Bladder Buzz Podcast
The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Neurogenic Lower Urinary TractDysfunction (NLUTD) was launched in 2019 and includes a diverse team of physicians(rehabilitation, urology, pediatrics), researchers, and people with NLUTD (more commonlyknown as “neurogenic bladder”). We are located across the United States and have a passion to advance science, health care, and quality of life around this common condition. Our podcasts are for clinicians, scientists, non-scientists, adults, kids, and everyone in between. We cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of neurogenic bladder and its management, to being in a relationship and dating, social justice, and even how your bladder is like a snowflake! So, if urine need of some of the latest knowledge on neurogenic bladder from experts in the field, then urine luck!
Bladder Buzz Podcast
¿Qué es la Vejiga Neurogénica en el niño? Para Niños y Familiares
RRTC on Neurogenic Bladder
Season 3
Episode 3
La disfunción neurogénica del tracto urinario inferior, más comúnmente conocida como “vejiga neurogénica”, puede afectar de manera significativa la función y calidad de vida del niño. Acompañe al Dr. Hans Pohl y al Dr. Isaac Hernández Jiménez (expertos en vejiga neurogénica y rehabilitación) en su conversación acerca de las complejidades de la vejiga neurogénica y su tratamiento. Si tú, algún familiar o algún amigo tienen preguntas acerca de la vejiga neurogénica en el niño, este episodio (podcast) es para ti.