Leading Generous Teams

Greater Western Water Executive, Rohan Charrett on how to build connected rather than burnt out teams through change

Clare Desira Season 5 Episode 4

Getting to the end isn’t good enough. Whether it’s to the end of the year, the end of a restructure, or the end of a transformation project. It’s not about transactions and checklists. It’s about how you lead.

This is what we talked about with Rohan Charrett, an Executive with Greater Western Water on our Leading Generous Teams podcast this week.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What’s more important than just getting to the end result 
  • How to build connected rather than burnt out teams through change
  • Insights into techniques for resetting + recharging leadership


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If you'd like to talk about how our programs can support your team's resilience, fuel their confidence or help them get unstuck, book some time in my diary and let’s chat.