Hearts of Courage

03 Chris Currie on Living with OCD, Mindfulness and Self Compassion(Part One)

Alessandra Boeri Season 1 Episode 3

There's a big stigma when it comes to OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). We hear a lot of "That's so OCD" or "You're so OCD." But that's not what OCD is. One of my good soul friends Chris Currie joins me to discuss living with OCD, understanding some of the types of OCD, the stigma and shame, and learning to manage the condition day by day. We also discuss the power and benefits of mindfulness, how labels don't define us and the importance of self compassion when the negative thoughts come in.  

Disclaimer: This conversation is based on Chris’s own personal experience on OCD and what has worked for him and by no means does it apply to everyone. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health.



OCD Action - https://www.ocdaction.org.uk/  --

Self Compassion: https://self-compassion.org/ --

Connect with Chris: christophercurrie@aol.co.uk

Connect with us on Instagram: @heartsofgrowth  --->