Chronicles of the End Times

The Two Witnesses: End Times Prophets and the Call to Prepare

Russ Scalzo

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Join us on Russ Scalzo Chronicles of the End Times as we dissect the prophetic vision of the two witnesses from Revelation, chapter 11, and explore its crucial relevance to a world entrenched in spiritual darkness and deception. We tackle the pervasive influence of social media on our intellect and press the urgent necessity of seeking unwavering truth through the Word of God. The manipulative forces at play in our society are laid bare, and we underscore the essential role Christians must embrace in discerning and radiating God's unchanging truth. Drawing parallels to Winston Churchill's evocative poem "The Clattering Train," we stress the church's duty to stay vigilant and alarm a politically blinded world.

As we transition our focus, prepare for a riveting discussion on the escalating severity of Earth's conditions as prophesied in Revelation. By connecting these dire forecasts to the plagues of Egypt, we underline the critical role of God's prophets and the pressing need for spiritual readiness. The episode calls for a renewed commitment and empowerment by the Holy Spirit, urging listeners to be spiritually awake for the eventual return of Christ. With heartfelt gratitude to our supporters, we introduce an exciting new feature for interactive audience engagement, inviting your questions and comments. Stay vigilant and steadfast in your faith as we navigate these tumultuous times together.

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Welcome everyone. This is Russ Scalzo Chronicles of the End Times. Thank you for being with me today. Today we're going to look at what it will look like in the years to come when two prophets, two witnesses, show up and declare the glory of God. How does that relate to where we are? We can see that things are being twisted and turned.




People talk about fact-checking, making sure that things are what they're supposed to be, and they dig down and they say well, that's a false fact. How do we know that? How do we know where they're digging to find that fact? You and I can dig into the Word of God, into our Bibles. That is the truth that never changes. That is the truth that's been laid down since the beginning of time. That truth is Jesus Christ. That truth is God, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. That's how we know that. That truth never changes. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.




So, I've said this many times no matter what side of the aisle you're on, if you are looking for truth and fairness, you can see how messed up this whole procedure is and what things have been done to hide the truth. What things have been done to keep the ruling power in place. What is the endgame? What will it be like, as we're going to look ahead through the telescope, through time, to Revelation, chapter 11, and this is after the rapture of the church, which we don't know when that's going to be? We know two things about the rapture. One, God is coming to take his own. Two, it will be sudden and without warning. We've been talking about the spiritual darkness and how it's on the rise, how it's infiltrated so many people's minds and how people can't seem to think for themselves. I truly believe social media has lowered the IQ of the world, especially here in the United States. According to News Nation, an IQ researcher cites increased consumption of digital media and entertainment, as well as less time spent reading and writing, as likely factors behind falling IQ scores in the United States. Something to think about.




It's often joked about that if it's not 30 seconds on TikTok, people can't digest it, which means we, as Christians, those who are following Jesus Christ, we need to read; we need to be knowledgeable. We don't have the luxury of ignorance that others seem to have. We must see clearly; we must look at ourselves in the mirror and we must see ourselves as we are through the Word of God. That's number one. And then we need to see on the outside what is truth and what's not, because deception is just that, for Satan is a deceiver. He is the king of liars; he is the originator of the lie. We read that in Isaiah. He cannot tell the truth; he cannot do so. He is clothed in darkness, and that darkness has even dulled his exceptional intellect. Remember, he had great power in heaven. He was a powerful angel given many gifts by God. Even with that incredible intellect and knowledge, it has been dulled by sin; it has been dulled by rebellion and he has put on a cloak of darkness. If we are not careful, we will be swallowed up in that darkness. So, we need to be clothed with the light of Jesus Christ and filled with the Word of God. If the word of God is in us, it will radiate right through us. We will be like a burning light and those that are spiritual, demons, Satan himself, the fallen angels, and those possessed by his spirit will fear us because of the light that is permeating our body and shining forth because of the presence of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. That's where the power comes from. That's how we can turn the tide. Now I believe the world is on its way. It's a train wreck.




Winston Churchill wrote the poem about the Clattering Train. I often quote this. I'm just going to read the end. "For the pace is hot and the points are near, and sleep hath deadened the driver's ear. Signals flash through the night in vain. Death is in charge of the clattering train. That's a bone-chilling ending to that poem.




That poem talks about political leaders and how they are running different countries? But I like to equate it to the church of Jesus Christ. So, who is in charge of the clattering train, this runaway train on the rails? The poem says that the engineer is asleep. Although the warning lights and the signs are flashing in the night along the track, they don't see it.




I liken that to us. We are the church, and if we're not aware of the things that are happening around us, if we are blind to them or if we decide not to look at them because it's too controversial, who then will sound the alarm? Some people look at me and other podcasters who talk about the coming of Christ and the warning signs we see like conspiracy theorists. That seems to be the catchphrase today of people you just want to write off and not listen to. But God has given you and me the privilege of looking into the future, and with that privilege comes a responsibility. All God asks us to do is to honor him and to plant the seed of truth, and it's up to the Holy Spirit to water that and make it grow. So how bad will it get? In the beginning of this podcast, I mentioned the two witnesses. That is a perfect example of how bad it will get, and I believe that is after the rapture of the church.




So, when we see all this evil going on around us, the manipulation of our democracy, the brainwashing that's going on, people that believe stuff without reading it, we see that certain fact-checking is not fact-finding at all. It all depends on where you dig for the facts. That's why the Word of God is our light, our guide. It's the only place you can dig and find the actual truth and also find out what's going to happen in the future. It's all here. So, let's look at chapter 11. The world at this point in history is totally taken over with the darkness, totally brainwashed.




But God always has a witness. Let's check it out. We're going to pick it up in verse three. "And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. These men have power to shut up the sky so it will not rain during the time they are prophesying, and they have power to turn the waters inr to blood and to strike the earth withevery kind of plague as often as they want. 



There's been much speculation about who these two witnesses would be. Many theologians believe they will be Moses and Elijah because of the miracles that they will do. But I believe they will be like them, but they won't be Moses and Elijah. Just as in the first coming of Jesus Christ, John the Baptist came, and they were looking for Elijah, but Elijah didn't come. But it was John the Baptist who had the spirit of Elijah. But who they are and what their names are not important in this situation? It's what they can do through the power that God has given them. 




The scripture refers to them as two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. We see that prophecy in Zechariah, chapter four. "What are these two olive branches beside the two golden pipes that pour out golden oil? He replied, Do you not know what these are? No, my Lord, I said so. He said these are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth." So, these are two anointed prophets, and the scripture does not give their name. They are given the same anointing as Moses and Elijah had. 




So, let's try to imagine this. The world has rebelled against God. They have a new leader and pretty much they're doing whatever they want. Just imagine what the world would be like if there were no Christians on the earth today if there was no voice of reason or no voice of compassion and forgiveness. God's plan has always been to use people, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to do his work. But once the Christians are gone, once that voice is gone, the Holy Spirit is still here, but there's no one to hear his voice and obey. Thus, you get the reign of the Antichrist. 




So, for two and a half years, these prophets speak the word of God and warn the people what's coming. That's the amazing grace of God. Imagine it Two and a half years. Listen to the word of God. This is what the Lord says. Judgment is coming. Repent, turn from your wicked ways and God will heal you. And they continue to go their own way. They continue to rebel. Doesn't that sound exactly like the Old Testament, where God would send his prophets to Israel and to tell them to repent and to turn? So God could heal them, but they wouldn't listen. Therefore, the Babylonians came, before that, the Assyrians. But after each plague comes that the prophets send down, whether it be fire from the sky, drought, earthquakes, the people would still not repent. When you look at it that way, you begin to see that the seeds that have been planted by the spirit of Antichrist are already flourishing in the present. 




Let's read on. "When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from out of the abyss will attack them and overpower and kill them. Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified for three and a half days. Men from every tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets have tormented those who live on the earth." This should give us a good picture of what the earth is going to be like in the very near future, if the people of this earth continue to be blind to the truth and numb to wisdom and knowledge. So how bad will it be? Well, you just heard it. These two are going to be killed, and it's going to be like Christmas and New Year's put together. A tremendous celebration. All over the earth, people will be giving each other gifts and partying. 




But then something happens that they didn't foresee, verse 11. "But after the three and a half days, a breath of life from God entered them and they stood on their feet and terror struck those who saw them. Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them Come up here. And they went up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies looked on. At that very hour, there was a severe earthquake and a tenth of the city collapsed. 7,000 people were killed in the earthquake and the survivors were terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven." What a scene. 




So, here, amid all this evil. These two witnesses show up. So, for three and a half years they're going to testify to the greatness of God and preach repentance, but the people's hearts hardened and the earth rebels, and Satan himself, with his Antichrist, comes against them. But they cannot be killed. You can imagine the frustration of the Antichrist and his followers. At this point. They're on worldwide TV, social media, just covering everything. Who knows how many apps or new applications there will be at that time? People will be cursing them, yet some will fear them. 




This tells us that the earth is going to get so bad that God has to go to extremes, and so the same plagues that these prophets call down upon the earth will be the same type of plagues God used in Egypt. And when it's all done, they will rise three and a half days later and go into heaven. Although this is in the middle of the book of Revelation, it describes the last three and a half years of the tribulation. We can't afford to be on that clattering train that's just flying through time with their eyes closed. We are the voice of God. We are now his witnesses until we're taken away, so let's pray that God will give us a new touch of the Holy Spirit. We should be hungry for that and desire that. Allow the Lord to do what he wants to do in our lives. 




Thank you so much for listening today. I pray. It's been a blessing to you. God is looking for warriors, prayer warriors, and for those who will be witnessed for him. I want to give a shout out to Irene and to Marsha, who just recently supported the show, and for all those who support the show. It helps us take this podcast to new places, reach more listeners, more people who need to know the truth and hear about the hope of Jesus Christ. As always, click on support in the transcript or go to We've added a new feature where you can text the show. It's a special number. You text Chronicles and we will respond on the podcast, answer questions, or talk about any comments that you might have. Thank you so much. This is Russ Scalzo of Chronicles of the End Times. Keep looking up. The King is coming. 

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