Leading Generous Teams

Whitelion Youth’s Deputy CEO, Tanya Hendry, on the pace, art + balance of leadership

Clare Desira Season 4 Episode 8

As a leader, you bring a load of experience to the role. When people are looking for answers to problems, you naturally come up with ten of them.

But sharing your solutions too soon can send your team backwards.

This is what we talked about with Tanya Hendry, Deputy CEO of Whitelion Youth this week of our Top Five Movement leadership podcast, Leading Generous Teams.

Tanya has over 20 years’ experience as a senior organisational leader within the health care and non-profit sectors. She is passionate about social justice and being person-centred, with a strong focus on  hearing the voice of those with lived experience and has presented at numerous national and international forums on this topic.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • When Tanya does + doesn’t share ideas
  • On meeting people at their pace
  • Insights into techniques for resetting + recharging leadership


If you'd like to talk about how our programs can support your team's resilience, fuel their confidence or help them get unstuck, book some time in my diary and let’s chat.

Find out more about the workshop + register here: https://topfivemovement.com/leaders-workshop/