Author of BOND OF SECRECY: MY LIFE WITH CIA SPY AND WATERGATE CONSPIRATOR E. HOWARD HUNT, and DOROTHY, “AN AMORAL AND DANGEROUS WOMAN”: THE MURDER OF E. HOWARD HUNT’S WIFE – WATERGATE’S DARKEST SECRET, Saint John Hunt talks about his dad’s involvement in JFK’s assassination, the purpose of Watergate, his mom’s life as a CIA spy, and what it was like growing up in the aftermath. Kris’ dad, also in the CIA, said, read everything - the regular news, and the mis- and the disinformation, to see where they don’t want you to go. The biggest problem now is MAL-information, evil in intent, designed to make us jump off a cliff. JFK’s assassination was planned far in advance - the ritual called “The Killing of The King” - Kennedy in old Gaelic means “wounded head." The Watergate “burglars” had different missions. They were set up to be caught, probably by military intelligence. Many narratives are perpetuated, to obfuscate the truth.