MedStar Health DocTalk

Young people and heart health featuring Miss D.C. 2023

MedStar Health Physicians Season 4 Episode 3
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00:00 | 35:12

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In this heart-stirring episode of MedStar Health DocTalk, we delve into the alarming trend of heart attack fatalities among the young. With heart disease steadfastly holding its ground as the leading cause of death in the U.S., our host Debra Schindler sits down with cardiologists Dr. Barbara Srichai and Dr. Estelle Jean from the MedStar Heart and Vascular Institute to dissect the why's and how's of this disturbing rise.

The episode takes an unexpected turn with the inspiring story of Jude Mabone, Miss District of Columbia 2023, who shares her jaw-dropping experience of surviving six heart attacks before turning 18. Her advocacy for heart health education, CPR, and AED awareness is a beacon of hope and action. 

Together, our experts and special guest unravel the symptoms that young people should not ignore, the impact of lifestyle choices, and the silent threat of conditions like hypertension and diabetes. They stress the importance of early intervention, knowing your body, and never dismissing potential warning signs of heart distress.

As we navigate through the nuances of heart health in the young, including the role of substance abuse and vaping, we're reminded that heart disease does not discriminate by age. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to understand the critical importance of heart health vigilance, from adolescence through adulthood.

For a pulse on the latest in heart health, tune in to MedStar Health DocTalk, where real conversations with physician experts pave the way for a healthier tomorrow. For more episodes, visit

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