The Dona Watson Show

What's Your Focus?

Dona Watson Season 1 Episode 28

(Episode 28) In this life, we choose what we focus on. Where is your attention today? Let's talk about it.

Speaker 1:

Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Dona Watson Show. I'm your host, Dona Watson. I'm just an average American Patriot who loves God, her family, her country. I try really hard to listen to God's voice. Sometimes I write stuff. Come with me, together let's explore this crazy experience we call life. Welcome to the show.


Hello, hello, everybody. Welcome to podcast number 28:"What's your focus?" You know, when it comes to life, we have a lot of choices available to us. Because some choices come easier to us than others we might sometimes feel as though we have no options available., Kind of, you know that we're forced to do one thing or another, but for most of us, that's simply not true. We choose what we want to focus on in this life. Solomon said in Proverbs 23:17,"Don't let your heart envy sinners; instead, always fear the Lord. For then you will have a future and your hope will not be dashed."

Speaker 1:

What Solomon is saying here is that passion is a choice. We can choose to focus on others and what they have achieved or what they have done. Or we can choose to focus on God and his purposes for us and what he has done for us. Comparing ourselves to others is a deadly trap that tempts us to want what someone else has, to envy them. And when we focus on others, it takes our focus away from God. You know, envy doesn't just happen. It comes from choosing to look at someone else, to compare ourselves to them, and to desire more than we have so that we can look better in other people's eyes. Instead, I'd like to encourage us to choose a better path. When we focus on God, our gaze and attention turns from those around us and allows us to focus on his goodness to us. When we look, truly meditate on God, we see evidence of him all around us. We see his majesty evidenced in creation. We see the beauty of the ecosystems he's created in nature. We see his handiwork in every person around us, each one created in God's image--even the ones you don't like. And when we worship God and align our hearts with his, we begin to realize the mystery of knowing and following Christ. When we value God's purposes more than we value getting ahead of our neighbor, we begin to care more about people's souls than about what we wear or what car we drive.


Choosing to focus on God is not for the faint of heart. It's not always easy. For me, it requires a fresh look every single morning. As I set aside time to look at God and, and ask him,"what do you want me...well, what do you want to say to me today?" And then I have to be quiet and listen, to read the Bible and let him guide my thoughts. As we build good daily habits, our focus becomes refined and focusing on God is the result of habit. So today, instead of looking at others and the riches of the world, I'd like to encourage us to focus on God. Open your heart to him and let him guide you. Let him fill you with his riches, his wisdom, and his grace. And as we do that, everything else falls into place--because he is in control. Someone needs to hear this...with, or without us, God is in control. Let's focus on his plan for us rather than our plan. In my experience, his plan is often better than mine anyways. It always works out better in the end. That's all I have for today, guys. I love you. Remember, God loves you too. Have a good day. Bye!