Sci Art Walks
Sci Art Walks
Cultural Burning - Mona Foma Special #2
In partnership with Tasmania's Mona Foma festival, an audio episode to be paired with artist Tim Coad's installation in Knocklofty Reserve, Hobart, 22-24 January 2021. Hear a special introduction in which Tim discusses his artwork, followed by a talk about Aboriginal fire culture by Andry Sculthorpe and Billy Paton-Clarke, with music by Emily Wurramara.
Many Australians view fire as a destructive force, but there’s more than one type of fire. Aboriginal people have been burning this country for centuries, helping to encourage native vegetation, improve food availability for humans and animals, and restoring balance in the ecosystem. Knocklofty Reserve was a very different environment not so long ago, but when we look out at the vegetation there today, we rarely see what’s been lost and what’s misplaced. Reigniting Aboriginal fire culture in Tasmania is a crucial step towards restoring our connection to country and our ability to understand and respect our fragile habitats.
The suggested walking location for this episode is Knocklofty Reserve, Hobart, Tasmania.
Learn more at www.sciartwalks.com.au