A Becoming Journey

When You Feel Powerless

Julie Ouellette Season 3 Episode 43

Inevitably, at various intervals in our lives we will encounter situations about which we feel powerless. Things will come at us that affect us that we simply cannot control. For me, a known control-freak, this is especially distressing! We love to imagine that we to be the designers of our destiny, but the simple-yet-difficult truth is that we are not. 

As is most-often the case, I am in the midst of a situation right now where I am having to learn this. I hope to be able to share details at a later time, but suffice it to say that my family is presently embroiled in a circumstance involving world systems and life-altering decisions. Yet, we have very little (if any) true influence in the outcome. 

I am learning again to lean on Jesus. Maybe I’m actually learning this really for the first time! As I pondered this thought today, I thought I’d share some encouragement on how to peacefully navigate a situation outside the realm of your control.

My tips:
1) Relinquish Control
2) Submit Again to God's Sovereignty
3) Manage Your Emotions Through Prayer
4) Refuse to be Consumed by the Issue
5) Seek Godly Support

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