7. Kris Millegan - Fake News, Fake BATTLES, Dialectics To Control Us, Very Heavy Psychological Warfare, "I Want My Country Back"
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
7. Kris Millegan - Fake News, Fake BATTLES, Dialectics To Control Us, Very Heavy Psychological Warfare, "I Want My Country Back"
Sep 29, 2020
RA Kris Millegan

Kris Millegan, TrineDay publisher, on fake news, "fake battles," dialectics set up to control us and game into positions, classic "divide and conquer."  Very heavy psychological warfare coming from many entities.  Object: destroy the United States of America, a republic built on democratic principles.  Regarding “Q,” there is no "there" there, fake battle, to get us fighting each other.  Trace who owns the voting machines - you find organized crime people.  Big discrepancies between who voters say they voted for and the final results.  We're going through a paradigm shift.  Start of a major cycle.  The powers that be would like to see a new dark ages, a global lockdown.  Skull and Bones controls many defense industries, foments the wars, sits at the peace tables so they can set up another war, brings in drugs and made them illegal, to create black markets that create slush funds for their agendas.  I want my country back, a republic that runs on democratic principles.