The Hornets Nest

EP 132 Happy 7000 Twitchers

El Hornet

Recorded live on Twitch on the 8th of August 2023.
I have reached the milestone of 7000 Twitch followers, hooray!
This absolutely took fkn forever on the slowest growth platform on earth however I didn't get my tatties out once and no hottubs were required to gain this accolade.
I have a 1.7% subscriber to follower ratio on Twitch so if you're one of the 120 subscribers out of 7000 followers of my channel on Twitch - thanks a whole lot. I know many of you in person now too and am super stoked I got to meet you IRL or chat breeze with you online.
Given 99% of my peers have stopped streaming DJ sets I am glad to still be on the platform delivering good times on a weekly basis but you gotta ask yourself sometimes .. what is the point? 
The point is I love DJ'ing but one day a time will come where the effort vs reward becomes undeniable. This has been my job for over 20 years and there is only so many hours in the day. If you'd like to see this continue throw your pennies in the ring! Donate, sub, gift a sub, whatever you can contribute to keep the lights on. Simple economics I guess.

Long live The Hornets Nest - for now. Rinse out.