Carol ReMarks

Rona & RFKJ Influence

August 24, 2024 Carol Marks
Rona & RFKJ Influence
Carol ReMarks
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Carol ReMarks
Rona & RFKJ Influence
Aug 24, 2024
Carol Marks


Despite extensive travel and countless interactions, one of us managed to avoid COVID-19 until now. Join us as we recount the initial symptoms, the reasoning behind choosing antibiotics over Paxlovid due to a history of respiratory issues, and the surprisingly delightful experience of watching "Doctor Strange" during the recovery phase. Our reflections on this journey through the pandemic blend personal anecdotes with light-hearted moments, making this episode both relatable and engaging.

We then pivot to an intriguing discussion on the Marvel Universe, with a spotlight on Doctor Strange’s rapid rise to power and role in the Avengers. This naturally leads us into a thought-provoking political commentary on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s critique of the Democratic Party and his choice of Nicole Shanahan as a running mate. We dissect media coverage discrepancies, debunk the myth of egg contamination, and speculate on potential political roles for RFK Jr. in a Trump administration. Wrapping up, we explore Governor Newsom's possible career shift from politics to media, all the while keeping the conversation lively and informative. Tune in for a compelling mix of health, entertainment, and political insights.

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Despite extensive travel and countless interactions, one of us managed to avoid COVID-19 until now. Join us as we recount the initial symptoms, the reasoning behind choosing antibiotics over Paxlovid due to a history of respiratory issues, and the surprisingly delightful experience of watching "Doctor Strange" during the recovery phase. Our reflections on this journey through the pandemic blend personal anecdotes with light-hearted moments, making this episode both relatable and engaging.

We then pivot to an intriguing discussion on the Marvel Universe, with a spotlight on Doctor Strange’s rapid rise to power and role in the Avengers. This naturally leads us into a thought-provoking political commentary on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s critique of the Democratic Party and his choice of Nicole Shanahan as a running mate. We dissect media coverage discrepancies, debunk the myth of egg contamination, and speculate on potential political roles for RFK Jr. in a Trump administration. Wrapping up, we explore Governor Newsom's possible career shift from politics to media, all the while keeping the conversation lively and informative. Tune in for a compelling mix of health, entertainment, and political insights.

Exit bumper Not A Democracy Podcast Network made by @FuryanEnergy

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Speaker 1:

Good morning everyone. Happy Saturday.

Speaker 2:

Good morning on it all Beautiful day.

Speaker 1:

Very much. So. What do you have on your mind, the gent?

Speaker 2:

What do I have on my mind? Well, it's amazing. Since the inception of COVID and this is thinking about me I went to work every day during COVID. I faced people every day because the business I was in. I was face-to-face with people, traveled by jet to several different places, traveled by car to different places, went to probably a lot of different states, saw talked to a lot of different states, saw talked to a lot of people, never faded away from going to restaurants and all that kind of stuff and went to the grocery store every day.

Speaker 2:

You know, covid did not slow me down as far as interacting and all that stuff and it finally caught me Last Monday night. I kind of started feeling like I had a little cold and Tuesday it was getting a little better, because I have a tendency to get sinus infection, a little bit of a sinus cold that will drain down into my chest.

Speaker 1:

But you know what when?

Speaker 2:

that does I know I'm in trouble.

Speaker 1:

But you haven't had one of those in four years.

Speaker 2:

That's because I'm so weary of it. As soon as I feel it, I jump on it, because you know I've gone to the doctor several times. You have, yeah, I've gotten. Oh, absolutely I don't remember any of that. Yeah, when I start to feel it, I head to the doctor quick. Anyway, you do, you remember, you just don't.

Speaker 1:

How do you?

Speaker 2:

know that wasn't COVID, then it's not top of mind for you, because I never tested positive for COVID.

Speaker 2:

But this time I got a fever. Those times I didn't. This time I got a fever, those times I didn't. This time I got a fever in the morning. I felt that as I was sleeping into Tuesday morning, I was like, oh hell, I feel like I got a fever. Woke up the morning, tested bam, covid, son of a bitch, and you know, went through the day and tested again that afternoon and sure enough, I had the. I had it anyway. Covet finally got me. I put up a good fight, by god though I did, and it wasn't too bad, so thank goodness yeah thank goodness.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, it finally got me. But that was my. I was thinking Okay, I'm recovering a little bit.

Speaker 1:

Feeling better.

Speaker 2:

Much better than I did the last few days, that's for sure, mm-hmm Much better.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I wasn't too bad a patient was I.

Speaker 1:

No, okay then Not at all. All right, you cracked me up, though. Well, anyway, I'm glad you're better.

Speaker 2:

Why do I crack you up?

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, I'm talking about when you came home from Tunica, and it was a Tuesday afternoon. I was at work and you were already feeling bad and I walked through the door to greet you when I got home from work. I'm glad you're all blah, blah, blah, hugged and kissed.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then he said oh, I feel like I'm getting a cold.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but you know that cold never. You didn't know I didn't know it was COVID.

Speaker 1:

And whatever it's COVID now. It's like a cold these days, right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I didn't think it was. You know, I was sitting in one point one time with an air conditioner blowing on me really, really, really hard for an extended period of time. I thought, well, that may have done it. You know, cold into hot and sometimes that'll trigger a cold and I was assuming that was probably what it was. Yeah, Because I didn't have any reason to think I'd gotten COVID. I'd been to where I was 10, times yeah, that's true, but you know, it's going around a lot.

Speaker 1:

Lately I noticed at work a lot of people are getting it as well, going around again. But you know, it's just it's. I think it's pretty much been deduced, reduced to a cold type thing, upper respiratory, whatever. Yeah, I mean, you weren't even your respiratory wasn't even affected. You were all good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Sure, absolutely, I'm good. Did you have it? Did it go down to your chest? I'm so sore. I was so sore from coughing that stuff up.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I thought you said it was just from drainage.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think you said it got infected in your chest. I didn't get infection because the doctor got me on antibiotics.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, that's weird too I mean it got in there.

Speaker 2:

You know you heard me coughing up all the crap and all that stuff. But no, I didn't get infected because I called the doctor and you know we went that route. You know that was the big question Do you want to go on Paxlovid to try to reduce the symptoms of COVID or do you want to get on antibiotics and that type of thing so that you don't get infection from those? And we chose antibiotics because of that history of if it gets into my lungs then I get really bad.

Speaker 1:

so I got you, but I was asking you before you got on it. You know, uh, I I think I'd ask you, do you feel like it's in your chest? And you said, no, this coughing is just from the drainage.

Speaker 2:

Right, the coughing was there from the drainage but it got down in there and you know, that's why I was coughing up, all the fun, yeah.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, I'm glad you're doing better.

Speaker 2:

I can tell.

Speaker 1:

Stop, I am glad.

Speaker 2:

I know you are Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Why are you being like that? I'm not All right. Well, we need to move on to a different topic Did you have anything else?

Speaker 2:

We watched Doctor Strange last night. Yeah, that was good. That was a good movie, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 1:

It was different.

Speaker 2:

It was strange.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I was glad I was feeling better to watch it because I tell you what you watch that movie and you can. If you're drunk or doing drugs it may freak you out a little bit. You go down some wormholes on that puppy. There are some visual effects about the time winding, and what else was it doing? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know. The city was changing, the environment they were in was getting all crazy and the city buildings would turn.

Speaker 2:

He was time winding.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That was very psychedelic looking, I guess would be the thing, yeah. Everything turning on top of each other. It was quite mind-wielding. It would play with your brain.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was good it was a good movie though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I enjoyed it. You know I'm still waiting. These are the movies that I don't know the progression of the comic book series and how they play into each other, but apparently Dr Strange comes in and becomes part of the Avengers. I don't know how he works in there doing that and I'm not exactly sure how those superpowers wheeled into what he did. I'm not sure. I still don't quite understand how he got his superpowers.

Speaker 1:

Well, he went over there and studied.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Apparently, you know the girl, the ancient one she knows Well. Think about Thor, think about the Infinity stones, because you know she has one of the infinity stones right and think about how we were attacked, before we like it's a real thing from other other beings from outside our universe and attack the you know earth. That happened with the wormhole opening up, so there's other entities out there trying to attack us all the time. Sure, and this is just part of it.

Speaker 2:

Right, but he seemed like it only took him like half an hour to study and get all these superpowers.

Speaker 1:

Well, he is super smart. He probably studied at Yale.

Speaker 2:

That could very well be.

Speaker 1:

He's a doctor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't know. It's a movie, rais's a doctor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't know, it's a movie.

Speaker 2:

Raised in the hills of West Virginia, went to Yale, and now he's Doctor Strange, right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ow.

Speaker 2:

So Doctor Strange could be in the White House, uh-huh.

Speaker 1:

Remember they have one of the Infinity Stones, so yeah, that's what he's protecting now.

Speaker 2:

That's how it kind of ended, though he's in charge of protecting the infinity stone now right, because all the entrances into the you know those things, the shields, the three shields, yeah so london, new york and hong kong, hong kong, right, all right. And New York and Hong. Kong, Hong Kong right. All right, and from that thing that was out in space, whatever it was, yeah, of course they said word will get around the universe that the what's her name is what's the name whatever. What was it?

Speaker 1:

The ancient one.

Speaker 2:

The ancient one is no longer. Word will pass and they'll be coming after the infinity stone. So that's set up for it. We got thanos coming for it yep, that's right he's the one that gets them all thor can barely drink a lot of beer. Yeah, just yeah, when he drank the beer and he filled it back up, yeah right.

Speaker 1:

Thor is a god, absolutely all right, all, all right, all right, all right. What else? Oh, I have a topic, there's something else we wanted to talk about. Or was that everything? Robert Kennedy? Oh yeah, do you want to talk about Robert Kennedy Jr? Robert F Kennedy Jr, or, as Megyn Kelly calls him, rfkj.

Speaker 2:

RFKJ Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's something, isn't it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's pretty big when you think about it. Mm-hmm, you know you can go one way or the other with it. You can say, well, now, all the crazies that followed him will, you know, go to Trump. Or all the crazies that followed him won't go to Trump, all the crazies that followed him won't go to Trump. But I think it's just hearing him, especially in the speech he made, how he really just dissolved, or not dissolved, but just attacked the Democratic Party for what they are and what they stand for and what they've done to him and what they've done to Trump, basically says, you know, hey, they can't be trusted. I mean, when, when, when your political opponents are being tacked with lawsuits and being trying to silence, you know, if one party is going out and trying to sue, trying to put in jail, trying to sue, trying to, you know, put off the, you know, sue them off the ballot, what are they doing? They're trying to control democracy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And you can't control democracy, you have to let democracy go, and that's what this Democratic Party is doing. They are so scared that they're going to lose their hold, that they're, you know, going towards very far left tactics to keep imprison your political opponents, to censor your political opponents. That you know what is that? Well, that's called socialism, communism, you know. But I think that was huge. His speech was huge. If you didn't see it, that's something you need to go look at. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yes, his VP pick, nicole Shanahan, has been making the rounds on podcasts and she pretty much laid it out on the table. I was shocked that she did that, but she did it at the time that she knew that he was going to make this announcement. I don't think she was just coming out being you know, but good for her and good for him.

Speaker 2:

It was a precursor to what he did. Yes, because, like I texted you, he's taking it to the Democratic.

Speaker 1:

Party, yeah, good.

Speaker 2:

And the funny thing about it was, you know, as I was watching it on Fox, I changed over to MSNBC and I changed over to CNN, and neither of them were covering it Neither of them were covering it, of course not.

Speaker 2:

Then I changed back to Fox and then I went back to CNN again and I went back to MSNBC and one of them was covering it, you know, letting him speak, and the other one had him in the background. Cnn had him in the background and they were talking about what he was saying. They were already covering it up, saying yeah, so it was rather big. I suggest, if you are a Republican and you have liberal friends, just say hey, I challenge you to watch that. Listen to it. Yeah, see what you think about it.

Speaker 1:

But you're right Talking about the Democrats will do whatever it takes to get in power. I mean, we see pictures of Tim Walz meeting with Soros' son or grandson or whoever it is, whatever his name is, and Numa, yeah, son or grandson or whoever it is whatever his name is, and Uma. Yeah, and meanwhile Republicans and conservatives are getting mad about a tweet that Trump sent out with the words woman and reproductive rights in it. I mean, come on, get off it.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

We got bigger things to worry about right now. Not that that's not a big thing, but we got to get the election. We have to win this election and meanwhile, like I said, people online. He used the word women reproductors, right all the way and said what's he doing? They just want to pick little infighting things to make themselves feel superior.

Speaker 2:

On a happier note, you saw the picture of Huma, huma Abedin, whatever her name was. Um, she was the second, she was the one that was real cushy cushy with, uh, hillary right, she worked for Hillary. Okay, well, here's the. Here's the funny thing, the movie Tommy boy. Yeah, uh, bo Derek comes in and marries tommy's dad. Yeah, and you know, she's there for the money right that's what she is.

Speaker 2:

And then a little bit later on in the movie, uh, when tommy boy comes in and exposes, uh, zielinski, and uh, you know, and her husband is, you know, carried away because he's in trouble, she goes and hooks up with, you know, zelensky. It's like, oh, she glums onto Zelensky. So all I could think of was Uma, whatever her name is. You know, clinton loses all the power and all that. Of course, her husband was Wiener, right, yeah, he gets thrown in jail. And I can see Soros' kid saying you know, how'd you like to go have dinner at the club? Yeah, ooh, I'd like that, just glumming on to the next.

Speaker 1:

Here's my next stage. That's true. That's very true. It's funny.

Speaker 2:

I can see Bo Derek going, you know? Ooh, I'd like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's good. That's good, I've got one more topic. It's kind of light-hearted. I read this article right before we came on in the New York Post about eggs, and now how you crack your eggs could be dangerous.

Speaker 2:

Oh, right, whatever.

Speaker 1:

I swear these people could take a blade of grass and make it dangerous. Make sure that you crack them on a flat surface. Yes, have you heard that before?

Speaker 2:

Everybody tries to tell you that.

Speaker 1:

Oh my gosh, I've never heard of it before.

Speaker 2:

Because if you do it on a not a flat surface, the contamination might get in the egg.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, give me a break. You're not cooking the egg, right? You're cooking the eggs at a high temperature, right? Unless you're slow cooking it Slow cooking scrambled eggs, but still it gets hot enough. I'm sure. Come on, a little bit of bacteria is not going to kill you.

Speaker 2:

Let me ask this question.

Speaker 1:

Let me ask this question you need to build up your immune system.

Speaker 2:

That's true, that is very true.

Speaker 1:

Get over it.

Speaker 2:

When was the last time you heard somebody dying from eating scrambled eggs?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Never. Why are they trying to pimp this stuff out? I don't know. Maybe they needed some content and they dug way back in the 60s, 70s machine and pulled this out. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's kind of like a lot of things. You know, when we were raised you were told never to eat an oyster without a month that had R in it. Why? Why would you do that? Well, because June, july and August there wasn't refrigeration. So in June, july and August things would get hot and it was hard to transport oysters when it was hot. But September, october, november, December, january or February or March April all had arsenic.

Speaker 2:

So May, june, july, august you didn't eat oysters, but those ones you could. So now we have refrigeration and you can eat oysters all year round.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but if you're at the beach and you have them fresh, can you eat them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I never heard that either, but I don't eat oysters.

Speaker 2:

But the point being is that you have refrigeration.

Speaker 1:

I actually did hear recently that—.

Speaker 2:

You have different ways of—there isn't contamination anymore. Well—, what did you hear?

Speaker 1:

I heard recently that this couple was on vacation and they ate oysters and his wife died. They both got really sick. She ended up dying and it's from the oysters they ate.

Speaker 2:

I've gotten really sick. I had a bad oyster one time, absolutely, and it made me really sick.

Speaker 1:

But I've also had 186 million oysters. Just that one oyster. Is it because you eat them raw? Is that what's wrong with them?

Speaker 2:

Well, eating raw shellfish is going to be, you know, it's going to have a danger to it, of course.

Speaker 1:

But if they'd eaten them fried, would it still be okay?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, we've got to come up with a question of the day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, the gent has the question of the day.

Speaker 2:

Now that RFK Jr has endorsed Trump, do you think he'll be rewarded with a cabinet position or a position of some type in Trump's staff, or whatever the case may be, and what position do you think or what position would you recommend him for?

Speaker 1:

Do you have a position in mind?

Speaker 2:

I think, after all I've heard today and all that, I think I'd put him in charge of all the three-letter words having to do with food.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Well, I shouldn't say three-letter, because the USDA is four. Well, all of I shouldn't say three because the USDA is four.

Speaker 1:

But like the FDA and the USDA and all those, put him on charge of that. Yeah, tucker Carlson said the other day he would put him in charge of like unclassifying all the documents that were in there and we're on in throughout everywhere in the government.

Speaker 2:

I know where he'd start. I know where he'd go straight to Dallas, absolutely. We'd get to the bottom of that real fast and you'd find, I think personally.

Speaker 1:

Because it needs to be. Everything needs to be uncovered that this government has done.

Speaker 2:

The people need to know covered that this government has done. The people need to know. I think that would be the first thing. That would be the sign of the CIA and the FBI's cover-ups that would start to expose it all. Yeah, and I think we'd be shocked by it.

Speaker 1:

I got one more thing, governor Newsom, he was pretty much shadow banned is the right word at the DNC, wasn't he? He wasn't really talked about a whole lot. I told you why. Why is that?

Speaker 2:

Because the Democrat Party has given up. Right now they realize they cannot win. They have to keep him out so he doesn't have any thing, or exposure to it, so that they can't say he was a part of it, so the next time he's a fresh face that comes in and says I am the Lord and Savior of the party and here I come. They have to disassociate him from Harris. I mean, he can't have any association with that. That's true. That was my take on it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like that take, but I also have a take, I think and this is totally off the wall. It's probably not true, so keep that in mind. I think he wants to get out of politics and become a celebrity in the news world. He wants to be on TV not like an actor, but he wants to start his own show, be on these news networks as not necessarily an anchor, but as a personality type. I think he wants to do that Like a Chris Cuomo type thing be on TV.

Speaker 2:

Or maybe have his own show like the Apprentice.

Speaker 1:

Maybe You're fired. You're fired. Okay, speaking of that, we've got to go. We went way too long. That's my fault. No, it's not, go're fired, you're fired. Okay, speaking of that, we've got to go. We went way too long. That's my fault. No, it's not. Go Dawgs. All right, go Dawgs. Have a great day. Bye.

COVID-19 Recovery and Doctor Strange
Marvel Universe and Political Commentary
The Egg Contamination Myth

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