Showing Up Whole

Path to Authenticity: Finding Alignment in the Four Worlds of Yourself

September 16, 2023 Christina Fletcher Season 4 Episode 1
Path to Authenticity: Finding Alignment in the Four Worlds of Yourself
Showing Up Whole
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Showing Up Whole
Path to Authenticity: Finding Alignment in the Four Worlds of Yourself
Sep 16, 2023 Season 4 Episode 1
Christina Fletcher

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Ready to supercharge your spiritual connection in 2023? The fourth season of Showing Up Whole is here to do just that, with an exploration into the profound concept of the four worlds of yourself. We're focusing on the destination less, and placing more emphasis on the journey by immersing ourselves in the frequency of feelings. By embodying these feelings and projecting them to the universe, we are attracting experiences that serve to magnify them. 

But don't get too lost in the clouds, we're also grounding ourselves in the physical world. Our bodies, nervous systems, stability, and a sense of safety - they all play a critical role in nurturing our spiritual selves. 
In a world gripped by fear, harnessing the tools to regulate our nervous systems is paramount to creating a sense of groundedness and empowerment. So, let's get aligned in the physical world, because without it, manifestation and intuition can become quite the challenge.

In this episode Christina discusses how energy alignment through the four worlds of yourself gives space for the uplevel and growth being experienced right now. We're becoming lighthouses, our light serving as a beacon to attract the right people, (rather than lifeboats, meaning you get spread too thin).
As we approach the end of the year, the aim is to feel whole through awareness of the alignment of your four worlds, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, so you can take stock of where you are out alignment and then put the tools in place to help you step into your best self before year end!

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:

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Ready to supercharge your spiritual connection in 2023? The fourth season of Showing Up Whole is here to do just that, with an exploration into the profound concept of the four worlds of yourself. We're focusing on the destination less, and placing more emphasis on the journey by immersing ourselves in the frequency of feelings. By embodying these feelings and projecting them to the universe, we are attracting experiences that serve to magnify them. 

But don't get too lost in the clouds, we're also grounding ourselves in the physical world. Our bodies, nervous systems, stability, and a sense of safety - they all play a critical role in nurturing our spiritual selves. 
In a world gripped by fear, harnessing the tools to regulate our nervous systems is paramount to creating a sense of groundedness and empowerment. So, let's get aligned in the physical world, because without it, manifestation and intuition can become quite the challenge.

In this episode Christina discusses how energy alignment through the four worlds of yourself gives space for the uplevel and growth being experienced right now. We're becoming lighthouses, our light serving as a beacon to attract the right people, (rather than lifeboats, meaning you get spread too thin).
As we approach the end of the year, the aim is to feel whole through awareness of the alignment of your four worlds, mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically, so you can take stock of where you are out alignment and then put the tools in place to help you step into your best self before year end!

Christina Fletcher is a Spiritual Alignment coach, energy worker, author, speaker and host of the podcast Showing Up Whole.
She specialises in practical spirituality and integrating inner work with outer living, so you can get self development off of the hobby shelf and integrated as a powerful fuel to your life.

Through mindset, spiritual connection, intuitive guidance, manifestation, and mindfulness techniques Christina helps her clients overcome overwhelm and shame to find a place of flow, ease, and deep heart-centered connection.
Christina has been a spiritual alignment coach, healer and spiritually aware parent coach for 7 years and trained in Therapeutic Touch 8 years ago. She is also a meditation teacher and speaker.
For more information please visit her website

Want to uncover where you need the most energy alignment?
Take her new Energy Alignment Quiz to identify which of your energetic worlds (mind, body, heart or spirit) needs aligning the most!

Or Follow her on her social media accounts:


Hi and welcome back to Showing Up Whole the place where we discuss alignment in mind, body, heart and spirit, in every aspect of ourselves. And today we are celebrating our beginning of season four. I cannot believe it. Here we stand at the beginning of a brand new season and I'm a little baffled at how we got here. So let's discuss about what we're facing in this next new season as we embark on the last few months of 2023.


And, hi, you know, 2023 has been a fascinating year, both personally, professionally, globally and cosmically, you name it. I am a little astounded by the various energies and frequencies and new feelings that have flowed with this year so far. And here we are only in September and it really gave me some time to pause as I stopped recording these podcasts for the last few months and I went on some shifts and changes for my family. So we've been traveling a lot down to Somerset, which is the county where Glastonbury is. Anyone who's listened to this podcast knows that Glastonbury is where my husband and I met and it's this magical place here in the UK which really resonates as the heart chakra of the world, and Somerset is this beautiful place of peace and tranquility and a sense of pause in a lot of ways, which really nourishes me in many ways as well, and so it's been this interesting time of coming back to the house, going back down there and just giving a little bit of reflection about the energy climate that we're currently in. There's been an up level, and, whether you have been feeling it yourself or whether you just sense that something has changed and you don't quite know how to put your finger on it, there has been an up level. Energy has shifted, there are new ways of tapping in to spiritual source, and you may find that some of the old practices that you're used to pulling out aren't quite making things click the way that they used to. There has been a resurgence or a surge of a sense of empowering, newness, and the fascinating thing that comes out of this, in my mind, is that we're standing at this new time where it's not so much about the act of plugging in, the act of connecting to spiritual source.


The act of moving in to that state of being, of deep connection, doesn't need to take as long as it once did. Rather, in understanding the process of alignment, in understanding the four worlds of yourself, I truly believe that we're in a time where being your whole self means that you and the universe, you and spiritual source, you and God work together in a far more coherent way than ever before. What this means is that your focus, the stories you tell yourself, the intentions you set, what you give your attention to the direction of your heart all of that is more important than ever before because the other day I described it to a client and we were talking about how it's like now, whereas we used to feel like we were on this boat and the universal spiritual flow was flowing down this steady stream and the boat was kind of just as long as you directed that boat downstream, you kind of just sat in the back and just trusted that flow. There was this element of trusting the flow and going with the flow, and I am more than a great cheerleader of going with the flow. But the fascinating thing is, now it feels like we're being asked to stand a little bit more at the helm, to get to the wheel and actually chart the path along with the universe.


Now I don't mean that you turn the boat upstream and you don't try to force your way into a situation because you think you want it. This isn't about petty wants or even simple desires. We are navigating very complicated waters in this world of today and when I say a partnership with divine, I mean a partnership with divine. It is taking a deep sense of listening and attuning and aligning to make sure that you are on purpose, to make sure that you are on point, to make sure that you are showing up and when you are at that helm, when you are navigating these waters, it is a question of going of a deep listening first. It is an intuitive navigation rather than just because you want it. There is no room for simplistic manifestations. This is beyond the time of I want the nice car. You can still get the nice car. I am not saying you can't get it. I am saying that we are now moving into the calling of a frequency.


It's a question of navigating frequency rather than navigating the result of that frequency. Okay, that gets complicated, but let's break this down so you get this intuitive pull of how life can be and it feels away. When you imagine it, you can literally taste it. It just feels different than the resonance that you're residing in and the more time you spend in that feeling space of how you would like to feel, the stronger it becomes and almost the more uncomfortable you come in the frequency that you were in.


And now some people or in the past, in the days of the secret say we might say well, this feeling, this feeling that I've got you know what it's, because I am meant to be on this beautiful yacht, drinking champagne and having, you know, a fluffy chihuahua, I don't know on my left in order to attain this frequency. So we would come up with a human concept of what that frequency means and apply that and we'd go okay, so that's what must be, this must be. We've upleveled and now it's actually about the frequency itself. Now it's a question of embodying that feeling state. And whereas that was always a tool to get to the manifestation of what we think we wanted, yet now we are looking at it being about just being that, about allowing the feeling of yourself to lift into this openness of being, so that you can just radiate out that feeling out to the world. And the more you radiate out that feeling, you will attract experiences that amplify that feeling. But I'm actually encouraging you to not necessarily know what those situations may be. They may surprise you, they're most likely to delight you and that's the co-creation part.


I think in the past we've often done it backward, we've looked for the result before the journey, and I do believe that within this year, we've been encouraged to discover the journey, to allow yourself the frequency of your deepest alignment. So then this actually launches into well, how do you do that? Because how do you do that? And over this year, I will say that anyone who's been following my work although I haven't been posting quite as much over the summer, for sure, but still alignment, energy alignment. As you've noticed, even in the introduction of this podcast, I changed it to talking about the alignment of all aspects of ourselves, rather than balance, and I truly believe that that's what we're meant to do. So I've been doing a lot of work. There's going to be some really powerful things coming out over onto the website over the next few months to help you discover your alignment of yourself, and let's talk about it here.


So the interesting thing is to actually explore like we've talked a little bit about through the episodes of this podcast is the four worlds of yourself. So what that means is that if you imagine yourself the parts that make up you, and we can talk about the spiritual world of yourself and that being, that spiritual energy, that core inner being of you, that eternal you, the version of you that flows from the universe and has been here numerous times and loves to explore and even play in contrast a little bit, and flows through you and shows up as best it can if you let it in. That's your spiritual world. You can talk about your mental world, the world of your thoughts, the world of your visions, the world of your fears, the world of the negative chatter, the world of opinions and beliefs. I like to call this the garden of your mind. And if you look at the garden of your mind and explore what thoughts you want to nourish and what thoughts you want to weed out, then you start to consciously realign to the best version of yourself. So, spiritual worlds flowing into the mental worlds and with the nourished thoughts, the mind lets that spiritual energy in and you create balance and alignment. Then you have your emotional world, your emotional world being that aspect of you that receives all those feelings of vibration and frequency and feelings of hurt and trauma and pain, as well as those feelings of joy and exhilaration and love, as well as the reflections of that. So the love for yourself as well as the results of that being that state of communication.


I've done a lot of tiptoeing around the worlds of energy alignment over this the last few months and I've had some really interesting sessions with people as we explored where, what predominant world they needed realigning in, and when it turned out to be the emotional world, it was amazing to watch how often their throat chakra was sealing up because they didn't feel open. Their heart wall was so firmly in place they just couldn't manage to get the meaning out. They might talk and talk and talk and talk and talk, but that wasn't the point. The point was that they just couldn't communicate because they talked and talked and talked because they didn't think that they could be understood. And so the emotional world holds information in. It's a sense of protecting your emotional center.


What's also fascinating about the emotional world is that, at the same time as being this, we have a tendency to think we need to protect our hearts and we do that in a way of trying to not feel. And yet really, when you actually dive deep into your emotional world, you realize that your heart was made to feel and she can manage the big feelings, she can manage grief, she can walk the path. It hurts. She knows how to process it if we let her process it. And at the same time as she processes the different emotions of sadness or upset, or frustration, or anger, or joy, bliss, flow, satisfaction. As she processes all of these phenomenally powerful emotions, bearing in mind that if you allow her to process them, anger will not turn into resentment. Resentment is an unprocessed emotion and the same with all these other emotions that if you repress them and hold them onto, they start to rot. But your heart does know how to process them and in that processing them she develops such deep, deep wisdom.


An aligned emotional world means that you can tap into the wisdom of your heart in a very powerful, deep way and that information flows so powerfully. It means that you can feel guided. It means that you get nudges, it means that you listen to those beautiful guidances that lead to synchronicities and leads to this powerful radiance. I find that an emotional world leads to a deep, deep feeling of wholeness. It's a powerful time and the way things have been just isn't working anymore. If you've been feeling disjointed, overwhelmed or scattered, you're not alone. Many are feeling that there's a feeling of needing more, something's missing. What this feeling tells you is that it's time to claim your inner self and step away from the stories you've been taught to follow. It's time to listen to your heart, to heal your hurts and learn to lean into the universe having your back. It's time to take all of that self-help book knowledge and embody it, assimilate it and make it your own.


I'm Christina Fletcher and as a spiritual alignment coach at Energy Healer, I can help you take spirituality off of the hobby shelf and into your everyday, sometimes messy life so you can truly show up whole. Through coaching, courses, books and more, I make sure you have practical tools to support you through these challenging times. To learn more, check out my website SpirituallyWareLivingcom, where you'll find information on how I work, as well as a free guide to releasing the beliefs that have been holding you back. I look forward to connecting with you Love and light.


But then, of course, you have the physical world, and what I find fascinating about all of this is you know we've worked top to bottom here and the truth is that without an aligned physical world, you can't align the other worlds, you can't manifest, you can't feel whole in yourself, you can't feel emotionally free, you can't feel intuitive. It's very, very. If you don't have alignment in that physical world, the other pathways are always gonna if you imagine it like a stream they're just gonna, they're gonna shoot in all directions. It's really hard to align throughout the other worlds I'm sure someone can without physical alignment. Because your physical alignment we're not talking like a chiropractic, you know adjustment we're talking about your nervous system, your sense of stability, your sense of groundedness, your sense of safety, your sense of who you are in this present world and how you show up in it. Your physical world is all about feeling whole in yourself and feeling safe.


And I gotta tell you, the more I talk to people and I've talked to a lot of people over this summer it really does show up that we are living in a time of very triggered nervous systems. You know, I've had people come to me and say, oh my goodness, you know the people at my work, they're just flying off the handle, they're in total chaos. And it really is showing up that that everyone is just feeling scattered to the wind. And the thing is is that there's a this dividing line where, if, if you're not practicing some form of awareness and I mean that being any, any form of of self care in some aspect. Even if you're just going for a jog in the morning as a way of balancing your mental health, I will say that that that leads to a sense of grounding. This you might not know, that someone might not know that they're actually aligning all their four worlds, but that is a practice that can can help support at least your physical world. It makes you feel empowered. So even if you're doing that, it creates a shift for you.


But there are a huge group of people who aren't having those tools in place and because of that they are being thrown to the wind. And and the fear factor of the last three years and the constant injection of different things to be fearful of means that they aren't getting an opportunity to regulate their nervous system. And I remember reading after the pandemic people were talking about how, over the periods of lockdowns and all of that that everyone's nervous systems had triggered to the state of, you know, survival mode, but unlike when you're out in the forest somewhere and you have a scary moment and therefore then the scary moment passes and you can then regulate and get back to a rest and reset state, that wasn't happening and the human mind and body and nervous system was being pushed to its limits and that that was just after the pandemic. So it was like everyone was just in such a triggered state that that it over extended their nervous system. They could, they it over extended.


That, that sense of adrenaline rush and that sense of all of the different chemical balances and I always warn everyone, I'm not scientific at the least, but it still is it wore it out and therefore then neural pathways start to be put in place and everyone's just gets really, really used to being scared and unsafe and out of physical, energetic alignment. So what that means is is it leads to this heightened state of being, this heightened state of always on alert, of always in survival mode, of of not being able to see the solutions for the problems, and it means that it's really that has to be the first step. It has to be the first step. It has to be a question of finding the deep alignment within yourself, of feeling safe and letting the universe take over a little bit. It is a question of developing that, that connection, and that's why we go back to you know, plugging in, making sure you're grounded, making sure that you are feeling safe in your body, making sure that your nervous system is regulated, making sure that you are in that state of stability, no matter what the circumstances is without you, because that's what so often gets caught up right.


It's like, well, you can't feel safe unless you're in a safe environment. It's like, well, actually, if you look around you, you might be telling the story that it's not a safe environment, but if you are currently being able to say that you have a house that has a roof, that you have food in the front, that you have food in the fridge, that you have a certain amount of stability in this moment, then in this moment, there is no reason for your nervous system to be triggered. There is no threat around the corner if you can say that you are safe in this moment. Rather, it's a question of allowing your nervous system to rest and reset so that then, if it senses that there's something around the corner, it can jump into action. But it doesn't need to be on red alert when there's nothing to be red alert on. We all know how quickly we need to turn off the smoke detector when our toast starts to burn, because we tell the smoke detector this is not an emergency, this is not something to be on alert for. Take the batteries out and then we put the batteries back in as a way of making sure that we know if there is something to be alerted for. You wouldn't have your burglar alarm on 24 seven. It defies the point.


So it's the same thing with our nervous systems. We have to be able to realign our physical, energetic alignment in order and our energetic world in order to be able to feel safe. So, therefore, then we are in an open state of receiving the information. If we start to feel triggered, it is, it's, it's. It creates a steady flow. And you know, it's a fascinating thing when you actually start breaking down the thing of we can't actually manifest what we want, be it whether you are focusing on the frequency of who you want to be, or and who you really are, and the frequency of what you're up leveling to, or if you're focusing on the yacht with the Chihuahua, whichever one, that is your brain, your mind will not let change in if it doesn't feel safe. It can't afford to, it can't afford change, because change is scary for your mind and for your nervous system. So, therefore, if you are wanting to up level your life experience and to live your best life, the first thing has to be to look at your nervous system and your physical, energetic world.


And it's amazing how, how often that's coming up in in sessions with my clients, because it really does come down to okay, we're going to, we're going to rewind and we're going to put this in place and and there's mindset work to do and there is energy healing to do and there is belief readjusting to do in order to let the flow in and the safety and and the stability in, and I mean in all of these things we can talk about all of the worlds and it's I will say this like no one is in alignment of all four worlds at one time. All the time, you will have those beautiful moments where you hit it. You know that's probably those moments of awe that we've covered on this podcast before that time of like when you're feeling that state of total and complete flow and connection with your, the, the universe as whole, and and that is that beautiful, wonderful feeling and at the same time, that doesn't happen all the time, but it is important to be able to be aware of the four worlds of yourself and in that awareness, just look for ways to realign and it doesn't need to be hard. You know that that is my biggest mantra it really doesn't have to be hard to find alignment to yourself Just starts with awareness. It just starts with understanding how to nudge yourself back into alignment.


If you were building a house and a post was just a little bit out of alignment, you wouldn't be like that's it, take the whole thing down. This is pointless. You would just get a little hammer and you tap, tap, tap it into alignment until that lovely little level showed that you were back in alignment. We've been working on our, we've been staying in our caravan, a trailer in North America, and we set it up and we get our little level out and you stick it on the floor and it's like oh no, not quite straight, not quite in alignment, and you just adjust. And it's really important, I feel like in this up-leveled time, in this new energetic flow, for us to make this simpler. It doesn't need to be this massive dramatic turmoil if you find yourself out of alignment. Rather, it's like huh, yeah, nope, not in alignment there. Okay, tap, tap, tap. What do I need to do? And the more you practice it, the more you build that muscle memory, the more your nervous system is regulated, the more you understand your heart voice and the more you are aware of the garden of your mind and the more you are letting the flow in. You notice the nuances when you start to get out of alignment and you catch it a lot faster. It is possible to feel whole and it is possible to walk as your whole version of yourself and it is possible to create change in the world.


And when you are in alignment you stand there shining out your light. We were, as we were, down summer set. Last weekend we decided to drive down to the coast and we went to Portland Bill, which is just this rather well-known lighthouse. I think there was a kid's show in the UK here years ago called Portland Bill, but still it was this beautiful lighthouse. And I must admit I did have to buy some souvenirs of the lighthouse because, as many of my clients will hear and know, the lighthouse is a powerful, powerful symbol to me because it stands there shining its light and it attracts others in. It attracts people to come to safety, it attracts people to find that path and yet it doesn't. It's not a lifeboat, it's not going out and getting onto the rocks and facing the danger to pull people in.


And the reason why a lighthouse is something that's so powerful to me and I know how there are lighthouses on my desk which I love is because we all need to be lighthouses. You focus on your alignment, you focus on radiating out your light and you trust that people will find you for safety and people will find you for support and you will find and attract your people. You don't need to throw yourself to the rocks in order to pull people in, because when you do, you throw yourself out of alignment because you're not shining your best light. So when you start leading into the world of alignment and the alignment of your four worlds, then suddenly you know how to stand there as yourself and, I gotta say, the world we're living in. I really feel like that's what we all need to do Shine your light and be true to yourself and in alignment with all aspects of you. And I gotta say also enjoy it, because when you find that alignment, it's a juicy feeling, it feels phenomenal, it feels at one with everything and you just know that you are on purpose and you're on your path. And honestly, I don't know if we need anything other than that to fulfill what we came here to do.


All right, and that's the beginning of the season. Everyone, as you know, you can always reach out. Feel free to email me at any time. Christina, it's spirituallyweirlivingcom. We're gonna have a really, really strong ending to this year and, like I said, make sure that you subscribe to this podcast, make sure that you go over and make sure you get all my newsletter lists, make sure you get into the know, because there's gonna be some really, really great stuff coming out over the next few months and you're gonna wanna know about it. So let's reconnect, let's connect more and let's create magic in perfect alignment Love and night.

Navigating Alignment
Physical Alignment and Feeling Safe
Aligning Yourself for Personal Growth
Season Beginning and Future Excitement