E2: Ryan Phillips

Livegan / Ryan Phillips

In this episode, we interview Ryan Phillips, an inspiring individual who has dedicated his entire life to the animal rights movement. He fights for the justice, love, and moral respect the billions of animals with whom we share this planet deserve. He is a man of action, not afraid to say what he thinks. He is not a shy activist. He is an artist, creator of Art from a vegan heart He is a cartoonist, creator of The Carnies (if South Park went vegan). He has published a children’s book about the founder of Pig Save, Anita Krajnc. He has been banned from Trader Joes. He has been kicked out of Walmart He stood on a street corner in Williamsburg, VA for 136 days in a row holding up protest signs for animals. He has adopted three pigs and is currently traveling the USA with two pigs to college campuses while giving talks about animal rights. He is on a mission - a very successful mission - to awaken people from their dogmatic slumbers. He is the David Hume of our time. We are so excited to introduce him as our first ever guest on The Livegan Podcast!

Excuse of the Day: I only eat humane meat tho!

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