Market Meditations
Market Meditations, hosted by Koroush AK, is about entrepreneurship, finance, Bitcoin and trading. Koroush analyzes exceptional performers to extract ideas, stories and lessons that listeners can use to build a richer life.
Market Meditations
#24 Is Bitcoin Better than Gold? With Quinten Francois
Koroush AK
Quinten (@QuintenFrancois) is a crypto youtuber, investor and author of the Dutch book 'De Bitcoin Revolutie'. He is the founder of popular Youtube channel Young and Investing that has grown to 69k subscribers making him one of the biggest influencers in the Benelux. Quinten is also the founder of the Facebook community Cryptocurrency Investing which also has more than 70,000 members.
Follow: @QuintenFrancois
Website: Young And Investing
My Twitter: @koroushak
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