CONNECT with Sheila Botelho Podcast

Navigating Technology with Integrity: Balancing Innovation and Human Connection | Ep 429

Sheila Botelho

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In today’s world, the way we work, connect, and innovate is rapidly shifting. This episode is an invitation to reflect on how we adapt to these changes, particularly in the face of evolving technologies like AI. 

How do we embrace innovation while staying true to what matters most—human connection, integrity, and kindness? I share my thoughts on navigating this new landscape and maintaining our values amidst the transformation.

Drawing from personal experiences, I also touch on the value of slowing down, reconnecting with our core purpose, and choosing to engage with technology in ways that enrich our relationships. 

If you're feeling the whirlwind of change, let’s take a moment to ground ourselves and explore how we can adapt, thrive, and stay connected—both to each other and to what matters most.

Let’s Connect!

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There's always two sides to everything. There's the good and there's what can be exploited right, and so what I love to do is invite people into the idea of looking for the good in what is here to stay and how to inform on where it goes by, how you're using it. Hi, welcome to the Connect with Sheila Botella podcast. I'm an entrepreneur, self-care strategist and creator of the Se's self-care app. I'm committed to help you elevate your wellbeing, reconnect to your purpose and build your version of a happy, successful life. Today, you're listening to a Monday Minisode where I share an insight designed to help you live into what lights you up this week. Ai is here.


We are in a time where the way we work is shifting, the way we show up each day is shifting, the types of roles and careers are shifting and, yes, the way you are doing your business is shifting. And so how do you feel about that? How are you flexing with that right now? I know that it can feel daunting, no matter how long you've been in the tech space, using all of the tools at our disposal. It's yet another learning curve for many of us, and for some of us, it's a matter of adapting to really where are we headed? And I've been involved in a lot of interesting conversations lately about AI and about what does this mean for our future and how will things shift and it reminds me of a time literally 10 years ago maybe 15, definitely 20, where there were careers and there were businesses that did not even exist, and the idea in my mind, anyway, didn't even exist either, and so it shows you that in a short amount of time, things can really really change. So the question becomes how are we adapting during times like these and how are we showing up with integrity, with a deep connection to our purpose in our work, and what is the way forward and how do we adapt with these new tools, in this new landscape?


I love, as an optimist, to look at the positive side of things. Typically, that's just kind of how I roll, and I know there's always a flip side, and so the key thing I always love to run everything through the filter of is integrity, and that means any decisions that I make in my life, in my business, in anything that I'm doing. I run it through this integrity filter to see how does this stack up against what is important to me and what I value One of the things I value the most is human connection and presence and kindness to other humans, and if you're listening to this podcast or watching it, you know you're. Obviously this is, in the self-help, one of the self-help themes in the podcast world, as well as entrepreneurship and wellness, and so I'm guessing that these things are important to you too. And so when I think about how times are changing and the different technology, how it's all moving and shaking and rolling, how do we harness it in a kindhearted way, in a way that helps everyone, and how do we go about moving forward into this new era where really, it feels like the Wild West again? I say again because let's think about all the industries that have shifted economic times and the way we live over the decades and decades and decades that we've been here or that we've looked back on in history.


I remember when computers were not a thing. I remember when the internet was not a thing. Cell phones, smartphones they were not a thing, at least not in the day-to-day, and I guess they were brewing somewhere in the background with whoever was developing them long ago. However, for them to be in our day-to-day lives, that was something that we all had to adapt to and I love to joke about it because so my kids are 16 and 18. And when they were young, my husband and I decided that we did not want to have them be on devices all the time. We really wanted them to be out in nature, moving their bodies, reading books, writing things. We just felt that these are things that I think are healthy for all of us, and at a young age, while their brains were developing, we just made that decision, and everybody gets to do it a different way, right? So we did that.


However, in their friendships and peers, many people were starting to get smartphones when they were like nine, 10, 11 years old, and we decided no, it's not going to happen until you're a teenager and you're home, like who are you going to call? And then we realized, okay, nobody uses phones to actually phone anybody, right? When was the last time you made a phone call on your phone? I'm just curious, take a little mental note of that one. And so, as we thought about that, it was like, oh, it seemed revelatory at the time to make a decision like that. Then, later on, when they were teenagers, we did get them each a phone. In doing so, though, they were asking, and asking not too many times, but enough times to be like well, so-and-so has a phone and they're this age. I reminded them well, mom didn't get a phone until she was like 30. And so that kind of gave them pause for a moment and they said what Really Like? How is that? And really there was a time where we just didn't use the technology in the way that we do now. Obviously, right. So anyway, that shut down that conversation.


I share that. To say this what is brand new and we don't know how it's all going to work out today is going to be commonplace tomorrow, and it appears AI is one of those things right now. And I believe, like anything, technology and otherwise, there's always two sides to everything. There's the good and there's what can be exploited right. And so what I love to do is invite people into the idea of looking for the good in what is here to stay and how to inform on where it goes by, how you're using it. So showing up with integrity with whatever kind of automated tools you're using is super important, not just for you, but for the way the technology advances. That's the first point.


The second point I wanted to make is that what this time is showing me again and again is the importance of human connection, the importance of being able to have a conversation, to be able to have empathy, to be able to truly connect, and, as you know, connection is one of my highest values. If you've been listening to the show for a while, I say that a lot, and so I look at this time as a reminder and a re-invitation to go back and think about how can we connect with each other in beautiful ways, in humane ways, in kind ways, in ways that advance all of us into being a more conscious kind of society, right, and in terms of connection as well. Thinking about your business and your relationships. Of course it's for everything, but let's just hone in on business here.


My experience has been that it can be really challenging for people to know how to speak to people, market themselves, sell things, really create loyal audience, loyal customers, loyal clients, unless they're able to have this skill of human connection honed, and it's something I'm going to be diving in more to on this show. In my work you'll be hearing more about it, and it's something that has been coming up in some of my programs as well, and it's exciting to me because it's like we, as humans, get to have a reclamation of really what is important to us, because I believe that we're brought to this planet to be connected, to do life together, for all of us to really reconnect to ourselves, to know what are those gifts that are inside of me that I'm meant to be sharing with the world, and what do I do well, and maybe what do I not do so well. So I need the collaboration with someone else who does that thing well. And, yes, part of that equation is going to be the tech, for sure, but how do we do it in a way that makes it really beautiful and fun and connected to the humans in our life? This is a conversation that I want to dive into more.


I'm going to be having some people come onto the show as well to talk about this, because I believe it's something moving forward, that it's very, very important, and my day is made up of connecting with people all day long.


It's my most favorite thing, second to connecting with nature and being in silence, to connect with myself and what that purpose is of mine, and I really believe that we need to make space for that, and that's why in my app, the Season Self-Care app, and the Season Self-Care for Business program and the other various offerings in there are really an invitation for you to do just that to get quiet and connect with yourself, to make sure that you're on the path in your life, your relationships and your business that makes sense for you.


It is about getting quiet, disconnecting from all the voices and all the expectations of those around us in our industry, in our businesses, in our lives, to really hone in on that which is meant for us, to really hone in on that which is meant for us.


So I invite you into that, even in some small way this week, to take some space and think about how does this land for you, how are you approaching this time in the world and how can you benefit and help others by, yes, using the technology, but also really finding new ways to connect in beautiful ways with other people. So I leave that with you today. My mastermind is going to be opening up very soon. That will be starting in January. I'll be having some early bird pricing for that and among some other program options and things for you to look into. So stay tuned. You can find out details in the show notes to get on the wait list and I wish you a beautiful rest of your week, really being strategic with your time so that you have agency over your thoughts and your future. I wish you all the best Big blessings.