Hearts of Courage

04 Chris Currie on Trusting our Process, How Our Worth Isn't Measured By Our Achievements(Part Two)

Alessandra Boeri Season 1 Episode 4

Chris Currie joins me to continue our meaningful conversation from our last episode on OCD. We will be talking about: Trusting our own process even if we make mistakes along the way, the benefits of setting a structure in order, the issue with “chasing happiness” vs staying present with our core values. We also talk about dealing with comparison and how we’re not defined by our achievements but rather how we all have an unconditional worth.


Resources mentioned in the episode: 

OCD Action - https://www.ocdaction.org.uk/ -

Ali Greymond (Youtube) -

Self Compassion: https://self-compassion.org/  -

Connect with Chris: christophercurrie@aol.co.uk

Disclaimer: This conversation is based on Chris’s own personal experience on OCD and what has worked for him. Please consult a doctor or other health professional if you have any concerns regarding your health.
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