Chronicles of the End Times

Freedom of Speech at Risk? Online Security Act.

August 15, 2024 Russ Scalzo

Is your freedom of speech under threat? Discover how the UK's Online Security Act might impact your rights and amplify societal tensions in this thought-provoking episode of "Russ Scalzo Chronicles of the End Times." We delve into the media's role in stirring emotional responses and the critical function of the church and individual believers in navigating these turbulent times with wisdom and faith, guided by the teachings of Proverbs. As we wrap up, we analyze the UK's ongoing immigration challenges and the government's duty to safeguard its citizens.

Exploring the complexities of online safety regulations, we discuss the fine line between security and suppression of dissenting voices. Uncover how societal divisions can be traced back to unresolved grievances, and why it's crucial for authorities to grasp the root causes of public dissatisfaction. Drawing parallels with historical totalitarian regimes, we underscore how easily a society can be misled by charismatic leaders. We also take a heartfelt moment to thank our supporters, whose contributions are vital for our ministry's mission. Join us for a rich discussion filled with biblical insights, spiritual reflections, and an earnest expression of gratitude.

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Welcome everyone. This is Russ Scalzo Chronicles of the End Times. Thanks for joining me today. Today, we're going to be talking about a few things. We're going to be talking about the Online Security Act and what that's all about and what that could lead to, and we're going to talk about how the church can be victorious. How can you and I be victorious in these challenging times? I hope you're spending time with the Lord, Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit, for that will keep us all out of trouble. It works for me.




If you're aware of the things that are going on in the UK the riots that are taking place and the name-calling that's going on in the UK, the riots that are taking place and the name calling that's going back and forth, and those that are concerned about their community are now being called the far-right Lots of times. I refer to the population of this fine world we live in as pendulum people. You know, a pendulum swings all the way to the left, all the way to the right, keeps going. It never ends up in the middle. We are a civilization of extremes: the extreme left, the extreme right. Why can't we think clearly? Because the Bible clearly states when we walk away from truth, the holy truth of God, we can no longer make a right decision, and I've talked about this many times. So where are we then? Well, if you disagree, you're an extremist. There's no middle ground where you can just discuss something and try to come to an intelligent conclusion. It's all about emotions today, and the media just continues to fan the emotions. So much is said about, you know, the so-called mainline media, but I don't think enough. It's really sad If we really open our eyes and see what's happening. All they are agitators, and they have the fan and they put it wherever there's a tiny flame and they just continue to nurture that tiny flame until it turns into a raging forest fire, devouring everyone around it. It's a rare occurrence when you can listen to mainstream media and walk away feeling good.




So now, because social media is out of control, I've thought for years it's out of control. I'm sure that many of you have too. I think we need to look to Proverbs today and see what the wisdom of God says. In Proverbs 14, verse 15, it says A simple man believes anything, but a prudent man gives thought to his steps. That can apply to all of us. And in verse 17, it says, A quick-tempered man does foolish things and a crafty man is hated. The plans of those in the dark are terrifying. The enemy himself is in charge because they've walked away from God, and it opens up the door to listen to other spirits.




So now this proposal of an online safety act. I've been off social media for three years. I post my podcast through my software, so I don't have to go on, because it's just muck and mire. People seem to yell at each other and most people just talk out of the side of their mouth. They have read nothing; they haven't looked at anything. They just have listened to their favorite podcast person or their news media or whatever it is, and they just echo those thoughts. They don't go and read into it.




So, the Online Safety Act is supposedly this piece of legislation and we're talking about the UK right now, but this is going to spread throughout the entire West is to force social networks and video streaming media companies to rid their platforms of illegal content. I think they should start with pornography. What do you think? But that's not the issue here. The issue here is hate speech and what they call misinformation.




Now, what is misinformation? Is that information that you don't agree with? What is it exactly? That's the danger. It's supposed to protect people from child sexual abuse, fraud, racial or religious aggravated offenses, incitement to violence, you know, terrorism, the usual stuff, which everybody wants to be safe from. Hate messages. I agree with that 100%. But it's the misinformation that, to me, is so nebulous. Exactly what is that? There are people with podcasts like mine who would probably be banned, and those voices would no longer be heard. Is the Bible considered misinformation? That's an interesting thought.




You see, the world is plunging forward to this new world order and this one world economy and all this stuff we've been talking about since the beginning of time, but it's all now right in front of our face, and part of that is the uncontrolled and unvetted flood of immigrants from all over the world. Anyone should be able to come in and have a fresh experience, be able to grab onto the things that will make them successful. That's the story of immigration. This is going on worldwide now. But to understand what's going on in the UK, we must understand that, just like in the US, as it is in the UK and any other democratic society, we depend on our country, our government and those in official positions to protect us. That is part of their job. As a father, as a grandfather now, I do my best to make the right decisions to protect my family. That's my job. If I tell my family, oh, just go to bed at night, it's fine, you don't need to lock the door or really even close it if you don't want to, they will look at me like I've lost my mind. So that's the reason for the riots in England. Now, are they getting out of control? Well, people always kind of get out of control when they're really mad. But the government could have stopped that, it could have solved that problem. You just vet the people that are coming in. It's fine, we welcome them to be part of our society, to be part of our country. But do your job. All right, let's move on.




Here's an interesting quote: A spokesman for the Department of Science, innovation, and Technology. Quote a spokesman for the Department of Science, innovation, and Technology, which is responsible for overseeing the online safety regulations. They told CNBC the internet cannot be a haven for those seeking to sow division in our communities. Well, who doesn't want to agree with that? Sure, but does that work for both sides of the argument? That's the question. So, if things are being forced on a population that the government deems good but in actuality is not good for the public and you post something against that, I guess then they could say to you well, you're causing division when in reality, why doesn't anyone in the government of any country sit down and say, gee, why are these people so upset? How about sitting down and going? Well, they're upset. Why are they upset? Let's try to figure out if there's some genuine issues there. 



Those of us who believe what the Bible says, who believe it's not just some kind of stories that we can relate somehow to our lives to make us live better, their actual truths are that there's a satanic force that is molding and shaping the world. He's the prince and power, he's the power of this world, the world system, world thinking. That's why Paul tells us in Romans we need to transform our minds. We transform our minds from what the world is teaching us to what Christ is teaching us, to what the Holy Spirit is telling us. So, if you have no knowledge of the Bible, you don't see the real danger. I mean, you can see danger and you could say, wow, this is like out of control, but you don't see the end, where it's going, because you don't know the Word of God. There's a lot of Christians that don't know the Word of God either. They just don't bother with it. If there's a blessing in it, they'll search it out and see if they can get the blessing. But there's so much more to that. Here's a spiritual truth. 




Where does the enemy get its strength from? You'd say. Well, these are fallen angels, Satan himself, the very powerful created creatures that God has made, and that is absolutely true. But if they don't have anybody following them, they don't have any power. It's like a king over a country. You're going to go to war, or president, and he declares oh, we're going to war, this is what we're going to do, or we have to do this to defend our country, or whatever the case may be, and the people say, no, we're not going. The army says, no, we will not go. What power does that president or king have? He has none. It may be legislated in such a way that he has power, but if the people will not obey, he has no power. It's the same way with Satan and the powers of darkness. Proverbs, chapter 14, verse 28 says A large population is the king's glory, but without subjects, a prince is ruined. That's a spiritual truth right there, not just a natural truth. That's the danger of what's happening here. We see the media being controlled by the dark side. You might say well, what is the dark side? It's anything that's contrary to what God says. 




There's a lot of wisdom in Proverbs. I must admit I don't read it as much as I should. Proverbs 14, 16 says A wise man fears the Lord and shuns evil, but a fool is hotheaded and reckless. How many times have you been on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok? On and on and on it goes, and people are just mouthing off saying anything they want. And the sad part is I see people post things and quotes that do not support what they're saying, and they just took that quote from somewhere and pasted it on there without reading it or understanding it. We need to slow down. 




Proverbs 15, verse 2, says the tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouth of the fool gushes folly. Most of the population of this world, unfortunately, is easily led. Why should that alarm us? For many reasons, you hear me reference Hitler and Germany so many times, but history repeats itself. Only this time it's going to be a leader of much greater wickedness than Adolf Hitler. He was able to convince an entire country to sacrifice their lives and go to war thinking that they could dominate the entire world. 




You just flip that a bit and that's exactly what the Antichrist is going to do in the very near future, going to convince the world and even those who are a little skeptical in the beginning. Then he's going to start doing false miracles, false signs, and wonders. Those who do not know the Word of God will easily follow that, even backslidden Christians or people that said oh, I know the Bible and he's working miracles. He must be a God, because working miracles and I believe in those I've seen them in my own life, and I've prayed for people, and they've received miracles through the prayers of so many. But you have to be able to discern the Spirit. Is the Spirit coming from God? Is it peaceful, is it uplifting, is it loving, is it kind, is it nurturing? Without that spiritual discernment and that comes from the Holy Spirit, without the Holy Spirit, a person will not understand what's truly going on. 




That's why the things that are happening today are alarming to those of us who read the Word of God and understand where it's going. Remember, in one word, you can define what the Antichrist will be and any other tyrant that's ever lived on the face of this earth, and that word is control. And we are coming to a place where control is so easy to have With the internet at his disposal, satellites that tell him, where everyone is controlling whatever media there is, so he can bend that in order to reach and to grab those that are in the way, those that do not agree with him, who are putting out false information or false news. That's why we need to be prepared. And you might say, well, you know, church is going to be raptured. I don't have to worry about that stuff. Really, we can't think that way, or else we'll be off the mission. I believe that the rapture will come before the wrath of God falls, but a lot of things are going to happen between now and then, and if we're sitting on top of some spiritual mountaintop waiting for God to call us home, we're not doing God's work. The greatest battle is ahead. The greatest victories are ahead. They're just around the corner. Be encouraged today. The church is powerful when we are in unity with Christ, when we are in the vine, and we stay connected to him. We can do all things he tells us, but apart from him we can do nothing. 




A great example of that is in Joshua, chapter 7, when the people sinned, and they went up against Ai and they lost, and they were beaten badly, and Joshua was destroyed by that in his spirit. They had just conquered Jericho. Everything was great and he fell to his knees, sackcloth, and ashes, and cried out to God, you know why did this happen? Why did you let this happen? And I love the Lord's answer. The Lord said to Joshua stand up, what are you doing down on your face? Israel has sinned. They have violated my covenant, which I commanded them to keep. They have taken some of the devoted things and they have stolen, and they have lied, and they have put them in their own possession. That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies. They turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. So, what happened? Because there was sin in the camp. They had no victory. They did all the things that looked good. They were hollering and screaming, grabbing their weapons and they went out there and they got beat badly, and the reason was it was sin in the camp. 




Proverbs 16, verse 6 says through love and faithfulness, sin is atoned for. Through the fear of the Lord, a man avoids evil. God is willing and able to get us on our feet again once we've sinned, and that's what the church needs to do. We need to get on our knees, forsake everything else, confess our sin, and the strength of the Holy Spirit and the power in the name of Jesus Christ will enable us to defeat the enemy. God has given us that privilege to tear down strongholds when we turn to God with all our hearts, which he's so willing to forgive, get us on our feet, like he said to Joshua, what are you doing? Stand up. God wants us moving forward. He doesn't want us to wallow in our sin and our disappointment and our defeats. He's saying, what are you doing? Just get up, confess your sin, and get moving, for have great victories for you ahead. So, I pray this has been a blessing to you. I just want to see us all ready. I want to see us in the vineyard working when the trumpet calls. 




I want to thank all those who've been supporting the ministry. It means so much and it's a blessing to know that people appreciate what the Lord is doing in this podcast, and I just want to thank people like Connie and Marlene and Debbie and Ken, all these people who have signed up recently. I appreciate your support and if you are led to do so, go on and click on support the show. You can support the show for $5, $10, or $15 dollars each month. It's all greatly appreciated. This is Russ Scalzo for Chronicles of the End Times. God bless, keep looking up. The King is coming. 

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