Chronicles of the End Times

Supernatural Hate for Trump

September 16, 2024 Russ Scalzo

Can Christians afford to stay quiet amidst growing political turmoil? With the recent attempt on former President Trump's life underscoring the surge in violence and hate, and how this affects our freedom of speech. We explore the balance of being firm in our beliefs while maintaining a respectful, Christ-like demeanor, even when faced with scorn and opposition. The urgency of this message can't be overstated as we confront the darkness spreading across the globe and highlight the power and necessity of truth.

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Welcome everyone. This is Russ Scalzo. Chronicles of the End Times. Thank you for listening in today. 


Yesterday we had another attempt on former President Trump's life Seems to be a monthly occurrence. I just want to say that type of hate is from Satan himself. If you cannot debate with someone, you cannot disagree with someone, even heatedly, without thinking I'm going to get a gun and shoot him. That is a cancer that comes from hell. Whichever way you're going to vote this year is a matter of conscience and commitment to whatever side you believe in. The scary part of what's happening is that it's a direct threat to our freedom of speech. If you can't speak your mind civilly, there's something wrong. So today we're going to talk about where God stands on all of this. As the Church of Jesus Christ, are we supposed to stay out of politics? Are we supposed to stay huddled in the corner in our Bible studies or in our church and allow people to erroneously quote statements about church and state? Stay in your corner, don't get out of your lane. That's where you belong. 


Yet in the Muslim world that we see growing exponentially throughout the world. I suggest a couple of books by Douglas Murray, the War on the West and the Strange Death of Europe, because what we're seeing there is coming here. Europe will no longer be the Europe of old because of the great immigration legally and illegally in Europe. But did you know that in London, when the call of prayer comes in the mosques, they're allowed to use the outdoor speakers and blast it into the streets? If you're a Christian, that should bother you. You imagine if you try to do that in your neighborhood or in your city, in your town, it's time for church, so we want to broadcast it over loudspeakers through the neighborhood. I don't think they would allow it, do you? I say all that to say that times are changing and changing rapidly. Today we're going to look at some scriptures where men and women have stood up and defended their faith and told the truth. Sometimes the results were good and sometimes they were disastrous, but that's the chance we have to take when we stand up for what is right. If we stay compliant, the enemy will run over us like a freight train. 


There's a quote that I'm sure that you have heard more than once. It is attributed to Edmund Burke, but it really should be attributed to John Stuart Mill. He is a Unitarian philosopher who delivered an 1867 inaugural address at the University of St Andrews. It's just one paragraph. I'm going to read it to you. Let not anyone pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part and forms no opinion. Bad men need nothing more to come past their ends than that good men should look on and do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrongs to be committed in his name and with the means which he helps to supply, because he will not trouble himself to use his mind on the subject. 


Spoken a little different from the language of the 1800s, but no less powerful, we can do a lot of things, and we've talked about this before. Read our Bibles. We can pray, and they are the lifeblood that is our breathing in and breathing out. It keeps our spiritual life alive. But also afterward, we need to stand. That's what the Scripture tells us. Having done all these things, Paul tells us to stand. Stand. 


Therefore, it's good to let people know, in a very caring, Jesus-like way, who you are and what you believe. Otherwise, how would they know where to go when they're in trouble and when life sands them down or you hit the wall, where to go? Yes, there will be mockers we are surrounded by them, but then there are those who are quietly sitting back, who desperately want to know the truth. We want to know how to have peace. Where are we going? Where is this world going? How is this going to end? When they see the light in you, they will come and ask those questions, because the Holy Spirit will make sure of it. We are living in a very violent age. We don't like to be told when we're doing something wrong. I know I don't. It's not very pleasant, and I really hated it when I wasn't saved, and by the light that was in other people, I knew I was doing things I shouldn't do. Instead, I just ran from it with my hands over my ears. 


The conviction of the Holy Spirit is very, very powerful, and you can read in Acts, chapter 7, the story of Stephen and how he, under the power of the Holy Spirit, spoke to these religious people about Jesus Christ. I'm just going to read a couple of verses from that chapter. When you get a chance, read the whole chapter. It's very powerful. I'm going to begin with verse 51. 


You stiff-necked people with uncircumcised hearts and ears. You are just like your fathers. You have always resisted the Holy Spirit. Was there ever a prophet? Your fathers did not persecute, they even killed those who predicted the coming of the righteous one. And now you have betrayed and murdered him, you who have received the law that was put into effect through angels but have not obeyed it. When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. Has that ever happened to you in some way? 


People do not like to hear the truth. We didn't like to hear it before we were saved, either. But the truth is powerful, and that's why Jesus said the truth will set you free. Darkness is not creeping over the earth. It is a tsunami, and no country is exempt. The East, the Middle East, the South, the United States, all of North America, South America, Australia. There's no place in the world where darkness is not overcoming like a great tsunami. Yet we have the power to stand in front of it, for Paul tells us we have the power to tear down and demolish strongholds, but yet we're not taking advantage of that. 


There is a new Christianity that is abounding. I call it the designer God. Right, we're just like designing our own God and do what we want with it. When I used to see my girls when they were young playing with their dolls and designing and redesigning things, or any of my grandchildren building things and changing them and rebuilding them, that's what it seems like to me. We are building our gods, no different from in the Old Testament, no different than 3,000, 4,000, 5,000 years ago and more. We build our idols; we build our gods to look like us. We don't realize what we're doing, but that's what we're doing in our minds. We're building our gods just like us. This way, we won't have any problem with them. Right, there's no issue there. They're just like us and that works really well for our lives. But we can do that all day long. Despite that, there is a God who's created all things, the same God that created the universe and keeps it in place by his spoken word. He's given us his spoken word. In fact, he's given us his word in the flesh in Jesus Christ. Not only did he put it in print and etched on stones, but he gave it to us in the flesh. 


Once there's rebellion, there's no more order. We're seeing that today. Just look around all these nations. There's no more order. Things are so upside down and confused because we have no more laws. Our laws are all weird. We keep changing our laws. If God ever changed his laws as many times as we change ours and our feelings about what's right and what's wrong, we would no longer have a universe. Everything needs order and because we've taken that out, there is no resistance to evil. Everything is good, everything is gold, everything's fine. That's a problem. If you're telling your kids or your grandkids everything's fine, whatever you do is cool, everything is good. You're not doing that many favors. God created structure that we might have peace, and when we tear down that structure, we no longer have peace. And that goes for whether you love Jesus Christ or you're an atheist or whatever you declare to be. We must have order. You get in your car, and you push the button or turn the key. It starts all the engines working, everything is going as it is designed and you get in it, and you go, and when you stop at a traffic light, it's designed, it has order. It doesn't arbitrarily change in the middle of the traffic. The sun doesn't arbitrarily change and say you know what? I'm going to stay out another couple of hours longer. Today, there is order, divine, supernatural order. 


Many of you who listen to this podcast read the Word of God, and you follow the Word of God, and you want to know what's going on in the world. That's why you listen to this podcast and others, but there are many, unfortunately, who live in the shallow water. They don't want to know what's going on. They don't want to see what's going on, they just want to live their lives. Unfortunately, that is a luxury we don't have. I want to end with this thought today in Hebrews, chapter 5. I'm just going to read four verses, beginning with verse 11. 


Here, the writer of Hebrews is challenging his readers and his listeners. We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn. In fact, though, by this time you ought to be teachers. You need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again. You need milk, not solid food. Anyone who lives on milk, being still an infant, is not acquainted with the teaching about righteousness, but solid food is for the mature who, by constant use, have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. That is what I want to focus on who, by constant use, have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Why can't the world distinguish between good and evil? And a better question is why can't the church distinguish between good and evil? Because they haven't trained themselves to distinguish between good and evil. And how do you train yourself? 


You read the Bible; you read God's Word. It plants in your brain; it gets into your heart, it's your library, it's your digital library in your head. And when something comes up, you go whoa, that's not good. How do you know that? Because it's in your memory banks and the Holy Spirit is pulling it up. In one point of scripture, Jesus is telling them when you go before kings, you go before princes, when you're before the crowds, don't worry about what you're going to say, because the Holy Spirit will remind you of the words that I have spoken. If we don't hear it and we don't read it, how can the Holy Spirit remind us of it? So, see, it's two parts, right? You and the Holy Spirit, me and the Holy Spirit. If I don't read it, if I don't study it, how is the Holy Spirit going to bring it to my mind? So, we must partner with God, we must partner with the Holy Spirit. That is so important. Then we will distinguish between good and evil. 


I pray this has been a blessing to you today. My heart's desire and the desire of the Holy Spirit are for us to be in constant contact with Jesus Christ. We are in desperate times. We cannot afford to take a vacation from God or to take our Christianity or our faith lightly, or the battle that is before us. If you enjoyed the podcast, please click on SUPPORT

I thank all of you who have been contributing. It means a lot to this ministry, so God bless. This is Russ Scalzo for Chronicles of the End Times. Keep looking up. The King is coming. 

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