Stand Tall & Own It

30. Better Through Leadership -Iggy Perillo

Andrea Johnson

Iggy has spent a lot of time outside entreating fifth graders to jump out of trees while hooked to ropes or scaring the crap out of them by hiking in woods at night under the guise of environmental education.  After ratcheting up the intensity she progressed to instructing personal growth oriented canoe/backpacking and dogsled/ski expeditions in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.  Doing this work with teens and adults made her realize that as the age of the participants increased it was her job to make sure the sophistication and impact of conversation topics kept pace.  Along the way she earned a Master’s Degree in Experiential Education and a teaching license in English Language Arts while completing training on topics like: conflict resolution, restorative justice and mental health first aid mixed with technical wilderness travel and safety skills.  Iggy cultivates masterminds and brings together leaders so they can be more awesome in their work, sport or life. 

Topics discussed in this episode: 

  • Leadership Principle
    • Take an active role, make change happen
    • Make your voice matter in your own life
    • Don’t Practice Crap
    • Constantly learn
  • Key Habit
    • Keep things that matter in the forefront of your mind
    • Put it on your calendar - schedule it

Now what?

  • Try new things
  • Intentional introspection - be clear with yourself of what you want, where you want to go
  • Capture it in whatever way matters to you

Ask yourself:

  • If you can’t find a role model - you’re on your own path
  • What skills do I need
  • If it’s scary - it’s probably right

Resources mentioned in this episode:  (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)
The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
Atomic Habits
Questions Are the Answer: A Breakthrough Approach to Your Most Vexing Problems at Work and in Life
The Big Stretch: 90 Days to Expand Your Dreams, Crush Your Goals, and Create Your Own Success

Where to find Iggy:
Website:  WSL Leadership | About
Instagram: @wslleadership
LinkedIn:  Iggy Perillo - LinkedIn
Mastermind info:  WSL Leadership | Masterminds

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