XenTegra - On The Horizon

On The Horizon: What Is Digital Employee Experience (DEX)?

Season 1 Episode 36

VMware Digital Employee Experience (DEX) is a VMware solution that measures workplace experience, analyzes data, helps deliver a high-level employee experience, and helps remediate issues that may arise. For example, you can use DEX to increase efficiency and productivity by eliminating time searching for corporate resources, handling passwords via single sign-on, nipping issues in the bud, and running remote screensharing sessions when IT support is needed. If you want to ensure that your employees are satisfied with their work environment and technology experience, DEX is the solution for you.


Host: Andy Whiteside
Co-Host: Philip Sellers


00:00:02.500 --> 00:00:09.029
Andy Whiteside: Hi, everyone! Welcome to episode 36. I'm on the horizon. I'm your host, Andy White side. Phillip Sellers is with me today. Philip. How's it going?

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Philip Sellers: Good, Andy, how you doing

00:00:11.010 --> 00:00:25.309
Andy Whiteside: good. I know you're a big Vm. We're I'll call it fan built your career big junk of it on it. what's going on in the world of V, and we're outside the podcast we can already do. But you guys have another podcast as well. What's that one called

00:00:25.630 --> 00:00:44.399
Philip Sellers: It's called vmware today. And we focus on the non euc things within the vmware portfolio. So lots of other things that vmware has got their hands into from all of the core infrastructure network and security. Sd, when all sorts of fun things that we get to talk about on that. Podcast

00:00:44.520 --> 00:01:07.239
Andy Whiteside: have listeners, you know. Go, listen to that one as well. And what I love about the vmware solution, between workspace, one, including horizon and the mobility pieces and the infrastructure stuff where there's Nsx or Esx or V. Sand. And I go on and on there, man, as far as the software side of the story. Nobody has more of a cover than vmware.

00:01:07.840 --> 00:01:27.399
Philip Sellers: and and the thing that I've always liked about it is their simplistic approach to things, you know. They don't always quite make the simplest. you know, deployments the simplest of of you eyes and things like that. But they have over the years done such a a huge service to our industry, you know.

00:01:27.550 --> 00:01:35.310
Philip Sellers: One click to cluster, you know, one check box, and you've got clustering. So yeah, I I love that part of the vmware story, too.

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Andy Whiteside: So I think today, we're gonna talk about one of my favorite topics, which is okay, mister. So. And so this is so. And so you've got a digital transformation happening in your organization. Yes, everybody does. But what's the workspace experience that? that goes along with that digital transformation. And how are you making sure your users have a secure, high fidelity, easy to access.

00:01:57.590 --> 00:02:07.660
Andy Whiteside: simple, simplistic way of getting access to that digital transformation. Is that what we're gonna cover today in this this conversation around this blog, which is what is digital employee experience?

00:02:07.700 --> 00:02:29.049
Philip Sellers: Yeah, I think so it. It's really around ensuring that we're delivering that high level of access. I think, as practitioners, we've always tried to to give employees. You know, the best user experience. but we didn't always have the full picture, the full, you know, objective picture

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of of what's going on for the user. And so digital experience is that idea of of monitoring and adding metrics and then trying to automate the the remediation for our users and and really give them the best support that we can do.

00:02:46.530 --> 00:03:05.320
Andy Whiteside: Let me tweak some. First of all, the digital employee experience. Dx, so you might hear us with. You know it, guys, we got to refer to the acronyms because so digital employee experience. But let me tweak something you said, here's here's how I see the world of digital employee experience digital workspaces, organizations. Their it staff

00:03:05.360 --> 00:03:21.309
Andy Whiteside: deliver the best user experience. They know not the best one, but the best one they know, and for a lot of people that still means a windows, PC. And a VPN. Of some type, and our world and the needs that we have that move. Beyond that, it's just.

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Andy Whiteside: you know, organizations are still doing the best they know. That's why we're here to help educate and extend the the knowledge piece of it.

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Philip Sellers: Yeah, totally agree with that. And and again, we have new technology here that can assist us. And we're we're used to being able to do a remote screen sharing with our user. And we're used to being able to react when they call in. But

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Philip Sellers: we've got tools now that can help us be proactive that can help us seek out users where we know they're having a bad experience, because our tooling is telling us that they have a bad experience.

00:04:01.480 --> 00:04:08.160
Philip Sellers: And, Philip, I just did so much. You never do. I switched microphones right in the middle of the podcast. It works. You sound great?

00:04:08.370 --> 00:04:20.309
Andy Whiteside: alright. So let me have one of the element to this. If we do digital employee experience correctly, it benefits not only the end user, but it also a minute. It. It benefits the people who administer the system. What do you think?

00:04:20.720 --> 00:04:44.260
Philip Sellers: 100% So, rather than waiting for something to become so aggravated that it turns into a deluge of calls, dealers of tickets on your support desk. If you can start picking off these things before they get into that territory of really aggravating your user, you can get ahead of the problem. And this kind of tooling is is powerful in that way

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Philip Sellers: so yes, I think it cuts down on the amount of rework, the amount of unknowns that you're dealing with. When you do get a call into your support desk.

00:04:56.910 --> 00:05:06.869
Andy Whiteside: Alright, so that that was the intro, more or less. And the first section is a dex. So digital employee experience features provide flexibility. What are they covering here?

00:05:07.300 --> 00:05:23.540
Philip Sellers: Well, you know, there's the realization that we've changed in in terms of our posture with our employees working from home, having, you know, some sort of flexibility the pandemic change things for us. And so we we have, you know.

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Philip Sellers: adjusted to those changes. And so today, we're still striving to to let the employee work from anywhere. And you know, Dex is a tool for us to be able to give more insight and control back to the it. Administrators, the easy, you see, administrators and your service desk folks to be able to help support these users, no matter where they're at home on the road, on a flight.

00:05:52.660 --> 00:06:05.960
Philip Sellers: you know, in an office which still, you know, is is a thing. So we have lots of users who return to office. And so you know, how do we? How do we help them, no matter where they're at? And

00:06:06.050 --> 00:06:27.500
Andy Whiteside: you know, I spent 20 plus years on the front side saying, Hey, pandemics, no storm kids, sick transportation issues. Something's gonna call you to work remote never ever thinking that a real pandemic would have happened the way I did. You factor that in plus the security concerns around went ran somewhere and attacking the internal systems. It's just, it's perfect storm.

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Andy Whiteside: And it's time to rethink the way people do things

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Philip Sellers: absolutely. you know. And and

00:06:34.840 --> 00:07:01.310
Philip Sellers: there's the concept of not only taking and aggregating all of those different data sources. But you've got the human element of it, too. So you know, being able to include what your employees feeling It is a huge step forward when we start talking about the decks feature set. And I I have no idea if we're going to go here in this article or not, but even taking things like the Hello camera and starting to read like emotions.

00:07:01.530 --> 00:07:14.110
Andy Whiteside: Maybe that's in here. Maybe it's not. I don't know. You'll you'll tell me. But you know we we've now got this world where we have to trust that people are going to work from remote 3 days a week, and how we're going to make sure they have a good experience, how we also going to make sure they're working at all.

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Andy Whiteside: it all starts to factory.

00:07:16.860 --> 00:07:39.479
Philip Sellers: Yeah? And and those are types of of problems that we've never been able to, and that humans honestly cannot be able to handle. So that's where data science technology, AI, Ml, come into play. And so that's a huge component here with the Vmware Dex platform. Also with Workspace, one

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Philip Sellers: intelligence you're you're able to take, you know, and aggregate all of those different data sources together, but also apply new technology on top of it to to help you analyze and understand. So you know what you're talking about. I think some people, you know

00:07:55.570 --> 00:08:09.770
Philip Sellers: maybe a little freaked out about, you know, big brothers watching you kind of stuff. We're not there. but we do want to know what the employee is feeling, and so we want to be able to add that as a layer of context in with all of the other.

00:08:09.770 --> 00:08:34.770
Philip Sellers: you know objective measures of latency. And is it Internet latency? Are we having problems with CPU on on this particular endpoint? Are we having all of those other, you know, objective sort of things that we've been able to see in the past. This is bringing it together into a nice package for us. I have 2 stories for you. One is, we had a situation here where we hired a guy who literally reached out to another person that we know

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I didn't know we knew him, and he tried to work, shift his work to this other person because he actually had 4 jobs, and he was pretending to work for jobs. He pretend to work one job for each company, but he had 4 jobs, and he was like paying someone else to do his job for him.

00:08:48.570 --> 00:08:50.359
Andy Whiteside: Oh, how crazy is that!

00:08:50.970 --> 00:09:15.370
Andy Whiteside: But this is what we need to be able to know and measure that that's part of this. The other thing is So one of my team today just came in and and said they were having issues with their teams, meetings, or unified meetings. And I'm like, Well, I don't know why. And then I just looked over my shoulder. Well, today's the first day I've had my, you know, my streaming media stick playing all day in the background. I don't think that's the answer, but it sure would be not good to have a measurement to figure out if that was against or not.

00:09:15.510 --> 00:09:31.039
Philip Sellers: Yeah, this was fundamentally game changing to to my last organization. So we we used a very similar tool. Dex is newer. It wasn't on the market at the time that we started this path about 4 years ago.

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but we we put in a tool that gave us this kind of insight, and

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Philip Sellers: it allowed us to not only know, you know, where we were having problems. You know, it's surface, you know, bad user experience giving each user its own index. It also, gave us the ability to see, you know who's crashing often, what pages, what websites within our internal apps were. We're not loading well, we were able to target and and really improve the user experience. with our app dev teams

00:10:03.500 --> 00:10:18.479
Philip Sellers: based on the feedback that we were getting from from this tool. So you could see how many page loads you had on this particular part of our internal application. You could see, you know, where users were really churning and and having a difficult time.

00:10:18.480 --> 00:10:41.099
Philip Sellers: and and teams was one of those things that, particularly during the pandemic, became a a major pain point. We could see what releases were great and which ones were buggy, and that we were having some crashing issues with. So it allowed us to to proactively go back and and push software fixes and and ensure that users were on the correct versions

00:10:41.100 --> 00:10:50.899
Philip Sellers: to have a better user experience in general. it also gave us the ability to to say, Okay, we've made an infrastructure change at this particular office.

00:10:50.970 --> 00:11:19.689
Philip Sellers: Did we improve, or did we make it worse? So we could roll back metrics and say objectively, we've improved this by 20. by making this change. And that's a game changing thing. Because now we were able to say, Okay, we know that we're doing good sort of like doctors do no harm as as practitioners in it. We don't want to make a worse experience for our user. So how do we ensure that we're doing the best by them? Because numbers don't lie.

00:11:19.870 --> 00:11:25.810
Philip Sellers: numbers don't lie. And to go with that we we track the things we care about. Right? Yeah.

00:11:26.090 --> 00:11:35.010
Andy Whiteside: all right, so much good. We. I got it kind of move us through this, because whenever we get through this thing first, that next session we're Tom that says, measure employee sentiment. What are they covering there?

00:11:35.260 --> 00:12:02.159
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So we're able through Dex, to get the idea of what the user is is feeling. So there's seamless access to communication tools, workflows that they need But we're also increasing their efficiency by making corporate access. You know, the access to their corporate resources really upfront for them, you know, that's accomplished through things like Workspace, one access where it's a single

00:12:02.240 --> 00:12:19.310
Philip Sellers: place, a single store for them to come in and get access to other applications or desktops, and everything that they need to do work from anywhere And then we're we're laying on the ability of kind of the happy, sad sort of sentiment into that experience as well.

00:12:20.850 --> 00:12:26.539
Andy Whiteside: And is that currently taking advantage of the camera or not? Yet.

00:12:26.550 --> 00:12:35.799
Andy Whiteside: it is not at this point.

00:12:36.380 --> 00:12:51.579
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So Dex is, gonna give you the ability to spot issues that your employee may see or may not see. But it's gonna use things like deviations from norms. And it's gonna surface those so that your support desk team

00:12:51.580 --> 00:13:07.800
is able to see that. So by putting those issues up front and integrating them into your servicing tools like service. Now, you're gonna be able to to get that information in front of a a practitioner who can help. you know

00:13:07.800 --> 00:13:28.279
Philip Sellers: Dex also includes features like Workspace. One assist where you're able to remotely connect and screen share to not only Pcs but also to their mobile devices. So you can do it to their phone. You can do it to their tablet and and help them walk through resolution on their device. So

00:13:28.400 --> 00:13:44.590
Andy Whiteside: you know, by getting that information up in front of your support desk folks. You just prioritize their their incident and time to resolution

00:13:45.320 --> 00:13:50.039
Andy Whiteside: reduce time to resolution. I think this goes hand and hand what you're just talking about. But let's hit it.

00:13:50.070 --> 00:13:52.339
Philip Sellers: It is yeah. So

00:13:53.640 --> 00:14:13.459
Philip Sellers: self service is a huge key to to reducing time to resolution. You can call into your support desk and and that kind of thing for resolution. But if you can automate remediations in the background when you spot a condition happening, or if you make it available to a user so that they can kick off a remediation, or they they can initiate.

00:14:13.460 --> 00:14:27.040
you know updates and take action on business processes. That's a lot more efficient because the user can choose when the right time is for them versus having to search for and and

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you know, go back and try to find, you know, at the links, or or help desktop articles and things like that. It's also something where you know, by

00:14:38.000 --> 00:15:00.529
Philip Sellers: bringing everything together and unifying the experience with features like single sign on you, you eliminate the need to have all of these different passwords. And you know, remembering those kinds of things. So you just streamline that that experience from a user standpoint to make it less friction, less difficult to get their job done on a daily basis. Right?

00:15:01.040 --> 00:15:08.640
Andy Whiteside: So everything we talk about has to include security. Dexter calling out security and consistency around security. Help us understand that.

00:15:08.640 --> 00:15:32.240
Philip Sellers: So again, Dex, riding on top of the entire workspace, one platform, you know, really, is a great way to deliver 0 trust in your environment. So it's a consistent experience whether you're on your Ios device, your Android, your windows. PC, and Mac doesn't matter. You get the same user experience. You get the same device management experience across all of those different platforms.

00:15:32.280 --> 00:15:47.509
So you can meet your employees and your users where they want to be. There's no requirement that that they have to have X or y, you can deliver them, and they can be productive on a personal or a corporate device.

00:15:47.510 --> 00:16:04.199
And you know, the 0 trust story is a strong one, because, you know, we really have to shift from this mindset of things in the corporate office. Things on the corporate network are trusted, and then things outside the firewall are not trusted

00:16:04.200 --> 00:16:19.759
Philip Sellers: when in reality a lot of the vulnerabilities and a lot of the problems that we have in our networks are introduced by those quote unquote trusted devices on our network. So in reality, they're not all that trusted because they have

00:16:19.780 --> 00:16:26.519
a a human attached to it. And our humans, unfortunately, are sometimes our biggest security vulnerability.

00:16:26.590 --> 00:16:44.979
Philip Sellers: So how do we get around that. Well, we shift our mindset. And we think about every endpoint device, every user as untrusted until they prove that they're trustworthy. And so that's the concept of 0 trust. We don't trust it until you've proven that you're trustworthy

00:16:45.630 --> 00:16:52.420
Andy Whiteside: right? The next section talks about manage day one on boarding day, 2 ongoing and off boarding. How does decks play a role in that?

00:16:52.790 --> 00:17:07.109
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So again, trying to give the best user experience. Dex is really about that smooth onboarding experience. We talked about this and our last update our last, podcast but we were talking about

00:17:07.109 --> 00:17:29.840
Philip Sellers: the onboarding, experience and and the direct to factory capabilities to do workspace one onboarding. So this is a portion of that as a new user, you sign into the client. You you get all of the tools. Everything is provisioned over the air, everything gets auto enrolled. You've got your secure app, catalog, your homepage to launch everything.

00:17:29.840 --> 00:17:46.059
Philip Sellers: And so it's really straightforward, easy for the user to get started. and then, you know, on a day to day basis, we want to ensure, you know, after they're onboarded, that those apps continue to run, that you've got the bandwidth required, that you're not having problems and crashes

00:17:46.060 --> 00:18:08.279
Philip Sellers: that you've got, you know, support options from your support desk, and so those facets of the platform come into play, so that you ensure that we continue to have ongoing good experiences for our users. I'm porting those one that I think we miss a lot of times, you know, and it's important, because.

00:18:08.290 --> 00:18:29.480
Philip Sellers: you know, if you have someone who's no longer with your organization, and we let's say they were disgruntled as they left you. You have this open doorway for them. Possibly, if they're not properly off boarded, if you've not right their corporate devices, and, you know, brought back access from their bring your own devices.

00:18:29.510 --> 00:18:49.840
Philip Sellers: This is a a huge one that that could potentially bite your organization. So ensuring that you have a good off boarding process that accesses cut, that things are are ended appropriately. It is a huge security concern in my eyes. And so you know, this

00:18:50.420 --> 00:19:10.320
Philip Sellers: platform and Dex in general ensures that we're doing all of those things well, so we've got a great day, one ongoing and end of days experience for our users. So you know it. The part of it is is making sure the users, having a great experience and part of it is protecting our organizations.

00:19:10.400 --> 00:19:18.389
Andy Whiteside: So what? What percentage of companies out there, do you think have a solid, all 40 solution in place.

00:19:18.880 --> 00:19:35.169
Philip Sellers: you know, it's gonna be. And and I don't know from a percentage perspective, I would say of our larger customers, 60 to 70. As we go down towards our smaller customers, it becomes a much more difficult thing

00:19:35.180 --> 00:19:45.690
Philip Sellers: unless you have a customer that's very automated. for customers who have adopted automation. You know, I think this becomes one of the first

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Philip Sellers: items that they try to automate is integration with their

00:19:50.090 --> 00:19:58.010
Philip Sellers: either Hr system or you know, whatever system of record holds all their user information. And

00:19:58.130 --> 00:20:19.139
Philip Sellers: you know this, this is one that has to scale with the organization as well. So you know, it's it's much more difficult. And I think it's a much lower percentage in our our smaller customers than it is. And our large customers, because they've hit that inflection point where scale payoff is there for their automations.

00:20:19.440 --> 00:20:31.810
Andy Whiteside: But I guess what I'm getting is there's big or small. There's probably a ton of addressable in the out there. That's you know, we we we still run into customers that have an excel spreadsheet where they track some of this stuff.

00:20:32.050 --> 00:20:42.389
Andy Whiteside:  and we haven't talked about taking, you know, decks here and and tying into something like service now, and having that complete life cycle manage through this centralized platform.

00:20:42.520 --> 00:21:04.390
Philip Sellers: Well, it's not just life cycle. It may be asset management as well. So there, there's multiple different pieces of that that can integrate with your servicing platform like service. Now. So yeah, I mean, there, there's so much more that potentially can get unlocked and and help you and your organization provide better service, right?

00:21:05.410 --> 00:21:10.220
Andy Whiteside: let's get technical little bit. Tell me about the architecture of this magical thing.

00:21:10.850 --> 00:21:29.940
Philip Sellers: Well, again, you've got your aggregation layer and your enabling platform, basically. And that's what we know as Workspace one today. so you've got intelligence. This uses the workspace. One intelligence suite which will dive into in more detail in another. Podcast but

00:21:29.940 --> 00:21:52.190
Philip Sellers: you, you use that as your aggregation. So you're pulling in information from your Euc platform like Horizon. You're also pulling in access for our information from your unified endpoint management. So workspace one ue pulling all of that rich data, all those metrics, all of the real time sort of information

00:21:52.190 --> 00:22:17.640
Philip Sellers: into Workspace, one intelligence. And then Dex is really a a solution. Build on top of that. And it's a 2 part. So on one side, you've got your absurd observations, your data, science type things where you're taking all that rich data that you've aggregated. And then you're trying to bring insights out of it. the second part of it is the integrations with your its like service. Now

00:22:17.640 --> 00:22:28.970
your root cause analysis, understanding why our problems happening, what incidents can we can we pinpoint and help our team fix? And then,

00:22:29.050 --> 00:22:51.369
Philip Sellers: the remediation piece of it. So, as I talked about, the best way to to serve a customer is to find an issue that they may or may not not know that they're having and fix it for them in the background. So automation and orchestration to fix those conditions before the user sees it. You know, a simple one that that we used in my last organization.

00:22:51.370 --> 00:23:14.769
Philip Sellers: We were looking for outlook data files that we're filling up mailboxes that we're filling up. And so there were ways that we could go in and remediate those before it became a your out of Space Service ticket. And so depending on different rights and memberships, and who the person was from a profile standpoint. We had different paths of automation where

00:23:14.770 --> 00:23:27.820
Philip Sellers: they could get a fix and never have to touch it, and we never opened a ticket, and it never hit one of our humans working in the support desk. so I mean? That's a huge, huge win for us.

00:23:31.690 --> 00:23:38.710
Andy Whiteside: moving on to delivery. Workspace. One intelligent hub as part of that architecture.

00:23:38.800 --> 00:24:06.540
Philip Sellers: Yes, absolutely intelligent hub. Is that employee facing user experience. This is your one stop shop. This is the thing that that really helps us. deliver that best user experience. it's consistent, no matter what device it includes single sign on. This is where you go to get things done. And so it becomes essentially your work launching point for your organization.

00:24:06.740 --> 00:24:16.729
Andy Whiteside: So this is the end user interaction into that servicing of their decks. Absolutely okay. And then where does Workspace one hub fit into that.

00:24:16.850 --> 00:24:40.100
Philip Sellers: So this is located with our what workspace one access and for anybody listening not familiar with Workspace, one access. This is the old identity manager product, and it really helps us identify who the user is, what rights they have. and so this is the the place where we're we're co-locating all of the other

00:24:40.100 --> 00:25:14.690
Philip Sellers: services that help us from an intelligence standpoint. So Everything else gets located here inside of the workspace one access. and and so it becomes the core system for the Dex platform because it makes sense. Right? We need to know who the user is. And so all of this is a very user centric sort of pro problem that we're we're working. And so we're better than the identity management portion of our our workspace. One platform to integrate that. So that you've you've got your authentication, your entitlements, all of that kind of stuff

00:25:14.690 --> 00:25:34.799
Philip Sellers: within the the platform here. So, Philip, did. I did we skip the workspace one hub services piece. So hub services are are just kind of those core pieces that that work in conjunction with workspace one access. So these are all of the the hub pieces that that make the decks platform work.

00:25:35.490 --> 00:25:36.210
Andy Whiteside: Okay.

00:25:37.280 --> 00:25:40.679
Andy Whiteside: next section talks about measure and analyze.

00:25:41.900 --> 00:26:07.980
Philip Sellers: Yeah. So again, we, we measure what's important to us. Right? So we're taking all the telemetry that we're getting from all the different data sources. So horizon workspace one u em any of the network metrics, any of the V's fear metrics, all of that kind of stuff, and we bubble it up into this platform where we get actionable intelligence And so

00:26:07.990 --> 00:26:29.260
Philip Sellers: this is really the heart of the index platform, something we call digital employee experience management or Dean, because we need one more acronym, right? but deem is that tool for measuring success and satisfaction. and it's built on top of that workspace. One intelligence platform.

00:26:34.070 --> 00:26:38.840
Andy Whiteside: Okay? So next one says Workspace one you that's

00:26:40.180 --> 00:26:44.260
Andy Whiteside: that's the management piece of the unified endpoint management.

00:26:44.330 --> 00:27:10.419
Philip Sellers: It is so. you know, Workspace, one became more of a brand than a a simple product. It's a suite of different products. U, Em. Is that piece that manages your Ios devices your Android devices, your Pcs. Your, your your Max. It is the modern management Mdm type solution. but it's so much more than just. Nbm, because it's delivering

00:27:10.420 --> 00:27:22.960
Philip Sellers: everything together. So you've got Uem managing all your endpoint devices it. It's able to see what vulnerabilities push patches, push policy, push software

00:27:22.960 --> 00:27:43.399
Philip Sellers: and and then report back in data and telemetry. So you know, it's one of those things that that we get rich rich data back from this platform because it is. you know the central point where we're managing all those endpoint devices from

00:27:43.410 --> 00:27:48.969
Philip Sellers: Now, one thing as we talk about Nbn, it's important to

00:27:49.010 --> 00:28:09.809
Philip Sellers: to share here is that we're we're talking specifically about corporate dedicator corporate shared devices and corporate on devices the Dean platform doesn't collect as rich telemetry on. Bring your own devices because we're a little more limited on those. So if you do have a policy where you allow employees to connect from their own devices.

00:28:09.810 --> 00:28:19.039
you may not get as rich of of the detail but you will get some of the detail and telemetry provided back in through Uem.

00:28:19.260 --> 00:28:30.119
Philip Sellers: But again, this is our central management point for all of our endpoints. So we, we're using that to to basically collect and pull everything into Dx.

00:28:31.090 --> 00:28:37.829
Andy Whiteside: This last section, other than the conclusion talks about the remediate. That's kind of the goal in all this, isn't it?

00:28:38.180 --> 00:28:55.420
Philip Sellers: It is an an automated remediation is is a huge thing. So again, trying to get to a place where you no longer have to wait for the user to call. To know that there's an issue is is one of the underlying things. But what happens when a user does call in so

00:28:55.480 --> 00:29:07.310
Philip Sellers: making sure that we have a dashboard available so that the technician on the other end of the line can know what's going on can identify what device the users using.

00:29:07.410 --> 00:29:23.899
Philip Sellers: and then ultimately connect to that device and help address and and screen share. You know, pictures worth a thousand words. We say that over and over being able to see that user's screen and walk them through. You know, a, a, a procedure to.

00:29:23.900 --> 00:29:46.550
Philip Sellers: you know, change settings, or to you know, work through a a and troubleshoot a problem in real time. Those things are huge in terms of being able to move the user forward in a timely manner, hit that first call resolution, and just get them back to being productive. you know.

00:29:46.640 --> 00:29:56.220
Philip Sellers: there's also used cases with Workspace, one assist where you can have things like kiosks, or, you know, sign in type.

00:29:56.530 --> 00:30:15.109
Philip Sellers: yeah, used cases at doctors, offices and and things like that, where you're able to go in. And and, you know, remediate or change things remotely without a user on the other end. So that's a huge benefit that we bring with the Workspace. One assist

00:30:15.120 --> 00:30:32.900
Philip Sellers: And because we're talking so much about service now, which again, we have a great practice built around service. Now, Workspace one and Workspace. One assist is something you can launch directly out of your service now, after you integrate it. with your its module in service. Now, so, being able to

00:30:32.900 --> 00:30:51.899
Philip Sellers: take a ticket, collect some basic information from the user, and then immediately get started helping them without having to search for their machine without having to look anything up. It's a huge enabler for your service desk professionals so that they can get straight to work resolving the problem for your end user.

00:30:53.800 --> 00:30:58.710
Andy Whiteside: right? And then the conclusion of this whole digital employee experience topic.

00:30:59.640 --> 00:31:01.829
Philip Sellers: Yeah, you know it. It's

00:31:01.910 --> 00:31:40.740
Philip Sellers: we're in anywhere. Organization. You know, we we have our work has no boundaries. Give away, and I think that it fits so well with this messaging. We're a company that believes you can work from anywhere, and this is a technology that makes it possible to do that and to provide a great user experience for your user while they're working from anywhere. So you know that flexibility is a given. It's an expectation today. in the post pandemic world. So, responding to that and making sure that you have a way of delivering

00:31:40.950 --> 00:31:48.049
Philip Sellers: the same or better user experience that the user was accustomed to in the office is a paramount

00:31:48.120 --> 00:32:02.590
Philip Sellers:  requirement for your organization moving forward. So Dex is an enabling platform so that you can do that competently and make sure that your users are having a great experience every day.

00:32:02.710 --> 00:32:16.169
Andy Whiteside: Yeah, I mean that that reality of the remote workforce, the in the office workforce, the who knows what work for us? it's here, and how we're gonna measure and keep that quality of service up happy employees. And

00:32:16.180 --> 00:32:18.930
Andy Whiteside: I mean, it's it's very important that that's part of our story.

00:32:19.720 --> 00:32:26.870
Philip Sellers: Yeah. And and again, I mean at the end of the day. As technologists, we really should be looking at ways

00:32:27.230 --> 00:32:50.979
Philip Sellers: to help our users be as productive as possible. And you know we have lots of different things. We have to balance on our plate, making sure that it's secure, making sure that it's it's you got room to scale. We have all of these other concerns that we have, but we should also really be focused on making sure that the experience is a great experience for our users.

00:32:51.480 --> 00:32:59.109
Andy Whiteside: That's it. Well, Philip, appreciate you walking us through that. What's the we covered this one? Because you have something you want to cover next time. What's that?

00:32:59.150 --> 00:33:26.570
Philip Sellers: Yeah, absolutely. I want to dig a little more into Workspace, one intelligence which is again a huge enabling platform. Here intelligence is something that. I think anyone with workspace one ue m or horizon can make use of and find a lot of value. So we wanted to dangle the carrot of the end end user. experience But let's go a little deeper on the the technical for

00:33:26.570 --> 00:33:31.420
Andy Whiteside: intelligence. And and what goodness we can find there.

00:33:31.420 --> 00:33:42.649
Philip Sellers: Appreciate you covering this. And we'll jump on that next time, and just happy to have us having these Vmware related conversations. Yeah, I appreciate it, Andy, have a great one. Alright. See you thanks.