51. Sarah Whalen: Diana Was Murdered (Here’s Why)
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
TrineDay: The Journey Podcast
51. Sarah Whalen: Diana Was Murdered (Here’s Why)
Jul 20, 2021
RA Kris Millegan

Sarah Whalen, author of “Royal Vengeance: The Assassination of Princess Diana and the Ancient Royal Cult of Human Sacrifice,” discusses her book with publisher RA “Kris” Millegan. The Monarch used to be killed, after a reign of some years, to re-earn the blessings of the gods on the kingdom. Then others were sacrificed in their place (Princess Diana in England), and sacrifices continue to be performed around the world (John F. Kennedy in 1963; 9/11 in 2001.) The public is imprinted with horror and becomes more obedient and quiet. Today we have computers and can research and spread the word. Chapters of “Royal Vengeance” are available for free at TrineDailydotcom and on Facebook. The book comes out in December 2021.

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