Showing Up Whole

Wisdom from Parenthood: 5 Spiritual Lessons from Being a Mom

May 05, 2023 Christina Fletcher Season 3 Episode 30
Wisdom from Parenthood: 5 Spiritual Lessons from Being a Mom
Showing Up Whole
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Showing Up Whole
Wisdom from Parenthood: 5 Spiritual Lessons from Being a Mom
May 05, 2023 Season 3 Episode 30
Christina Fletcher

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Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in life. 
In this episode, in honor of Mother's Day in the US and Canada, Christina Fletcher talks about  5 ways how parenting taught her to be more spiritually aware and ditch the shoulds imposed by others.
 She shares how she learned to witness her children’s transformations, listen to the energy of the room, and connect deeply with others. She also emphasizes the importance of imagination and play for adults and children alike. 
If you’re looking for some spiritual parenting tips or want to hear some inspiring stories from a spiritually aware mom, this episode is for you.
You will hear:

  • How to trusting the Ages and Stages of Life
  • Ditchthe Shoulds and Leaning into Inner Guidance
  • 9:49
  • The Power of Imagination and Play in Manifestation
  • 14:05
  • Exploring the Impact of Roles on Connection
  • 18:12
  • Moving past roles in relationships
  • Navigating the Energy of the Room  24:14

In this episode Christina shares some helpful resources including:

Her course CO-PARENTING WITH THE UNIVERSE, which is a self led program taking you through the 3 phases of Spiritually Aware Parenting.

The Guide to Set your self free from the Guilt imposed by others! It's a free PDF and video lesson to start shifting from the outer opinions to the inner callings!

and the virtual Mother's Day event, taking place May 14th 2023,
A Mom's Day of Virtual Pampering!

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.

She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual life and parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 yea

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:

Show Notes Transcript

Send us a Text Message.

Parenting is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences in life. 
In this episode, in honor of Mother's Day in the US and Canada, Christina Fletcher talks about  5 ways how parenting taught her to be more spiritually aware and ditch the shoulds imposed by others.
 She shares how she learned to witness her children’s transformations, listen to the energy of the room, and connect deeply with others. She also emphasizes the importance of imagination and play for adults and children alike. 
If you’re looking for some spiritual parenting tips or want to hear some inspiring stories from a spiritually aware mom, this episode is for you.
You will hear:

  • How to trusting the Ages and Stages of Life
  • Ditchthe Shoulds and Leaning into Inner Guidance
  • 9:49
  • The Power of Imagination and Play in Manifestation
  • 14:05
  • Exploring the Impact of Roles on Connection
  • 18:12
  • Moving past roles in relationships
  • Navigating the Energy of the Room  24:14

In this episode Christina shares some helpful resources including:

Her course CO-PARENTING WITH THE UNIVERSE, which is a self led program taking you through the 3 phases of Spiritually Aware Parenting.

The Guide to Set your self free from the Guilt imposed by others! It's a free PDF and video lesson to start shifting from the outer opinions to the inner callings!

and the virtual Mother's Day event, taking place May 14th 2023,
A Mom's Day of Virtual Pampering!

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.

She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living.
Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual life and parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 yea

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:

Hi and welcome back to showing up Whole the place where we discuss balance in mind, body, heart and spirit in every aspect of our lives. Today I want to kind of rewind a little bit on my experience, in coaching and in spiritually where living, and I want to talk a little bit about My lessons as a parent, we are headed into the North American Mother's Day, and there's some beautiful offerings that are coming out, along the way you'll see them in social media, especially over on my social media.

And at the same time, we're also in a time of the eclipse of a lot of new full moon energy. And within that, I want to just lean into the various transformations and the five lessons that I've learned through being a mom. Hi and welcome back. You know, I was sitting here planning what I was gonna talk about today and with all the different discussions and arrangements I have around some things that are coming up around Mother's Day. It did seem like a bit of a reflective time. I think the Eclipse also does that at the same time as well.

Where, where you kind of lean into the various chapters of your life and explore what you've learnt. I do anyway. And I've had a few conversations just about parenting over the last few days, few weeks and, and it really got me thinking about Being a mom has taught me. It's fascinating to talk to parents of young children now because I was there, I knew, you know, I, I was in the flow of having toddlers or having, young school age children and now with my, my children being, you know, 20 and 19 and even my son's trading 14 in a few months and and there's such a totally different energy in our house.

Everybody has their own lives, everyone has their own interests, everyone has their own passions. And it, it always fascinates me. Well, I guess how much time I actually have in pursuing my own things. And at the same time, too, the the different aspects that unfold around each other. We connect what we all value The fact that my children still come making sure they have family breakfast and family dinner with us, there's no way that we're going to get up earlier than them to eat. As soon as it's time for food, they are there.

But still, I wanted to just take a little bit of time to explore and talk to you. My lessons as a parent. Simply because as well, I had a conversation earlier today, about being a parent meant for me the transformations that take place. I'm actually gonna do this total blog style in a lot of ways and I am gonna say I got five lessons, five different Things that I've learned from parenting and I was just sitting jotting them down. So, so the 1st one, this is the 1st one. That ages and stages don't stop.

We are continually moving through ages and stages. It's not a question of we finish at 18 and we're done, we're there. There is a continual flow in life, and what that flow means is that Be willing to let go of the past experiences. You know, you watch a small child and they move from one step into the other. A total fluidity. It just flows. You know, they don't ever stop and resist that change. They're eager for change, you know, they work continually for the next new evolution, the new perspective.

They move from learning how to crawl, to learning how to walk, to learning how to run, to learning how to dance. And each of those evolutionary stages is a one of eagerness for them. Somewhere along the line we we learn how to resist that. We tend to create these patterns and you know, you've heard me talk about neural pathways before, and we create these neural pathways that resist change. It's an interesting thing to lean into your own ages and stages now, and I don't mean that from I'm getting older perspective, I mean, what are the new chapters?

I mean, here we are in a mass of eclipse like it, it really is a lot of like, The eclipse energy that's flowing right now is, is pretty spectacular, but that really is geared around transformation. What does that mean for you? How? What are you leaning into in that next chapter? If you have children, I actually encourage you to. To witness them, to take a step back and actually witness and celebrate their transformations, because they do it gradually and steadily. You know, you look at photos from your past few years.

I I had this great moment the other day where I happened to need to clear out my Outlook account, and I went to clear out the Outlook account, and I couldn't figure out where all this memory was going because emails shouldn't take that much storage. And I happen to find that on my one drive there was all of these old I had totally forgotten about these. I did not know anything was being saved to that account. And then it slowly, I slowly scrolled through all of these memories and I witnessed in, in scrolling time the transformations of my kids, you know, and Sometimes that can feel bitter sweet instead.

I witnessed it from this place of awe. If you want to rewind back to the Power of Awe podcast episodes about a few months ago, I highly encourage you to do so because when you actually take a step back and with simple awe and wonder explore the transformation and evolution of your kids as well as yourself, then the pressures of ages and stages shift and instead you just see this. Unfolding of life. I mean, sure, my husband and I looked at each other, said, my goodness, we, we've aged a little bit over those, those years.

But at the same time I looked at myself and I wanted to just revisit myself then and say, Oh my goodness, you're never gonna guesss how life is now. I wanted to give her a hug and actually just say This shifts believe and trust in the ages and stages of time. That's my lesson one. Trust whatever you're in now. That this is an ages and stages moment. Means that it changes. Nothing is forever. You will find that the transformation can be filled with all. And if you're wondering what that ages and stages term comes from, I I should have explained that at the beginning.

It It's something that I use in my my course that I made for parents called co parenting for the universe. Which really talks about developing patients and understanding for the different ages and stages your children are at. And so it. I, I've often used that term when, when I'm working with my parent and clients, where it is about understanding what the ages and stages are and understanding the just brain development as well as, spiritual development as well as physical development and, and, and emotional development and understanding what that is.

And that's what's so fascinating that that does continue for us as well. We are always growing, always changing, always in a new stage, always in a new chapter. And that's how it's to flow, okay? Lesson number two I learned how to ditch the shoulds Ditch the shood. I wrote a little note when I was jotting this down, and said, There is so many opinion, loud opinion, but they rarely to you. Know. I know that when I started off as a parent filled with Shd shoulds about everything. There were shoulds that I felt that was coming from society, I'd been passed down from what I'd witnessed.

Ditching the Shoulds and Leaning into Inner Guidance

Christina Fletcher10:33

There was shoulds that I'd been passed down by family, there was from friends, there was things that I'd seen online. Not very much, cause when I started parenting there wasn't that much online, but still I was seeing, oh, even from books, from e fiction, you know, and, and some of them were great examples. And yet, whereas I was witnessing these amazing examples of parents They weren't my experience. So it was always an outward pull, it always meant that I was leaning into someone else's experience.

It took a few years and a lot of inner work to lean into the shoulds I needed to let go of and the bravery to make the decision to ditch thes, bravery to release those Sds. It takes time because you don't want to actually admit that you Listening to the crowd, you you want to feel into living your own experience. But it just, you have to ditch the Shs and instead lean into your own individual Shs. It's important to. And I mean, if you've downloaded my to releasing the guilt imposed by others.

Which the link is actually down below. You'll know that there it's, it's about ditching the shoulds imposed by others, but instead, and, and as you do so, uncovering the inner callings that are bubbling up from within you. Because that's the trick. Turn down the volume of all the outer shoulds and all those imposed shoulds. Then suddenly you uncover your inner voice, suddenly your inner guidance shoots through the roof and you just know, you know the nudges, you know how you need to deal with the situation, you know what your children need, you know what the people you love need, you know what you need, you know what you're being asked for and and it's like a beautiful muscle that needs stretching, where you just all of a sudden watch it as, as the more you practice and the more you practice, the more.

The just kind of bounce off of you, but it does take that initial decision and courageous move to ditch those Because, honestly, I will, I promise you. There are so many loud opinions, but they rarely apply to you. So take a look at all of the things you are telling yourself you should do, and just ask and lean into why? Why why is that you should why is that something you should do and if if you want some practical applications or that I highly recommend you download the the the guide that's in the link or over on the website it's on the tab set yourself free over on spiritually we living dot com and honestly you will be shocked how many should just start bubbling up and when you actually poke around them you can't really justify leaning into them so ditch the shoulds that's my number two for sure hundred percent okay three imagination And play is everything.

The Power of Imagination and Play in Manifestation


Christina Fletcher14:05

Imagination, Honestly, children on a whole. Have taught me the magic and openness of play and imagination. I had a great imagination as a kid. I was always living in imaginary worlds. I had a huge family of dolls and they were incredibly real to me and I even had like just imaginary friends galore. And it really taught me so much about spirituality, spiritual connection, manifestation and magic like that. Like basically sums it up and then I think it's very, very natural to start, to quote grow up and then when all of a sudden you become a parent or you start to become around other children,Then you start to feel the energy shift. Simply by an imaginary game or by witnessing play, when you actually allow yourself to slow down and witness play. You get reminded what it's actually light like to feel lightness, to feel that openness, to feel that inspiration, to feel that flow. You know, we don't, we don't talk enough about imagination and play for Adults, You know, it's so flowing. You know you watch children play, and you watch as the ideas just keep coming, and they just say Yes at every turn you witness, as their games grow into the complete absurdity.

But at the same time Underneath there is this magic just flowing and they are creating an energy. It's an interesting thing to lean into your own imagination from when you were a child and actually ask where you were. What was the energy of your favorite imagination? Imaginary world? What was the feeling space you like to create? Because I have found that when I actually relay back, I found that, that it often shows up for me now. Imagination and play from a child's perspective is really such a powerful pivotal point of manifestation.

And when you actually allow a child the space to play, which the conversation, we don't do enough in the culture that we live in, but still, when you do for your own, it's just all inspiring, wonderful. All inspiring, wonderful. So imagination and play, absolutely okay. So we've, we've leaned into to a few different aspects of this right and and I'm really curious about what your thoughts are so by all means I'd love to I'd love to hear so feel free to just email me over at christina spiritually I living dot com or post something on social media because I am fascinated by the lessons that we learned from our life experiences from these different chapters in our lives And whether you're a parent or not and you're listening to this, you know, I would love to hear those takeaways because it's fascinating to see these chapters unfold, okay?

Number four Number four is from a young age we are taught to play a role. And yet connection is everything, you know. It's so funny, cause if you had asked me when I was little what I wanted to, you know what? What I like to play in those imaginary games I was just mentioning. If you were to ask me well, what Um, what role would I want? I would always say mom, I would talk about different jobs that I wanted. I wanted to be a singer, I wanted to be an actress, I wanted to be a writer, I wanted to do these things, but still, if I was in the game, it's like I'll be the mom.

Exploring the Impact of Roles on Connection


Christina Fletcher18:27

I think it became really, really a stark truth for me realized. Being a mom, just like being a s, a wife, husband, partner, being, a sister, daughter, these aren't roles. You have to fire yourself from the idea of a role in these. It's really, really complicated because it's so ingrained in our society to see these as roles. To see them as this thing that we fulfill. It's like you catch yourself saying things like, well, yeah, but I have to do that because I'm a mom. Well, yeah, but I have to do that because I'm the sister.

You have to do that, you know, like you even, you know, you imagine being a child and, and playing with toys and it's like this one is this role, this one is this one, this one is this role. I think, I believe that we've actually created a really, two dimensional version of reality within that. And we're missing out. We're missing out on the beauty of connection and the beauty of learning who each other are. You know, I think, I think often families miss out hiding behind these roles and I think often families grow older and they look at each other and they never really know each other if they don't move.

Past the, you know, we hear it all the time, like older sister, younger sister, middle child. It, it's the rules are everywhere. You find it in other realms too. It's like the boss, the employee, driver, the like we We use these concepts to define other people and to define ourselves, and when that happens, we miss out on deeper connection. We're in the age of Aquarius. We are in a powerful, powerful time. And with that it is connections, everything. We're also in a time where, where we're hearing things about, oh, people having conversations with AI, looking Interesting spaces for solutions and missing out on true connection.

Decreased Engagement

And that is a dangerous path. Parenting taught me that I had to fire myself from the role. Does that mean I wasn't a parent? Of course not. I, I was, I'm, am, I still am a parent. I take parenting I was gonna say I take parenting very seriously, parenting unfolds from me. Flows from me. If my children needed help, no matter how old they are, my heart opens up to offer them that help. There's no shoulds in there. It's not because I'm their mum and yett it is because I'm their mum, meaning that it's not because my brain tells me, well, I'm their mom, I have to do that.

Rather, my heart tells me that I I'm connected to them and I love them and I want to support them in whatever way. They needed support. From the rule. It's allowed me to find a deeper connection to the people. They are. The people person I amm. It's allowed us together as a family to to accept each other, humans that we are, and to know each other as the spirits. We are. It's a fascinating shift, and I would say that I didn't really click into that until later on in my parenting and the, the transformation that occurred not only in the connection that I have with the people in my life, but also in the pressures that I put upon myself.

It was yet another example of ditching. Those should And yet within that, it meant that I set myself free to build a relationship with them. I built relationships with the people in my life versus coming in as a role which made me, which, which always kept me apart. It's an interesting one to lean into. We probably could do a whole podcast episode about the versus the roles versus deep connection, but still I, I do want to just, encourage you to lean into that. What are the rules in your life and how do they keep you apart from people, you know, we, we often will see roles show up even in the roles that we play, you know, people play on social media.

It's like what they need to appear, they have together, and that leads to a sense of Two dimensionality. I'm not sure if that's actually the phrase, but you know, it's late in the evening, okay, so. Of those. I leaned into my five because I wanted five. It's such a nice number, right? So I wanted five and I was leaning into what my 5th lesson that I've learned from parenting really is and you know, I realized that what parenting taught me was how to listen to the energy of the room. Energy is moldable.

Navigating the Energy of the Room Through Parenting


Christina Fletcher24:39

It's it's all about helping you navigate through the textures of a room. What do I mean by that? I remember when my daughters were really young and even though I was totally bombarded by stress, I realized that I could feel the build up, the build up of stress, the buildup of stress that was coming from me. And then that would stress them out and so therefore they would reflect that back to me and then I would get more stressed and then they would reflect that back to me and then I would get more stressed and and it was like someone gearing up a train and it would just get faster and faster and faster and faster and faster.

And the energy was so tight and wound up. I would feel myself just get tight my body. It was always for the 1st little while. It was just fascinating and then it would just explode and it would just frustrating. But Over time, I learned that that energy is, is tangible and I mean even as an energy healer now, of course, that's something that I take for granted, but it was a fascinating thing to witness how I could slow down the train when I felt it start to build. So I was talking to someone about this today actually, and and, you know, I was talking about how when my daughters were young, they became fascinated.

The Explorer, which I could not stand. As soon as, and the reason why I couldn't stand it was everyone would start watching Dora the Explorer and immediately they would all start talking like Dora the Explorer and they would start talking faster and faster and higher pitched and higher pitched, and we just got into calling that adrenaline of the room and you could just feel the adrenaline start to build and it would stress us out so bad and the rest of the day it would feel like everyone is just high on colorings, which we tried to help them avoid.

Rather than cutting it off and saying, No, you're not watching that, we found that it actually became a stronger lesson. If we just said okay well you can watch it but then as soon as you've watched that you have to watch one of these shows and we would encourage them to watch something we had like a range of different nineteen seventy nineteen eighties even nineteen nineties shows from the u k things like paddington things like the womble things like postman pat really calm slower shows with this beautiful nursery rhyme video that that we love to put on and and it was just calm what it did was it just released the pressure valve What was beautiful about it was that we benefited because you could just feel the, the tension and that taught energy, just just relax.

But it also passed down emotional awareness from a really young age to, to our daughters and, and we created this kind of energetic dance. In, in not. And that's just one example of how we did it, but it taught us how to witness, that's what it did. It taught us how to witness the energy of the room and listen to the energy. The room. If energy started to build and things became tight, we found ways of easing it. That could be anything from going outside shaking it off to, going for what we called God time or meditation, it would go to shifting to activities, it would, it was, it was.

Movable and we could navigate it, and moldable and And you would witness it. And I think that's something that was such a strong presence when kids were younger. And yet it's a lesson that we have learned. And practiced continuing as a family and individually. That is something that I, I cannot sit in stress. It will literally make me feel ill. If I find myself feeling stressed, I navigate away from that stress. I find ways of easing the pressure. I will walk away from something and find balance and alignment again before and then, and then go back into a situation from a more aligned space.

So little moments of contrast and witnessing the tangibility of energy Even when it feels like it's so fast, it meant that we could navigate it from a higher perspective. All right. So those are my five, my five big lessons from parenting. And I gotta say like It's so interesting having moved through so many chapters of being a mom and now navigating this with older kids. And I was just talking about this with someone else, about how, how, you know, 18 came around from my daughters and it felt like somewhere there was a cosmic contract.

Although we hold space with them, and love them, and connect with them in the same way. Aspects of responsibility started to be passed over in a different way. And and it's an amazing thing to, on this chapter to be witnessing them deal with Their own businesses, their own money, their own accounting, their own travel, their own experiences from a different angle. You can't really imagine that when they're really young. It's just an exciting next chapter. It was always also a really nice chapter as well.

When you all of a sudden feel okay to go out on a date, just gonna say. Encourage you to, to witness the chapters in your life and to know there's always transformation, there's always newness. Like I said, there's a few things happening. I'm going to leave some links in the, in the comments or in the Show Notes down below. My course Co Parenting for the Universe is on my website. Now it's open and there is all the information is over on the website. It is pretty extensive course, honestly.

Decreased Engagement

It covers all of the different things that I've passed on with conscious parenting and my work as a spiritually wear parent coach. And it is full of small videos. I've made them small so that they're easy to digest. So it's not a lot to take in at once. You can literally watch a little video every day and you will come back with a takeaway. So that is over the website link down below. There is also an event that you're gonna find down below that is, all about it's, it's this beautiful event that's been put together, for a day of virtual pampering in honor of Mother's Day.

Increased Sentiment

So that is running from May 14 for the week onward. So uh, you might be listening to this, you know, in a year or something, and then you'll missed it. And I do apologize, but still, if you are listening to this in the near future. May 14 There is this beautiful event. I have offered a recording of a meditation and an energy clearing practice that you can take part in, and I highly recommend that you sign up because there's some amazing, amazing people taking part. All right. I want to send you all my deepest love and light Enjoy the journey all the best.