ask deeper questions. She's like a lot of people in your position are all about the likes and the social media outward and I'm like, oh, like it was kind of like an oh duh when I thought about it later, but I was like in the moment I'm like well, I thought everybody led with their heart, I thought everybody was authentic and I think that's a pro and a con for me, because I think the pro is think that's a pro and a con for me because I think the pro is I've always been an open book and that's the way I love to lead. And then, of course, it makes it easy there's nothing to clean up if there's no lies, because it's like this is who I am. Like you either love me or you don't, and truly I am okay with that. Like I am not everybody's person and not everybody is my person.

Speaker 1:

And so when she said that, it really had me kind of spinning for the next couple of days just looking at certain leaders that I'm like, oh like. I see ways I've learned from you, but I also see there's probably not a lot of room for friendships. I don't see any open heartedness. I don't see walls coming down. And the older I get, sheila, the more I know I just I'm having less and less tolerance for people who are not authentic. Like I. Just I don't have patience or time for that because I want to meet people heart to heart, like that is what lights me up, that is how I grow and I've seen the results. Like I know that helps and supports other women grow as well. And so I feel like I went off on a little bit of a tangent, but really truly just the authenticity, and I think that's why I'm so attracted to you and your work, especially around wealth. It's the authenticity about it that makes it real for me it's the authenticity about it that makes it real for me.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, thank you for sharing that and the fact that that was pointed out about you and that it was a surprise to you in a sense, because it's just who you are. You're right. It just makes it so much easier to be authentically you and, yes, something about as we move through different phases of our life. Later on we realize we've been through all this stuff, we've we fit into the conformity boxes of what is expected of us and we also see, because we work so closely with other human beings, we're all just human beings and we're all on a journey of learning and growing and nobody's got it figured out. So it's easier to be open and vulnerable because it again allows those walls to come down and I'm hoping we see a trend of more authenticity. I feel like maybe it's just the spaces we're in. I'm feeling like I'm seeing that more, but you just keep shining bright and and we'll just keep like allowing more people to come into this place of openness because, yeah, the heart to heart is where it's at. The authenticity you mentioned and also the allowing, like being more open-handed right, my hands are here open-handed. Yes, for ideas to land instead of being grippy and oh, I have to have all the answers and I have to. It's going to be happen this way.

Speaker 2:

Like I recently shared, um, I did a masterclass yesterday I recently shared on it it's aired on the podcast today actually about a few scenarios where things happen and I was like I'm going to do this and it's going to look like this. And then other options came and they were so much better than what I had planned and they involved less work and they made a bigger impact. So that is my shout out to being open, you know, and and and also to be open to say yes, but also open to say no, to know yourself, like is this resonating? And if there's an opportunity like if someone's offering me an opportunity, it doesn't really resonate or the timing's off. First thing I'm doing is thinking, ooh, who do I know? Who would really be a good fit for this? Like that's just my connector mind, right?

Speaker 1:

And I feel like you're very similar.

Speaker 2:

We resonate on so many levels, michelle, so that is so great. And so I guess what would you say to people listening who may be in that place, where they are? You know they have this dream within them and they're doing really well in their life, but it's that one extra step they need to take, that they feel like they keep faltering on because they don't have that level of self-trust. Maybe they're afraid to shine too brightly or maybe they just they have this interesting relationship with wealth and success. What would you say to them to help them make a move either way?

Speaker 1:

So the word that just dropped in as you were speaking is failure. Don't be afraid to fail. In fact, I had a coach once who said fail forward. And that's always stuck with me over the past 10. Oh, actually quite 50, closer to 15 years now. He was like fail forward, fail forward. Anything as you see as a failure, great. Well, you're getting up and you're trying again, like fail forward.

Speaker 1:

And so I have three teenagers, and so the way I put it to them is because, of course, when you're a teenager, you want that social impact. You know their friends are their world to them. And I still try to tell them I'm like nobody's thinking about you as much as you were thinking about yourself. Like, ok, you trip and fall. Nobody probably even saw it for one. But if they did, like nobody cares, like it's OK to fail forward as long as you pick yourself up and keep growing, like it's all about your intention. And so, yes, to my friends who are listening, if you are waiting for the perfect moment to start that business or the perfect moment to you know, ask that potential role model out for coffee, like, whatever it is that you're feeling a little bit fearful of, go for it, because the worst thing that can happen is a no, or maybe you even feel embarrassed, but I promise you, nobody is looking at you as close as you are looking at yourself right now.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I love that advice. Yes, amen to that. It is so beautiful when we take a bet on ourselves, and I think there's so many places now we can look for evidence that this is true. There's so many places. So one of the places is check out the Norris podcast, because you're going to hear from other people who are going through these journeys when they get back. There's a bunch of how many episodes are you at now?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're at 75 regular episodes. I think we have a handful of bonus episodes thrown in there.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. So you got 75 to get started on, and then, when we release new episodes over there, you got even more lessons to learn about this journey, this beautiful journey that we're on of really reclaiming what that purpose inside of us is and how it can look at any phase of life. It's never too late to bet on yourself and to go for your dream.

Speaker 2:

And someone just joined. Thanks for everybody who's joining, by the way, and who has been here already. Jean is somebody I look up to as someone who, no matter what phase of life she's in, she is going for it. She's giving her heart and giving her all, and I think it's like it's such an inspiration when we see people doing that and Michelle you have been a real beacon of that for me, as I've witnessed your journey and it's been such a pleasure knowing you in the virtual space, but it would be really awesome to meet up at a retreat sometime, so we will talk, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And likewise and yeah, and so, everyone, there is a link We'll make sure that we keep it here in the comments for how you can sign up for her latest retreat in Tulum in the fall. Oh, it's going to be so great. And listen to the podcast and, of course, please follow Michelle over on her page that you see here. Michelle Fox, love, such a pleasure having you and I wish you all the best with all the things to come. Today, let me know how it goes, and I still haven't seen your pup. Your pup has decided to take a nap. Chloe, chloe, let's see, come on over.

Speaker 1:

We want to see you, chloe. Chloe, let's see, come on over. We want to see you, chloe. I hear some pause. She's like ah, no, pause. She's like no. She's like I'm going through menopause too, Mama, I'm going to nap. She's like talk to my agent. Talk to my agent. She's like you're not paying me enough for this viewing.

Speaker 2:

Well, such a pleasure. Thanks for being here, and thank you to everyone who joined. And just regardless of where you're headed today, just remember like you're worth it. Bet on yourself, savor what you know you have to share and hopefully, as you take those steps, you'll start to see more evidence open up about what's possible for you, because that's really been. I think that's been true for both of us, hasn't?

Speaker 1:

it Absolutely Just putting one foot in front of the next. Sometimes it swerves and we just have to have faith that we know the path to to get right back on the path. So good.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. Well, thank you, my friend, I will be in touch. Thank you, this has been wonderful. My pleasure take care, I will talk soon. All right, have a good one. Thanks bye, everybody, you.