Chronicles of the End Times

2024 Election: Trump Shooting and the Road Ahead.

July 16, 2024 Russ Scalzo

What effect will Trump's attempted assassination have on Election 24'? Can the 2024 election signal the beginning of a foretold biblical prophecy? Join me, Russ Scalzo, on Chronicles of the End Times as we dissect the intricate and often controversial relationship between nationalism, globalism, and scriptural end-time predictions. We dive deep into the role of global entities like the World Health Organization and the World Economic Forum, examining their increasing control and how this aligns with prophetic scriptures. We’ll also discuss the shocking findings of a recent Oxfam report on wealth disparity, tackling the moral and spiritual implications of wealth with a focus on the heart's true intentions. 

Feeling overwhelmed by the world's chaos and uncertainty? There’s hope and a divine blueprint for peace and redemption. In this episode, we shift gears to explore God's ultimate plan for the renewal and redemption of the world. Despite the turmoil, we can all hold onto a promise of salvation through Jesus Christ. Drawing on the parable of the ten virgins, we underscore the importance of maintaining a strong, active relationship with God. Stay connected, keep praying, and find solace in God’s promise of salvation. Tune in for an enlightening discussion that encourages spiritual preparedness and unwavering trust in God's plan.

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