156. Richard Kerr: Government-Protected Child Abuse in Belfast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
156. Richard Kerr: Government-Protected Child Abuse in Belfast
Jun 14, 2024
RA Kris Millegan

The Journey Podcast 156
Richard Kerr: Government-Protected Child Abuse in Belfast
Also with Father Sean McManus and Author Chris Moore

At TrineDay.com and the usual podcast platforms.

Publisher Kris Millegan speaks with Richard Kerr, Father Sean McManus (of the IrishNationalCaucus.org), and Chris Moore (author of THE KINCORA SCANDAL: Political Cover-Up and Intrigue in Ulster) to discuss the sex scandal in Ireland that went far beyond the Kincora Boys’ Home in east Belfast, where dozens of boys were abused over three decades. (Children were abused in government operations, and the British government continues to cover it up.)

“Richard Kerr was five years old when he was sent to Williamson House (ages 5-14) on Christmas night 1966. Then he was transferred to Kincora House (ages 14-18).

“Richard’s abuse started at the age of 5 at the hands of house managers. He was spirited out of Belfast to the US by his handlers in May 1979 (aged 17-18) via London … to ensure he was not available to answer questions in the developing police inquiries around the sex scandal known as Kincora. [Richard: “The American who helped with [my] immigration was Roy Cohn.”]

“Most of Richard’s abuse was arranged by house managers in hotels and safe houses outside of Kincora. He was pimped out to businessmen, lawyers, politicians, doctors. These clients were then blackmailed into providing intelligence during the war in Northern Ireland. Most of the other kids in these homes were abused internally by the house managers.”

Richard knew many victims who committed suicide.

Father Sean McManus is the founder and president of the IrishNationalCaucus.org. “McManus became Britain’s nemesis in America, the driving force that would eventually erode Britain’s influence within the U.S. Government.” (American Policy and Northern Ireland: A Saga of Peacebuilding, Professor Joseph E. Thompson, 2001.)

Chris Moore is the author of THE KINCORA SCANDAL: Political Cover-Up and Intrigue in Ulster, available at the usual sellers.

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