MedStar Health DocTalk
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MedStar Health DocTalk
Lung nodules
Lung nodules are found in up to half of adults who get a chest x-ray or CT scan. Often called a spot on the lung or a shadow, they usually don’t cause any noticeable problems. However, in some cases, they can be an early sign of cancer. That’s why it’s important to seek follow-up care to accurately diagnose and monitor lung nodules. During this podcast, Dr. Ziv Gamliel, chief of Thoracic Surgery at The Angelos Center for Lung Diseases at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center discusses lung nodules…what they are and how they are diagnosed and treated.
For interviews with Dr. Gamliel, or for more information about this podcast, contact Regional Media Relations Director, debra.schindler@medstar.net.
Learn more about Dr. Gamliel here.
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