MedStar Health DocTalk
Comprehensive, relevant and insightful conversations about health and medicine happen here… on MedStar Health Doc Talk. Join us for real conversations with physician experts from around the largest healthcare system in the Maryland-DC region.
MedStar Health DocTalk
Integrated surgery: latest surgical advances
Comprehensive, relevant and insightful conversations about health and medicine happen here… on MedStar Health DocTalk. Join us for real conversations with physician experts from around the largest healthcare system in the Maryland-DC region.
A new surgical tower opened at MedStar Franklin Square Medical Center in Baltimore, Maryland... culminating a ten-year growth at a 50-year old community hospital. For patients, the future of surgery means so much more than updating the space. Today, we talk with Regional Chief of Surgery for MedStar Health, Dr. David Stein about the bigger picture of updating OR technology and what it means for patients.
For more episodes of MedStar Health DocTalk, go to medstarhealth.org/doctalk.