Hearts of Courage

*** 2020 Reflections from your Host Allie ***

Alessandra Boeri

Thank you to all our guests, our listeners, our supporters for being part of these meaningful conversations, connecting others, and spreading hope. And everyone offline for showing up for each other. 

This year has been challenging for everyone in so many ways. There has been so much loss, pain, grief, financial worry, isolation, mental health issues, and a whole lot of uncertainty.  
This year has also brought out great human courage and kindness in ourselves and our community.

I look forward to keeping on listening to other people, unlearning, relearning and having meaningful conversations.

Stay safe, stay connected and always hold on to hope.  
The stars will always keep shining even in the darkest days.  Here's to a better 2021. 
We will be back on January 5th with a new episode.