The Dona Watson Show

Making the Impossible Possible

Dona Watson Season 1 Episode 29

(Episode 29) Are you facing a mountain today that seems impossible to climb? Let's talk today about how to make the impossible possible.

Speaker 1:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Dona Watson Show. I'm your host, Dona Watson. I'm just an average American Patriot who loves God, her family, her country. I try really hard to listen to God's voice. And sometimes I write stuff. Come with me together. Let's explore this crazy experience. We call life. Welcome to the show.


Hello everybody. Welcome to Episode 29, Making the Impossible Possible. It's been a while since I've been able to record a podcast episode and I'm so happy to be back with you guys. I have recently moved into a little house nestled in the wooded hills of Middle Tennessee, and it's been a welcome change from the temperate weather in Southern California. And we moved in just in time to see the last of the fall leaves drop, and then the beauty of winter snow as it drifted peacefully down and draped everything outside in lacey white. Simply gorgeous.

Speaker 1:

My two dogs have also enjoyed exploring the woods, the pastures and the seasonal creek that runs behind the house. One morning, just at dawn, I hooked them up to their leashes, we stepped out the back door for their morning constitutional and to everyone's surprise, we chanced upon two to three whitetail deer who were drinking water in the creek. And the dogs, of course, they ran to the ends of their leashes, barking at these big furry"intruders." And I just had time to see the flags of their white tails as they bounded away. But here's the surprising part. I would've expected those deer to run away downstream. It's fairly level and they'd probably make good time, but that's not what they did. Instead, the deers' flight path took them straight up the hill. Now mind you, the last surveyor who, um, did this property, he wrote that this wooded hill has a 60 to 80% hill. I wouldn't have thought that an animal that big could climb that steep hillside so quickly and it wasn't easy, but the deer knew that their greatest area of safety lay in climbing the steepest hill available to them. And within seconds they were gone. It was really amazing. While this incident happened several weeks ago, it came back to my mind this morning, as I was reading Psalm 18. This Psalm was written by David as he recalled how God had saved him from his enemies. David had been running for his life, barely escaping certain death time and again. But instead of saying,"Oh God, why did you let this happen to me?", he opens this Psalm by expressing his love for God. The six verses read:"I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock where I seek refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I was saved from my enemies. The ropes of death were wrapped around me; the torrents of destruction terrified me. The ropes of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me. I called to the Lord in my distress, I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears." I love the imagery of this entire psalm. It goes on to talk about how"the foundations of the mountains trembled when God burned with anger." Verse nine says that"he bent the heavens and came down, total darkness beneath his feet." What a picture.


If we go down to verses 16 to 19, it reads,"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he pulled me out of deep water. He rescued me from my powerful enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too strong for me. They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. He brought me out to a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me." Down in verse 25.... You guys have to read this whole thing for yourself. I really encourage you to do that, but let's skip down. Verse 25 says:"With the faithful you prove yourself faithful, with the blameless, you prove yourself blameless, with the pure you prove yourself pure; but with the crooked you prove yourself shrewd. For you rescue an oppressed people, but you humble those with haughty eyes. Lord, you light my lamp; my God illuminates my darkness. With you I can attack a barricade, and with my God I can leap over a wall. God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is pure. He is a shield to all who take refuge in him. For who is God besides the Lord? And who is a rock? Only our God. God—he clothes me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer and sets me securely on the heights. He trains my hands for war; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. You have given me the shield of your salvation; your right hand upholds me, and your humility exalts me. You make a spacious place beneath me for my steps, and my ankles do not give way." Did you catch that part about the deer?"He makes my feet like the feet of a deer and sets me securely on the heights."

Speaker 1:

Hmm. You might be facing a situation today that seems impossible. And like the deer in my backyard, you were out enjoying a beautiful morning with a refreshing drink of clear water only to be broadsided. The peacefulness of your morning shattered by the enemy who came charging at you barking like a crazy one. Sometimes when we're under attack like that, the safest place we can run is straight up the mountainside. And"How can that even be possible?" you might ask. You might take one look at that mountain in front of you and wanna give up, but I wanna encourage you to not give up. My Bible says that my God can make my feet like the feet of a deer. My God can set me securely on the heights. Was it easy for that deer to scale that mountain? No, they tripped. They slipped. They stumbled. But they didn't give up. God gave them exactly the equipment they needed to scale what appeared to be an unscalable mountain. And God can do the same for you. He can make the impossible possible. Trust him, my friends. He sees you. And he knows exactly what you need to overcome that mountain that stands in front of you. Don't give up, God's got your back and with his help, you can do it.