The Art of Healing

Summer Break...See you soon!

Charlyce Davis MD Reiki Practitioner

The Art of Healing Podcast is going on Summer Break!
While we're apart, please check out any old episodes you may have missed:

While the podcast is on pause, our connection doesn't have to be. Through my weekly newsletter, you'll get steady updates, personal anecdotes, and exclusive content to keep you engaged and inspired. Plus, for those seeking a deeper dive into wellness, my functional medicine practice and Reiki healing services are always open for you to explore new dimensions of health.

Sign up to stay in touch with my Weekly Newsletter

Ready to work with me individually?  Learn more about medical services here:

Learn More about the Functional Medicine Approach Here
The anticipation for our summer return is palpable, and I'm thrilled to share that the upcoming months will be filled with opportunities for growth and healing. Imagine immersing yourself in the transformative power of Reiki, as I offer training and certification to awaken your healing abilities.

Learn more about Reiki I training.

And the excitement doesn't stop there—join me and the incredible Kathy Harmon-Luber for an enthralling event combining the harmonies of sound healing with the profound energy of Reiki. This is more than just a podcast break; it's an invitation to expand your horizons and prepare for the enriching experiences we'll share when the Art of Healing podcast resumes. Keep an eye on my social media at Dr Charlize for these updates and more, as we ready ourselves for a season of enlightenment and connection.

Welcome to the Art of Healing Podcast community.  This podcast is devoted to helping you find what works on your journey to health and wellness.  This podcast is devoted to providing information on many healing modalities.  Learn more about:

  • Reiki
  • Functional Medicine
  • Meditation
  • Energy Healing

and more!

Learn more about Dr. Charlyce here

Never miss an episode of Art of Healing Podcast...the podcast devoted to helping you heal your mind, body and spirit.

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Art of Healing Podcast

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Healing Arts Links

Learn more about me and my offerings here:
Healing Arts Health and Wellness

Speaker 1:

Welcome back to the Art of Healing podcast. This is Charlize. Today's episode will be brief, to announce that we will be taking a break on the Art of Healing podcast. I did wanna make sure, before we part ways for the spring and reconvene in the summer, that you are aware of all of the ways that we can stay connected. This podcast has been around for a few years now and there's several episodes that you can catch up on. So if you are just not catching it and you're a little interested, if you tune into any major podcast carrier so I believe should be on, oh goodness, iheartradio, the Amazon music app, has podcasts streaming really just any major podcast carrier you should be able to find all of the previous episodes. My main website, healing arts, health and wellnesscom, has a podcast page which is the Art of Healing podcast, which you can also tune into there if you are wanting to hear some of the past episodes and let's see where else can you find it. Really just any major podcast carrier. And as well, in the show notes I'll place links to some of the more popular episodes that have really helped me to connect with many of you, along with my website, healing arts, health and wellnesscom, which hosts several blog posts, articles, resources and training courses several which are free, several which do cost, some because they're certification courses. I have a weekly newsletter, so every Friday I send out goodies information. Most of the time I send out an episode of the podcast but, like I said, we're taking a little bit of a break so I also put in the show notes if you would like to sign up to get a, to be on the list to get updates every week on everything that's going on and what's coming next Beyond the podcast.

Speaker 1:

I have two ways to work with me individually, individually. So I have a functional medicine practice and part of why we're going to need a break during the summer is that I'm working with my patients and the style of the practice is it's a very individualized, personalized approach using functional medicine, and I would like to have some weeks to devote to developing their plans. Enrollment in the functional medicine practice is ongoing and it is open for this summer. So if you navigate to the show notes and you'll see drsharliescom, you'll see information on the membership plans or how you can work with me. This is a medical practice, so there are some restrictions. I have to practice in states that I hold licenses and so if you look in the show notes, I'll put some of those details. If you were looking for a functional medicine doctor, if you reside in a state that I can legally practice in, we can discuss how to connect with a connection call. So if you look in the show notes, I'll put there how we can connect if you're interested in working with me, and I'll also put some resources.

Speaker 1:

As far as functional medicine, if that's new to you or if you're wanting to learn more about that approach my other surface is Reiki healing, so I have a Reiki studio that is located in Oklahoma City and I also work with Reiki clients anywhere in the world. So Reiki can be done in person or can be done online, can be done virtually and actually can be done without us actually talking or being on video. If you are interested in Reiki, I will put on the show notes how you could schedule or to learn more about Reiki services. Also, along with my Reiki services, I am going to start offering Reiki training live. I do have an online Reiki course for anyone that's wanting to get started, and I strongly encourage that, if you're being called to Reiki, that you start your training right away, because if you're being called to it it's for a reason and you won't regret starting your Reiki training. So in the show notes I'll put on there how you can start Reiki certification with my self-paced program and then, if you're interested in doing a live training program, I'm collecting information to figure out how we can best do that course. Because I'm so blessed, I have connections here locally and I have connections across the world. I've had a chance to talk, interact, chat with many of you who don't even live in my country, which is so cool. To start that planning, I will put a signup sheet. If you are interested in learning about how to do a Reiki course Reiki one certification live with me.

Speaker 1:

The Art of Healing podcast typically comes out about once a week. Of course, during this break there won't be any new episodes, so I encourage you to go back and listen to old ones if you are interested. Once a month we are meeting for a live master class and the topic changes depending on our individual needs, what we want to discuss, because so far the topics have been requested by the Art of Healing community. It's so cool. So we just completed a masterclass this past weekend. There will be a class coming up in June and July and August. If you are wanting to attend those, they're by Zoom, you can dial in. You can watch by video. You can also sign up to get a recording of the call. I would recommend signing up for my newsletter and that way, when the announcement comes out, when the next course is coming live, you'll know.

Speaker 1:

In June will be a special class in which there will be a collaboration between me and a previous guest, kathy Harmon-Luber. She and I have worked together several times now. It's been a blessing that we can come together as both Reiki masters then combining our shared interest of healing and what we've done in the past is offered sound healing and Reiki energy together, and so we'll be doing that in June and I don't think you'll want to miss that. It's going to be special. If you'll sign up for our weekly newsletter, that's going to be the best way to find out when those live courses will be. Also, I am on social media and the social media handle at Dr Charlize should direct you to where I'm at on Instagram, facebook, pinterest and, I think, linkedin, and I do post on those platforms regularly. So during this break I will wish you well, although the podcast will not be live. The podcast will be here, definitely, and even though the podcast episodes won't be coming out weekly, my newsletter, social media, blog posts will be there weekly is coming back. I will announce it in between now and when the show comes back.

Speaker 1:

If you're wanting to connect, you should send me an email, charlies at healing arts, health and wellnesscom, check out either one of my websites and, of course, if you are really wanting to get to that next level, feeling ready to connect, schedule a connection call with me. I do want to say that, having been on both sides, having been listening to someone and wondering if I should connect, and maybe it's not the right time and I'm not tooting my own horn, but the connection call is a great time to connect with me individually. It's free. I'm expecting to hear from people I love to chat individually and even if all you want to do is just talk to me and see what the vibe is, I strongly encourage it because just for selfish reasons, I benefit. It helps me to connect because in this world, especially with me being a podcaster and blogging, the communication tends to get a little one directional. So if you are on the fence and thinking, don't want to talk with her, but I'm not sure. Schedule a call. I think it'll go very well.

Speaker 1:

So until we meet again on the Art of Feeling podcast, look for new episodes to come back, likely middle of June. I will wish you well. I'm sending you love, sending you Reiki. I am still here, so don't forget. You can find me on other platforms and we will connect soon, thank you.

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