XenTegra - On The Horizon

On the Horizon: What Is VMware Horizon? Part 1

XenTegra / Andy Whiteside / Bill Sutton Season 1 Episode 28

VMware Horizon is a virtualization software product for delivering desktops and apps on Windows, Linux, and MacOS systems. It is especially relevant today because so many of us are working remotely. Whether you’re a system administrator or a pizza deliverer, you need easy access to the apps and desktops that help you do your job. And you need that access to be secure.

Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-host: Philip Sellers
Co-host: Moin Khan


00:00:02.410 --> 00:00:13.669
Andy Whiteside: Everyone. Welcome to episode 28 of on the horizon. I'm your host, Andy White Side today is December twelfth, 2,022 i've got a couple of the Zen Tiger guys on the call with me, Philip Sellers. How's it going?

00:00:13.920 --> 00:00:16.410
Philip Sellers: Good, Andy? How you doing good?

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Andy Whiteside: How is the transition from the customer side of the world to the consulting side of the world. Going

00:00:22.670 --> 00:00:40.440
Philip Sellers: dude. I I am loving it. This is fantastic, and I am happy to be here. I've I've had a blast. It's only been a month, but man, this is it's everything I hoped it would be. And then some

00:00:40.450 --> 00:00:46.020
Andy Whiteside: is it the custom interactions? Is it the getting out of the corporate politics? What? What's the

00:00:46.360 --> 00:01:04.709
Philip Sellers: what? What do you? What do you found most intriguing about. I'm really enjoying our customer conversation. So you know, getting the poke into someone else's environment here what they're struggling with, and then propose ways that we can solve those problems together. Is it's pretty fun. I mean it's

00:01:04.720 --> 00:01:19.489
Philip Sellers: It's a great and rewarding sort of thing for my personality, anyway. So really enjoying those conversations. Are you finding that customers are further ahead than where you left, or they're further behind, and you're got the opportunity to help them catch up.

00:01:19.540 --> 00:01:37.099
Philip Sellers: You know it's been a mix so far, and it really depends on the the makeup of the company that we're talking with. But, you know it's it's been a mix. Some companies are definitely forging ahead with their digital transformation and doing really cool things around, refactoring their apps and changing the way they work.

00:01:37.150 --> 00:01:51.429
Philip Sellers: And then there's a lot of customers that are are still doing more traditional sort of on-prem or co-located data center strategy. And so we we've got wonderful things we can do with with both of those

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Philip Sellers: both of those use cases and and help them succeed.

00:01:55.950 --> 00:02:01.380
Andy Whiteside: That was you're getting the hang of it as a very political answer.

00:02:01.450 --> 00:02:10.149
Andy Whiteside: and i'm assuming you're finding that our friends at Vmware, whether it's on the the infrastructure side or the end user compute. So I have a lot to offer that folks don't realize.

00:02:10.380 --> 00:02:13.390
Philip Sellers: Oh, yeah, absolutely You know, we

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Philip Sellers: I've had a long time or a long relationship with Vmware. And so it's. It's great to be able to continue working with all the same folks here in the Carolinas that I've built relationships with over the years, and I'm looking forward to to helping them go out and evangelize more of what they're doing, and horizon and workspace one.

00:02:32.980 --> 00:02:39.329
Philip Sellers: that's a technology that I actually hadn't been hands on in the last few years. So

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Philip Sellers: have taken some time getting back to a a knowing level of that technology and being able to help

00:02:47.260 --> 00:03:04.369
Philip Sellers: advised customers how how to use it best. You know it's come a long way since view, and the day so that was running it back at the telephone company. So it. It's been fun to just dive back in and look at that portfolio with fresh eyes. Is there any one piece of the portfolio? That

00:03:04.850 --> 00:03:07.309
Andy Whiteside: has been a game changer since you've been back into it.

00:03:07.350 --> 00:03:15.509
Philip Sellers: Oh, yeah, absolutely, You know, workspace. One has a huge, huge place, I think, in the modern strategy for

00:03:15.520 --> 00:03:33.569
Philip Sellers: how you control all your different end user compute devices, and how you secure those with with concepts like 0 trust coming on the horizon and really being the right strategy for most customers moving forward. that modern management method is a game changer, in my opinion, and

00:03:33.580 --> 00:03:47.399
Philip Sellers: we're seeing all sorts of other enablement around sample authentication single sign on, and things like that really just core identity that are also enabling technologies around making that shift for your corporate environment. So

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Philip Sellers: really excited to be able to talk about that with customers and and educate them about what that means when you start talking modern management for your end user devices.

00:03:58.400 --> 00:04:03.279
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, i'd like you to keep an eye on the customers as you get to know them. And when you find the one that has the most

00:04:03.540 --> 00:04:06.830
Andy Whiteside: use cases for the Vmware portfolio.

00:04:06.910 --> 00:04:10.039
Andy Whiteside: I'd like to know about them, and maybe we could take their story

00:04:10.810 --> 00:04:12.949
Andy Whiteside: to other customers, so people can see what they're

00:04:13.180 --> 00:04:25.439
Philip Sellers: what they own that they're not or have access to. They're not using. Yeah, we're definitely looking for those white paper used cases, the the ones that are making the most of it. I I tried to build that in my last organization.

00:04:26.000 --> 00:04:35.159
Andy Whiteside: I I think it'll be fun to build that with some external organizations. Now I think it's our job to help. Other customers know what other customers are doing.

00:04:35.170 --> 00:04:48.199
Andy Whiteside: because it's not natural to want to go out and look for help. You know. Everybody wants to think they know it all, and if you can just get them to let the guard down there's so many things that other people are doing. You could benefit from right and wrong, I mean, sometimes it's the bad stuff that you can see you learn from, but

00:04:48.380 --> 00:04:51.259
Andy Whiteside: that's that's what we do as a partner for goal.

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Andy Whiteside: I know it's a no, it's your mindset as well.

00:04:54.530 --> 00:05:10.270
Philip Sellers: Oh, yeah, absolutely. I mean, sometimes you learn the most from the mistakes that you make. But, it's certainly something where, if we can help you not make those mistakes? That's true wisdom, right? And so we we're here to help you not make those mistakes in your environment, too.

00:05:10.570 --> 00:05:13.559
Andy Whiteside: I did a presentation in Phoenix last week, and

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Andy Whiteside: one of the vendors in the room. The customer no longer works with that vendor, and I took a chance to say, Well, why don't you work with that vendor? And the guy then ponied up and said, oh, we loved it. It was the greatest solution we'd ever had. It was awesome, but New CIO came in, and he had a buddy that worked for another company. Therefore we went that route. and it turned out to. You know what we represent

00:05:32.330 --> 00:05:37.910
Andy Whiteside: is either good or great solutions. So not afraid to ask somebody what they don't like about it, because

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Andy Whiteside: you know, for the most part it it out weighed by what they do like about it.

00:05:42.410 --> 00:05:49.659
Philip Sellers: Well, you know, every different strategy has a shortcoming or a trade off. Maybe not a shortcoming trade offs probably a better word for it.

00:05:49.700 --> 00:06:05.289
Philip Sellers: So, understanding what those trade offs are and how it plays in your environment, it's really important, because it may be the right solution for you and the wrong solution for someone else, and it's the devil in those details. Well, we have mo in common. This moment is our global CTO: Moen. How are you.

00:06:05.600 --> 00:06:15.419
Moin Khan: I'm. Good thanks, Andy, for invite me. Are you in your Home Office, or somewhere else? That looks a little different? That that is our new office in Canada.

00:06:15.710 --> 00:06:16.350

00:06:16.600 --> 00:06:18.309
Andy Whiteside: maybe I can come see it sometime.

00:06:18.440 --> 00:06:19.660
Moin Khan: Absolutely.

00:06:20.040 --> 00:06:25.140
Andy Whiteside: I was on a call a bit ago. Guy had snow on the ground in the background. Is there snow in Toronto these days?

00:06:25.210 --> 00:06:27.380
Moin Khan: Yes, it is. Yeah.

00:06:27.490 --> 00:06:31.119
Moin Khan: how much you got? We got good snow or weekend.

00:06:31.610 --> 00:06:40.860
Moin Khan: And then did you have that snow buffalo got a few months ago, or now a week a month ago we did, but not as bad as buffalo.

00:06:41.150 --> 00:06:46.219
Andy Whiteside: Well, I gotta get up there and see it. I need to get up there and spend some winter sports with you guys.

00:06:46.990 --> 00:06:53.709
Andy Whiteside: Well, thanks for joining Today's podcast probably gonna be a multi-part podcast.

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Andy Whiteside: The first topic Well, the topic is horizon just horizon in general

00:06:58.610 --> 00:07:03.259
Andy Whiteside: and going through what is modern day horizon? Just as Philip was saying a minute ago. It's

00:07:03.380 --> 00:07:04.779
Andy Whiteside: It's come a long way

00:07:04.950 --> 00:07:09.940
Andy Whiteside: in in what it does in terms of the portfolio within workspace one but horizon itself.

00:07:10.140 --> 00:07:14.890
Andy Whiteside: You know what it does these days, and I think Vmware is in a little bit of a spot, because

00:07:15.220 --> 00:07:18.640
Andy Whiteside: V. And we're still seen as the desktop Vdi guys.

00:07:18.890 --> 00:07:22.640
Andy Whiteside: And the truth is, workspace. One does a lot more than that.

00:07:22.720 --> 00:07:27.050
Andy Whiteside: But Horizon has been such a good product for people that made that move

00:07:27.350 --> 00:07:30.369
Andy Whiteside: that knowing the other things it does

00:07:30.450 --> 00:07:35.460
Andy Whiteside: is part of just part of being a better Vmware consumer horizon consumer.

00:07:35.620 --> 00:07:41.559
Andy Whiteside: and knowing the the basics of what the solutions do so. let me share my screen. I don't think I did already.

00:07:42.920 --> 00:07:44.310
Andy Whiteside: Sorry.

00:07:47.060 --> 00:07:54.239
Andy Whiteside: all right. So what we're looking at is this: this article says, what is V, and we horizon. I know that sounds trivial, but I know a lot of people

00:07:54.310 --> 00:08:03.459
Andy Whiteside: are still learning the virtualization space and this whole horizon world of desktop, and that virtualization is new to them. Well, if you had to, if you met someone on the street.

00:08:04.000 --> 00:08:07.599
Andy Whiteside: and they knew a little bit about enterprise computing.

00:08:08.120 --> 00:08:10.049
Andy Whiteside: How would you explain horizon to them?

00:08:13.490 --> 00:08:14.370

00:08:15.100 --> 00:08:19.730
Moin Khan: so Horizon is just a just a transformation of endpoints.

00:08:20.480 --> 00:08:21.220
Andy Whiteside: Okay.

00:08:22.460 --> 00:08:23.240
Andy Whiteside: that's it.

00:08:23.420 --> 00:08:24.250
Moin Khan: That's it.

00:08:24.800 --> 00:08:26.210
Andy Whiteside: Phillip. What would you say?

00:08:28.550 --> 00:08:34.190
Philip Sellers: I would say it's it's really a delivery method for your applications.

00:08:34.360 --> 00:08:42.260
Philip Sellers: I think it at its core. It's all about enabling customers to get their applications into the hands of their users.

00:08:43.590 --> 00:08:48.339
Andy Whiteside: So I don't know if I've done this with either one of you guys yet or not, but it okay. So this is a little subjective.

00:08:48.450 --> 00:08:51.669
Andy Whiteside: What's the most widely used Microsoft application in the World

00:08:53.170 --> 00:08:54.090
Moin Khan: Office

00:08:54.440 --> 00:08:55.710
Andy Whiteside: Office, Phil.

00:08:56.390 --> 00:09:08.640
Andy Whiteside: the calculator. I know the impression that everybody uses a Microsoft application has to have windows first. No, that's not true anymore. It used to be. but my argument is.

00:09:08.790 --> 00:09:21.889
Andy Whiteside: every windows computer has windows on it. Windows is just the Ui for explorer and the underlying you know, mechanism to get you to applications and things, and then ultimately to access to the kernel, and drivers and things that happen

00:09:21.960 --> 00:09:26.769
Andy Whiteside: either way. If I were to say windows is the most widely used Microsoft application world, would you totally disagree

00:09:27.470 --> 00:09:28.270
Moin Khan: every

00:09:29.280 --> 00:09:30.810

00:09:31.330 --> 00:09:38.299
Andy Whiteside: So Philip talked about applications. No one talked about just general digital transformation of the endpoint which not many people think about.

00:09:38.370 --> 00:09:47.710
Andy Whiteside: I think I would say it's a you know it's it's transformation of the endpoint via you know, desktop and app virtualization presentation.

00:09:49.630 --> 00:09:50.440
Andy Whiteside: But

00:09:50.630 --> 00:09:53.799
Andy Whiteside: I came back from the Aws Conference. I don't know 2 weeks ago.

00:09:53.870 --> 00:09:56.709
Andy Whiteside: and I was just shocked how many people this concept of

00:09:56.810 --> 00:10:08.309
Andy Whiteside: virtualizing the application or desktop workload and then presenting it down a network protocol. It's it's like brand new to them, like they never thought existed. We know we've been doing it for 2025 30 years. At this point

00:10:08.520 --> 00:10:10.850
Andy Whiteside: a lot of people, a lot of people are new to it.

00:10:13.230 --> 00:10:14.710
Andy Whiteside: So it's this, this.

00:10:15.040 --> 00:10:23.329
Andy Whiteside: the thought document goes into. You know what are the key features, and starts with the features for the it admin. When the first one I here says, streamline image management.

00:10:23.780 --> 00:10:25.219
Andy Whiteside: What is that? And why does it matter

00:10:26.340 --> 00:10:36.880
Moin Khan: so streamlining your image management? And this has been always a big pain point for every organization when they have to. do a image management with

00:10:36.980 --> 00:10:45.810
Moin Khan: 1520 years ago, starting with the Mgt. That was a Microsoft deployment toolkit for distributing application. Now

00:10:46.060 --> 00:11:00.669
Moin Khan: that thing never matured. It always stayed where it was, because the concept had never changed. You are always doing streamlining your application management, what application goes where

00:11:00.700 --> 00:11:02.880
Moin Khan: think about every organization

00:11:03.180 --> 00:11:19.049
Moin Khan: every organization that is. that has 100 200 500 users. They all need windows to your point earlier that the most widely used application windows. They all need it. How do they streamline it? How do they manage it?

00:11:19.120 --> 00:11:20.700
Moin Khan: One thing that

00:11:20.990 --> 00:11:34.440
Moin Khan: that got simplified with the citrix and Mike with horizon, with Microsoft with aws coming with workspace of Newton is coming with frame.

00:11:34.510 --> 00:11:39.629
Moin Khan: Everyone tried to just give you exact same thing. That was Image Management

00:11:39.710 --> 00:11:55.970
Moin Khan: Microsoft, who was the pioneer in this when they came with Mdd. And Prior to that the smaller company came like all the Us. And things they came image management. They died because they just stayed where they are. They did not keep up with the

00:11:55.980 --> 00:12:01.000
Moin Khan: with the modern modern world image management. but

00:12:01.270 --> 00:12:09.719
Moin Khan: even even to a point that Microsoft now, when they came with the azure virtual desktop, they don't give you a streamline image management that that's the reason why

00:12:09.860 --> 00:12:27.329
Moin Khan: things are not being People are still not going with the native Avd, and they're still positioning either horizon behind Avd or Nodeo behind Avd, because that is one of the key thing for any company to manage, having a streamlined image management.

00:12:27.450 --> 00:12:30.480
Andy Whiteside: Well, I love that this talks about image management.

00:12:30.490 --> 00:12:50.340
Andy Whiteside: and it's not really emphasizing image deployment. But it truly is management orchestrating updates roll back tracking changes, automating replication. I mean that we've had plenty of tools since ghost and fog and those things we could roll out images. The problem was that that day, one divergence, the minute the end user touched it it became unique.

00:12:50.400 --> 00:12:53.360
Andy Whiteside: And that is where the problems kick in.

00:12:54.170 --> 00:13:12.460
Philip Sellers: Well, i'm sure we we we've all worked in in places, and you know we've never had an imperfect software. Release where we need to roll something back, right? I, that that sometimes the more challenging thing is is the roll back when you have a bad release, or when something doesn't go as intended.

00:13:12.500 --> 00:13:17.720
Philip Sellers: So yeah, I mean having that holistic image management's really important, because

00:13:17.850 --> 00:13:22.170
Philip Sellers: time is money, and those those robots aren't always fast.

00:13:22.340 --> 00:13:23.010
Andy Whiteside: Right?

00:13:23.460 --> 00:13:31.049
Andy Whiteside: So, Philip, i'll go to you for the next one, because you brought up applications, a lot of application management. I have to assume it's some of the same conversation as before.

00:13:31.800 --> 00:13:48.869
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I mean. So I look at application management and and think about packaging everything that's required for the application. So i'm assuming we we're really talking about layering at at this point, and you know, being able to package what

00:13:48.900 --> 00:13:58.259
Philip Sellers: registry, keys and prerequisites, and everything else that's required, along with the application for deployment. So you know it's it's

00:13:58.590 --> 00:14:04.200
Philip Sellers: It's the way that you get the application. There it's the way that you

00:14:04.640 --> 00:14:19.509
Philip Sellers: life cycle and update it, too. So where you've got your base windows image. with image management. This is the same sort of thing for your applications now. So you know, like like I said, you know, being able to push forward and roll back. I mean, that's

00:14:19.700 --> 00:14:24.089
Philip Sellers: That's a a powerful thing for your enterprise.

00:14:24.950 --> 00:14:36.249
Andy Whiteside: So i'm gonna add into that I think the way you answer. That was true by modern day approach layering, but at the same time those of us that you know published applications out of a virtual environment.

00:14:36.430 --> 00:14:39.699
Andy Whiteside: I don't know 1020, in some cases a physical environment.

00:14:39.890 --> 00:14:41.400
Andy Whiteside: 30 years ago

00:14:41.450 --> 00:14:56.040
Andy Whiteside: that was application management as well. What I really think I like about the horizon story, is it's it's all the above workspace. One is all the above, but that ability to manage applications and get them to where they need to get to in a usable fashion.

00:14:56.140 --> 00:14:59.640
Andy Whiteside: Been this this ecosystem story

00:14:59.840 --> 00:15:18.149
Philip Sellers: for a really long time. Well, we talk about the consumerization of enterprise. It right? And so, you know, Apple came out with the iphone shortly after with the app store. This is really kind of the same sort of concept it's, enabling an app store for your customers in your enterprise, where they can get

00:15:18.390 --> 00:15:29.249
Philip Sellers: their whole client server application, their new modern application, their Sas base application, and t it all together, and in a a central place. So

00:15:29.300 --> 00:15:34.090
Philip Sellers: This is the underlying technology that's going to allow you to have that outcome.

00:15:34.270 --> 00:15:34.960

00:15:35.590 --> 00:15:39.830
Andy Whiteside: No, you've been doing this a long time. What would you add to the application Management story?

00:15:40.550 --> 00:15:51.810
Moin Khan: So application management is always the the most important thing, and when I talk to my customer I tell them that you go to best buy you, buy a laptop.

00:15:51.840 --> 00:15:54.849
Moin Khan: The first thing you do is, install your apps

00:15:55.060 --> 00:16:07.490
Moin Khan: and getting into these modern era where we are, there is a constant update for those application. Now that application was a key, to begin with.

00:16:07.610 --> 00:16:19.859
Moin Khan: now layered with the management on top of that. How do you keep up with those updates? Upgrades newer version? paste? All those things that is coming down the pipe.

00:16:19.960 --> 00:16:24.869
Moin Khan: How do you keep up with all those things so giving you that capabilities of

00:16:24.890 --> 00:16:31.609
Moin Khan: yes, giving everyone their own play, whatever their own choice of application, and then having that key

00:16:31.650 --> 00:16:33.560
Moin Khan: management

00:16:33.810 --> 00:16:40.349
Moin Khan: that that's get added to those on being able to manage those application on real time

00:16:40.490 --> 00:16:49.059
Moin Khan: to Phillips Point earlier, that not only managing those applications, there are many things you are upgrading your role, backing your

00:16:49.200 --> 00:16:50.869
Moin Khan: coming up with a new version.

00:16:50.990 --> 00:16:58.249
Moin Khan: All those things get simplified when we start talking about horizon management of those application

00:16:58.310 --> 00:17:14.490
Moin Khan: and not only management, but also delivery of these applications on different form factor different flavors of operating system. At 1 point we were just talking about a delivering application on windows devices.

00:17:14.500 --> 00:17:32.210
Moin Khan: Now everyone needs application on their ipad, on their android devices on their Macbooks. So now that added another layer of management on top of having a need of their business application, and then we're running it on whichever flavor wherever they want

00:17:33.100 --> 00:17:33.780

00:17:34.470 --> 00:17:39.309
Andy Whiteside: so mo, and the next one on the list, for I again. We're talking about it admins.

00:17:39.800 --> 00:17:49.879
Andy Whiteside: We're gonna talk about users in a minute, but Admins benefits here is centralized, and i'm gonna add the word real time monitoring to that as well, but centralized in real time, monitoring.

00:17:50.110 --> 00:17:53.259
Andy Whiteside: How does that become a reality in horizon.

00:17:54.540 --> 00:18:07.009
Moin Khan: especially in the distributed world where we are living, working from home. at 1 point, when things were all within the 4 walls where you are just managing your end users I started my

00:18:07.070 --> 00:18:18.450
Moin Khan: career as as a help desk administrator where i'm going, and fixing people's up printer and desktop, and installing all those things

00:18:18.750 --> 00:18:26.139
Moin Khan: I feel that has a diminished now with the with the virtualize, with the people working from anywhere

00:18:26.170 --> 00:18:43.819
Moin Khan: going into a virtual desktop versus a physical desktop, how do you manage all those things? How we? How do you keep up with that expectation? How do you keep your business users productive? so that's where I feel that centralized monitoring becomes a key where you are

00:18:43.830 --> 00:18:55.169
Moin Khan: able to see their experience able to replicate. And then that central centrally, you are able to fix it without having to understand where your end users are coming in from.

00:18:56.690 --> 00:18:58.020
Andy Whiteside: Philip.

00:18:58.350 --> 00:19:01.310
Andy Whiteside: monitoring as a benefit of this world.

00:19:01.790 --> 00:19:11.359
Philip Sellers: what's the adage. You monitor what you care about right. And if you don't monitor it, then effectively, you're saying, you, you don't care to know.

00:19:11.500 --> 00:19:24.819
Philip Sellers: This is visibility. That's critical, I I think, to an environment so being able to see who's accessing, and how often they're accessing it. Are they having latency all of those metrics, I mean.

00:19:24.920 --> 00:19:32.860
Philip Sellers: Otherwise, you're You're You're combating an unknown problem because you just don't have the visibility. So

00:19:32.980 --> 00:19:44.720
Philip Sellers: this kind of monitoring is is really good. It's across both the on prem and the cloud, which is, also a hugely important, because more and more of the applications

00:19:44.920 --> 00:19:54.259
Philip Sellers: may not reside in your premise anymore. It may be in a cloud somewhere. So having that same accessibility

00:19:54.490 --> 00:20:00.780
Philip Sellers: to wherever you choose to run, your application is is truly enabling, for the administrator

00:20:01.030 --> 00:20:15.640
Andy Whiteside: are are those first 3 things: streamline, image, management, application, management, and monitoring is that is, it is simple as the fact that horizon allows you to get your hands around what your end users are consuming, and therefore you can better manage the image Better manage the app, and better monitor it.

00:20:18.450 --> 00:20:22.389
Philip Sellers: yeah, I think I think successful

00:20:22.450 --> 00:20:28.279
Philip Sellers: deployments of horizon is always going to require you to do a level of investigation

00:20:28.450 --> 00:20:33.840
Philip Sellers: to understand those things about your users environment. And then.

00:20:34.200 --> 00:20:38.539
Philip Sellers: you know, by virtue of of packaging, then through

00:20:39.440 --> 00:20:44.539
Philip Sellers: horizon, I I think that we can better manage it that way.

00:20:45.850 --> 00:20:48.410
Philip Sellers: but really it. It's around

00:20:48.830 --> 00:21:00.159
Philip Sellers: repatriating things out from the desktop to a a more controlled environment. I mean, a user desktop is the Wild West right? I mean, if they have admin privileges. Then

00:21:00.290 --> 00:21:15.309
Philip Sellers: hopefully they don't, but they can install anything, and even without admin privileges, they can install a number of applications just in their user contacts. So you never really know what's going on in the end User's device. and this really

00:21:15.560 --> 00:21:27.769
Philip Sellers: allows an administrator to deliver something that is consistent and known every single time that the user launches an application or interacts with with an application.

00:21:29.050 --> 00:21:29.790

00:21:30.740 --> 00:21:31.580
Andy Whiteside: So

00:21:31.900 --> 00:21:37.390
Andy Whiteside: I bring up those first 3, and then we talk about the fourth one which this first 3 applied when

00:21:38.310 --> 00:21:42.069
Andy Whiteside: when this conversation would have been had 1020 years ago.

00:21:42.410 --> 00:21:43.990
Andy Whiteside: But the fourth bullet here

00:21:44.110 --> 00:21:47.590
Andy Whiteside: flexible hybrid and multi-cloud deployment options.

00:21:47.990 --> 00:21:51.969
Andy Whiteside: That's a whole new place where this type of solution plays.

00:21:52.420 --> 00:21:55.169
Andy Whiteside: You've had tons of history with this

00:21:55.560 --> 00:22:06.350
Andy Whiteside: you see Why, i'm, saying that the first 3 Those have been resonant all this time. But now this fourth one becomes almost a a no-brainer. Why, you would want to deliver this this horizon desktop or app workload

00:22:07.040 --> 00:22:19.009
Moin Khan: absolutely, and I I guess this is where everyone is going. There is not a single meeting that I do with customer. in the last 3 years where they have not talked about cloud

00:22:19.190 --> 00:22:23.269
Moin Khan: any flavor private public hybrid.

00:22:23.370 --> 00:22:29.959
Moin Khan: there is. There is. There is a direction that everyone wants to get out of

00:22:30.060 --> 00:22:36.240
Moin Khan: managing managing data center managing their application workload and getting into

00:22:36.510 --> 00:22:42.799
Moin Khan: getting into more of focusing on business and leaving these things on a provider

00:22:42.910 --> 00:22:44.820
Moin Khan: to manage it. So.

00:22:45.100 --> 00:22:57.910
Moin Khan: having this flexible habit, multi cloud option is is a key these days. As we started with the horizon. with, we started with

00:22:57.920 --> 00:23:08.430
Moin Khan: aws and Microsoft azure being the leader in in this thing. But, I

00:23:08.600 --> 00:23:28.269
Moin Khan: going back of a few years ago, when American airline was trying to move all their workload into a aws things where things were moved. But then they realized there was there was some glitch that caused them to think about multi-cloud, and and that's the reason why everyone

00:23:28.280 --> 00:23:37.270
Moin Khan: is moving towards having this place where they are not dependent on putting all their eggs in one basket.

00:23:37.280 --> 00:23:52.509
Moin Khan: There has to be a solution where they are not relying on. And then same thing with the data center. You you never went with one data center ever. You always had your primary data center and your backup data center. Same thing when it When we talk about cloud.

00:23:52.520 --> 00:23:57.650
Moin Khan: and when we talk about running your productive workload. You do look into

00:23:57.820 --> 00:24:00.840
Moin Khan: multi- cloud deployment.

00:24:00.930 --> 00:24:20.630
Moin Khan: be it aws Google or or even Microsoft, you choose where you want to go, but you have to have a flexible hybrid, the solution in place. So mo in the name of this feature, the way they call it out with flexible hybrid and multi cloud deployment options. I like, I said that before I ask you the question.

00:24:20.640 --> 00:24:31.580
Andy Whiteside: but i'm going to challenge you on something you said. I know all of the customers I've ever worked with wanted to have their app delivery coming out of 2 data centers. Philip, you just left the customer environment.

00:24:31.920 --> 00:24:35.450
Andy Whiteside: Did your app delivery come out of 2 data centers?

00:24:36.310 --> 00:24:38.420
Philip Sellers: no.

00:24:38.540 --> 00:24:51.400
Andy Whiteside: it almost never does. You want it to. But it was so, dag i'm hard to get it built out twice. The cloud platform pieces change that and that just doubles down on the concept. Yes, deliver, and then let's make it

00:24:51.610 --> 00:24:54.550
Andy Whiteside: easier through some type of cloud platform orchestrator.

00:24:54.800 --> 00:25:05.270
Philip Sellers: The the more that you work as a worldwide company you. You may want regionality for your users, and so, being able to

00:25:05.470 --> 00:25:18.399
Philip Sellers: to deliver from a zone where I don't necessarily have presence, it's a huge huge enabler for me, where I don't need to source a Colo and buy hardware, and you know I can get I can get presence in

00:25:18.490 --> 00:25:37.769
Andy Whiteside: India or that's that's actually the win-win that solved that problem a lot of times, because all of a sudden you had 2 locations, one east coast, one west coast, and you needed it closer to the user therefore it became the backup for the other, and it became the answer to the redundancy. When Company a and one, Major Metro, did not have the redundancy, even though they had 2 data centers.

00:25:37.790 --> 00:25:40.990
Andy Whiteside: I'm. Going to assume your place you came from had 2 data centers, but you didn't have

00:25:41.210 --> 00:25:44.659
Andy Whiteside: let's say Citrix or vmware, or whatever your Euc was redundant

00:25:44.890 --> 00:25:45.720
Andy Whiteside: totally

00:25:45.930 --> 00:25:46.700

00:25:46.800 --> 00:25:49.929
Andy Whiteside: Oh, i'm sorry to cut you off. You were gonna come back at that one.

00:25:50.040 --> 00:25:56.439
Moin Khan: I'll. I'll just go to say that. I have seen many customers now

00:25:56.560 --> 00:26:01.150
Moin Khan: looking into having multi data center.

00:26:01.180 --> 00:26:16.790
Moin Khan: multi-cloud deployment with the desktop coming from one data center or one cloud, and Apps coming from a second cloud only because at 1 point it was not possible. It was a super complicated from the networking side

00:26:16.860 --> 00:26:31.240
Moin Khan: now with the V, ever especially with the Nsx and their micro segmentation. Now they are making these things possible. That, Which was extremely difficult at 1 point with the networking. Not that robust

00:26:31.420 --> 00:26:43.609
Moin Khan: coming to a point now, Nsx brings that level of micro segmentation that you are able to do this thing which you always want you to do. It's certainly easier than ever. Therefore people have no excuse not to get it done.

00:26:43.720 --> 00:26:51.410
Andy Whiteside: They may have a primary data center with all the gear and hardware they had to buy, but then they could have a very small footprint somewhere else in the least

00:26:51.460 --> 00:26:54.000
Andy Whiteside: cover their bets. Yeah.

00:26:54.470 --> 00:27:12.599
Andy Whiteside: okay. So we've got about 10 more minutes. We've got 2 more. We want to cover on the admin side of things. And you know this one optimizing experience with unified communications. This is like the big reach that 5 years ago. We couldn't have done. Now it's just natural, and for the most part just works where those high end

00:27:12.610 --> 00:27:14.890
Andy Whiteside: collaborative work case work.

00:27:14.950 --> 00:27:26.620
Andy Whiteside: examples use cases can now work. Philip, have you had a chance to experience modern day unified communications in a virtual app and desktop environment, either at your previous organization or here? Yet?

00:27:26.910 --> 00:27:32.480
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So i'm using it here. quite a bit, actually. So you know, we we

00:27:32.810 --> 00:27:46.770
Philip Sellers: we, of course, want to drink our own champagne, and so teams and zoom out of my Vdi session is is pretty common. and it's great, because, you know, i'm not actually lagging or showing any kind of

00:28:00.340 --> 00:28:10.280
Philip Sellers: you. You've got optimization and handoffs to to your endpoint device in a lot of cases that that help with that. So it it's a great

00:28:10.470 --> 00:28:13.880
Philip Sellers: it. It's a great work environment with

00:28:14.130 --> 00:28:15.460
Philip Sellers: no

00:28:15.590 --> 00:28:17.860
Philip Sellers: what's the right word here? No.

00:28:18.190 --> 00:28:35.899
Andy Whiteside: no, downsides or no no trade offs. Let them look. There's just trade offs, but they're limited. They're They're not things that are. Show stoppers anymore. It used to be so bad. Yeah, get it. Forget it. Let me get out of this thing and get go native. And now you don't have to moment. Are you seeing that as a the game changer for adoption?

00:28:36.900 --> 00:28:41.350
Moin Khan: This has become a lifeline for most of the organization. Now

00:28:42.370 --> 00:28:46.159
Moin Khan: they all need for them to stay.

00:28:46.460 --> 00:28:49.809
Moin Khan: like I said, we we moved into a new office.

00:28:50.100 --> 00:28:55.340
Moin Khan: earlier this month, and we, I still feel that people are

00:28:55.430 --> 00:29:00.750
Moin Khan: hesitant in coming to office. They continue for to have this

00:29:00.770 --> 00:29:06.450
Moin Khan: habit work style, where they just want to work from home, or what to what location that they choose.

00:29:06.630 --> 00:29:10.559
Moin Khan: so I feel that having a robust

00:29:10.680 --> 00:29:15.110
Moin Khan: communication or collaboration tool is a key to run any business.

00:29:15.230 --> 00:29:15.880

00:29:16.230 --> 00:29:25.449
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so the last bullets i'll go to you first user specific settings and smart policy options. That's part of the Vmware Dynamic Environment Manager.

00:29:25.650 --> 00:29:29.129
Andy Whiteside: yeah. That that profile and registry madness.

00:29:29.160 --> 00:29:31.810
Andy Whiteside: We've been dealing with that for a long time. Now

00:29:32.060 --> 00:29:34.839
Andy Whiteside: that's part of the horizon stack natively. I'm asking

00:29:35.400 --> 00:29:36.379
Moin Khan: it is.

00:29:37.070 --> 00:29:56.870
Moin Khan: It is with the with the with the horizon 7 that included workspace environment management platform that allows customer to manage monitor and expedite the delivery of application desktop infrastructure across multiple either beat on prem, be it cloud.

00:29:56.880 --> 00:30:03.420
Moin Khan: So having this setting a smart policy option that V ever has included

00:30:03.510 --> 00:30:11.249
Moin Khan: definitely. it has given them the edge over other solution.

00:30:11.350 --> 00:30:15.080
Moin Khan: and especially after

00:30:15.190 --> 00:30:21.220
Moin Khan: coming from PC. Or IP to getting into a blast and

00:30:21.240 --> 00:30:34.370
Moin Khan: and and more control on the application setting and those things through their them. And dynamic environment management. I feel that

00:30:34.520 --> 00:30:38.279
Moin Khan: This has a pushed horizon to to the next year. Now.

00:30:38.350 --> 00:30:39.090

00:30:39.520 --> 00:30:41.219
Andy Whiteside: Philip, as

00:30:41.510 --> 00:30:47.390
Andy Whiteside: I don't know how much of the end user. Side you've done. It's been a while since you and I first met, and you were doing some stuff. Then

00:30:47.520 --> 00:30:51.280
Andy Whiteside: policies, profiles, several profiles and settings and

00:30:51.760 --> 00:31:00.249
Andy Whiteside: things like that that matter to the end. User Have you seen that be a enabler of Why, this environment is better fit for the administrative side of it?

00:31:00.720 --> 00:31:20.350
Philip Sellers: Absolutely have. And and really gonna kind of Take it full circle, and and go back up to image management. you know the one thing that truly fights, the number of images that you have is, what customizations do you need to make the application work for different users in in

00:31:20.370 --> 00:31:22.260
Philip Sellers: in their profile? And so.

00:31:22.310 --> 00:31:36.909
Philip Sellers: you know, we had the the 5 of persistent versus 9 persisted desktops continually right and non persistent, would drive down your cost of ownership, your cost of life cycling. It really was where we always wanted to be, but then

00:31:36.990 --> 00:31:41.649
Philip Sellers: certain things never worked. We always had to have those persistent desktops.

00:31:41.790 --> 00:31:47.560
Philip Sellers: DM. Gives us a good tool set to be able to inject those

00:31:47.850 --> 00:32:01.609
Philip Sellers: customizations and things that we need into a non persistent desktop and still deliver that high in customized experience to a, user and that's the differentiator here, because

00:32:01.950 --> 00:32:11.529
Philip Sellers: we can take that same base image, maybe only have one or 2 for the entire enterprise, and then be able to roll out a really customized experience. And

00:32:11.640 --> 00:32:17.369
Philip Sellers: it's the best of both worlds, right? So the

00:32:17.770 --> 00:32:34.340
Philip Sellers: The problem with persistent desktops is always going to be. Life cycle updates, divert, you know you you've You've taken a golden master, and now it's it's Got all this customization stuff happening which gives you unpredictability. This is just another way of driving that consistent

00:32:34.400 --> 00:32:42.910
Philip Sellers: operating environment that consisted that user environment. Even while delivering a a really tailored and custom

00:32:43.230 --> 00:32:44.600
Philip Sellers: user experience.

00:32:45.340 --> 00:32:49.630
Andy Whiteside: Do you guys remember when this end user configuration part was

00:32:49.740 --> 00:32:54.769
Andy Whiteside: its own special set of skills within the in user computing consulting space

00:32:56.650 --> 00:33:08.719
Philip Sellers: definitely from a 10 digital. I I I wasn't in that deep in the weeds, but I remember it almost took a a master's degree to kinda to get it working sometimes

00:33:08.940 --> 00:33:09.690

00:33:10.390 --> 00:33:15.299
Andy Whiteside: Well, I know you do right. Those guys that were the absence and res experts that did Voodoo.

00:33:15.700 --> 00:33:16.540
Moin Khan: Yeah.

00:33:17.300 --> 00:33:17.920

00:33:18.430 --> 00:33:31.709
Andy Whiteside: Well, guys we are at a time for this part one. We will hit this again in 2 weeks. I think Christmas is coming, so lots of things will be shuffled around, but we'll hit this again next time, and we'll talk about the features for the end users.

00:33:31.800 --> 00:33:38.960
Andy Whiteside: and maybe just maybe some of those will align with the admin benefits. And some of those will be unique to the end, user. And

00:33:38.980 --> 00:33:49.769
Andy Whiteside: we'll kind of vet that out. And hopefully, the win-win for everybody, and and I will highlight it. It's been a little bit of a talk down Memory Lane here, but you know the one thing always come back to you over and over again our space.

00:33:49.870 --> 00:33:59.970
Andy Whiteside: We used to do these over 15 k dial up modems. The bandwidth that we're dealing with these days, and the latency we're dealing with these days is so good compared to where this stuff started off.

00:34:00.210 --> 00:34:03.669
Andy Whiteside: It's just it should be a more mainstream than it is.

00:34:06.140 --> 00:34:09.839
Moin Khan: You're right, Tandy, and like I said over here that

00:34:09.929 --> 00:34:25.250
Moin Khan: these horizon or your desktop management is becoming your endpoint digital transformation, not only because of

00:34:25.260 --> 00:34:32.909
Moin Khan: distributing an application and managing it. But think about it now, especially with any device that people are coming in

00:34:32.960 --> 00:34:49.440
Moin Khan: and horizon having that edge on with their air watch Acquisition airport was the leader in managing those endpoint devices. So with 0 trust, with Sassy, with the Nsx with with workspace. One

00:34:49.960 --> 00:35:02.410
Moin Khan: horizon has come to a to a level where there is nothing in the solution that they have, including their load balancer that they have added every day. Load balancer.

00:35:02.540 --> 00:35:17.869
Moin Khan: They don't have anything in this solution box that does not complement or meet any businesses need, and that's where I feel that. a lot of businesses now they are looking into

00:35:17.970 --> 00:35:28.609
Moin Khan: completing all things that they were not able to meet with the with the legacy versions. Now with the the solution that the horizon is providing there is enough

00:35:29.060 --> 00:35:31.989
Moin Khan: there that it can make any solution Work

00:35:32.270 --> 00:35:32.919

00:35:33.640 --> 00:35:39.589
Andy Whiteside: Well, guys, we are out of time, and we'll pick it up again next time, and we'll cover those in user benefits and

00:35:39.930 --> 00:35:41.990
Andy Whiteside: absolutely like Mo was saying.

00:35:42.650 --> 00:35:53.220
Andy Whiteside: it really can work for everybody out there. I run into people all the time that say it can't They're just not evaluating it for what the real use Cases of benefits are but that that's why we're covering this.

00:35:53.470 --> 00:35:57.680
Andy Whiteside: And hopefully, the folks that listen will maybe challenge us on it. You hit us on linkedin even

00:35:57.730 --> 00:36:06.320
Andy Whiteside: even challenge. Why, we're saying we're saying, but love to have more conversations with with folks, and we'll bring in the experts like Philip and moen to talk about real world success stories

00:36:06.350 --> 00:36:08.330
Andy Whiteside: and see customers be successful

00:36:08.400 --> 00:36:22.929
Moin Khan: just to quickly add lost closing comment. Andy, we do at Zentagra, like Phillips at the we. We drink our own champagne so we do have a horizon that we use internally

00:36:23.020 --> 00:36:34.239
Moin Khan: any customer. If they are interested in coming and trying it out. We have complete stack solution deployed that we can give. We can gladly give access to our environment

00:36:34.360 --> 00:36:38.220
Moin Khan: to folks who wants to try, and I will be more than happy to work with them.

00:36:38.300 --> 00:36:39.300
Moin Khan: The solution.

00:36:39.920 --> 00:36:48.420
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I I would jump on that and just point out that we we use the solutions not necessarily because we're just trying to sell them. We we use them for the benefits that so far we've defined here.

00:36:48.510 --> 00:36:53.659
Andy Whiteside: and we'll define more later. I feel about who I'm going to say this. We'll see if it hits or not. But

00:36:53.710 --> 00:37:03.669
Andy Whiteside: I hope that you found coming over here that us using our own solutions has enabled you to see aspects of the the stack that maybe you couldn't see coming from the on the customer side.

00:37:03.880 --> 00:37:10.270
Philip Sellers: Oh, yeah, definitely. And and it's allowed me choice. I mean, I I've got a company issued laptop. I've got

00:37:10.640 --> 00:37:27.140
Philip Sellers: the ipad, Mac, my phone, and I get the same experience across any of those devices which is huge, You know I can choose what I want to take with me and be just as productive on the road as I am sitting here in my home Office. So

00:37:27.270 --> 00:37:37.259
Andy Whiteside: it's a huge enabler.

00:37:37.600 --> 00:37:39.729
Andy Whiteside: But I don't plan to bring my laptop, that's for sure.

00:37:40.960 --> 00:37:56.039
Philip Sellers: Yeah, it. It's amazing how productive I can be on my ipad at this point. So i'm i'm happy about that. gone to the days of having to log around a couple of boat anchors in my backpack, just to have a laptop for this and a laptop for personal. you know.

00:37:56.320 --> 00:37:57.479
Philip Sellers: that's all going.

00:37:57.550 --> 00:37:58.129

00:37:58.490 --> 00:38:00.769
Andy Whiteside: Well, gentlemen, we'll we'll do it again next week.

00:38:01.900 --> 00:38:03.990
Philip Sellers: Thanks.