CityLight Vineyard Church

"Did God Really Say?"

April 29, 2024 Christian Dunn
"Did God Really Say?"
CityLight Vineyard Church
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CityLight Vineyard Church
"Did God Really Say?"
Apr 29, 2024
Christian Dunn

In the Garden of Eden the serpent's first words were, "Did God Really Say?" To this day, doubt about whether we can trust God's Word continues to be an issue. In this teaching, we take a deep dive and look at the evidence that supports the reliability of the Scriptures. We discuss how the earliest believers of Jesus treated, what we now call the Bible, as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. If that was true then, how should we treat them now?

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In the Garden of Eden the serpent's first words were, "Did God Really Say?" To this day, doubt about whether we can trust God's Word continues to be an issue. In this teaching, we take a deep dive and look at the evidence that supports the reliability of the Scriptures. We discuss how the earliest believers of Jesus treated, what we now call the Bible, as the inspired and authoritative Word of God. If that was true then, how should we treat them now?