CityLight Vineyard Church

"Living In The Tension"

March 11, 2024 Becky Olmstead
"Living In The Tension"
CityLight Vineyard Church
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CityLight Vineyard Church
"Living In The Tension"
Mar 11, 2024
Becky Olmstead
Whether its dealing with unanswered prayer, unmet expectations, or unfulfilled promises, there are times when following Jesus requires us to live in tension. Guest speaker Becky Olmstead shares Biblical perspective on living in this tension. How we can hold onto God's grace and find His hand at work in those times.

Show Notes
Whether its dealing with unanswered prayer, unmet expectations, or unfulfilled promises, there are times when following Jesus requires us to live in tension. Guest speaker Becky Olmstead shares Biblical perspective on living in this tension. How we can hold onto God's grace and find His hand at work in those times.