Pull Up And Thrive with Stephen Capps

The Power Of Creating A Vision To Run Towards! With Mike Howerton

July 03, 2023 Season 3 Episode 73
The Power Of Creating A Vision To Run Towards! With Mike Howerton
Pull Up And Thrive with Stephen Capps
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Pull Up And Thrive with Stephen Capps
The Power Of Creating A Vision To Run Towards! With Mike Howerton
Jul 03, 2023 Season 3 Episode 73

Do you feel like you have too much to do to slow down? And the phrase slow down to go fast sounds like a foreign language? Well, there is power in the pause. In this episode, Stephen talks to coach Mike Howerton about the power of vision and creating a fun vision board with your family.

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Habakkuk 2:2-3-2-3 The Message (MSG)
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Show Notes Transcript

Do you feel like you have too much to do to slow down? And the phrase slow down to go fast sounds like a foreign language? Well, there is power in the pause. In this episode, Stephen talks to coach Mike Howerton about the power of vision and creating a fun vision board with your family.

Join Stephen's tribe.
Habakkuk 2:2-3-2-3 The Message (MSG)
Rocketmen book
Mike's website: www.howertoncoaching.com
Mike's email: mike@howertoncoaching.com

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Servant Warrior T-Shirt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/_stephencapps/
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Stephen on TikTok
TX Gates' website www.tgates.com
Handyman website www.calltxgates.com

your listing to pull up and Thrive and this is your house Stephen Capps hey hey yes another Super exciting episode of pull up and drive and I have another great surprise for you today my friend and my personal coach for about 2 years Mike Howerton you are going to hear our conversation about building a vision board now I have to share this scripture out of a backup to from The Message Bible and then got it out this conversation with me and my coworker I am super excited about this a conversation with my good friend Mike Howerton Mike welcome to the show your listing to pull up and Thrive and this is your house Stephen Capps hey hey yes another Super exciting episode of pull up and drive and I have another great surprise for you today my friend and my personal coach for about 2 years Mike Howerton you are going to hear our conversation about building a vision board now I have to share this scripture out of a backup to from The Message Bible and then got it out this conversation with me and my coworker I am super excited about this a conversation with my good friend Mike Howerton Mike welcome to the show thanks man pleasure to be here we we mad about 2 and 1/2 years ago whenever you were working for entry leadership which is a spoke of Ramsey Solutions as an executive coach and then we worked together for about 2 years in a coaching well you were the coach and I was the coach e can you tell folks sort of where you came from and where you are today and what you're excited about I'll give the the high levels West Central Missouri on a farm that was started in the 1830s by great great great great great great great great Granddad to go so grew up inside family business on a farm and Dad encouraged us to get off the farm for a year before we decided we wanted to be Farmersville time so that's what moved me away from the farm I thought I was going to farm forever like everybody else I love farming for us kids so I went and studied aircraft maintenance management thanks man pleasure to be here we we mad about 2 and 1/2 years ago whenever you were working for entry leadership which is a spoke of Ramsey Solutions as an executive coach and then we worked together for about 2 years in a coaching well you were the coach and I was the coach e can you tell folks sort of where you came from and where you are today and what you're excited about I'll give the the high levels West Central Missouri on a farm that was started in the 1830s by great great great great great great great great Granddad to go so grew up inside family business on a farm and Dad encouraged us to get off the farm for a year before we decided we wanted to be Farmersville time so that's what moved me away from the farm I thought I was going to farm forever like everybody else I love farming for us kids so I went and studied aircraft maintenance management worked my first big boy job out of college was in Miami Florida for a charter Airline so Miami Florida is about is polar opposite different from rural Missouri if you can get so that was big alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright big culture shocks in between my Junior and Senior year of college and then went back because I was just I was dying to start my career and start making money and just get out there and Achieve so work for the airline five years with that Airline from intern I got up to where I was managing the maintenance department for a while so that was my first exposure to leadership and it was pretty early exposure I was 25 years old and leading a team of 2025 guy some of them were old enough my granddaughter and I didn't know how to do that I was scared for me so got some early exposure to leadership met my wife in South Florida a wonderful woman named Heidi when she was studying at the University of Miami we didn't move to Nashville Tennessee in 2010 and that's when I started working for an aircraft manufacturer so got to work for the world's third largest aircraft manufacturer company called Emperor and really learned how to run a business with systems and processes and really got to develop my my skills as a leader by School of Hard Knocks stumbling yes worked my first big boy job out of college was in Miami Florida for a charter Airline so Miami Florida is about is polar opposite different from rural Missouri if you can get so that was big alright alright alright alright alright alright alright alright big culture shocks in between my Junior and Senior year of college and then went back because I was just I was dying to start my career and start making money and just get out there and Achieve so work for the airline five years with that Airline from intern I got up to where I was managing the maintenance department for a while so that was my first exposure to leadership and it was pretty early exposure I was 25 years old and leading a team of 2025 guy some of them were old enough my granddaughter and I didn't know how to do that I was scared for me so got some early exposure to leadership met my wife in South Florida a wonderful woman named Heidi when she was studying at the University of Miami we didn't move to Nashville Tennessee in 2010 and that's when I started working for an aircraft manufacturer so got to work for the world's third largest aircraft manufacturer company called Emperor and really learned how to run a business with systems and processes and really got to develop my my skills as a leader by School of Hard Knocks stumbling yes down getting up trying trying it again about 5 years ago I got to use an executive coach myself and that's what I wish that I had you know for the decade before someone to help me recover and what are my values and how do I leave from that place that was a game-changer for my leadership and that's where ya what year was that and how old are you now let me throw this in there I I think that there was such a misconception that people have that they see someone that is a successful doing well or they're going after their passion or whatever word you want to want to throw in there and there's this misconception that they have it all figured out they know something special that I don't know yes and the more I'm around successful people the more that I am finding out that everyone is just trying to figure it out one step at a time and I think that's the the willing to be honest about it I think so many people write myself included down getting up trying trying it again about 5 years ago I got to use an executive coach myself and that's what I wish that I had you know for the decade before someone to help me recover and what are my values and how do I leave from that place that was a game-changer for my leadership and that's where ya what year was that and how old are you now let me throw this in there I I think that there was such a misconception that people have that they see someone that is a successful doing well or they're going after their passion or whatever word you want to want to throw in there and there's this misconception that they have it all figured out they know something special that I don't know yes and the more I'm around successful people the more that I am finding out that everyone is just trying to figure it out one step at a time and I think that's the the willing to be honest about it I think so many people write myself included are trying to look impressive think that we're hired to do this job because we have all the answers or we know how to fix it and by and large we're just trying to figure out one step at a time and believe me whenever I say it everyone is trying to figure it out and if and if I can accept that that everyone is just like me and yes I have figured some things out but there's a lot that I have no clue what I'm doing and the same way with anyone that you meet that is a successful now I am always beating the drum on this show about the power of coaching period tell me what to do and I will do it but lots of times I have no idea of what to do that is where a coach comes in which I mentioned that we worked together you know you as my coach for two years you know constantly pointing me in a particular direction which you were just digging those things out of me that were that are already there so so can you share with our audience your perspective of coaching and the benefits are trying to look impressive think that we're hired to do this job because we have all the answers or we know how to fix it and by and large we're just trying to figure out one step at a time and believe me whenever I say it everyone is trying to figure it out and if and if I can accept that that everyone is just like me and yes I have figured some things out but there's a lot that I have no clue what I'm doing and the same way with anyone that you meet that is a successful now I am always beating the drum on this show about the power of coaching period tell me what to do and I will do it but lots of times I have no idea of what to do that is where a coach comes in which I mentioned that we worked together you know you as my coach for two years you know constantly pointing me in a particular direction which you were just digging those things out of me that were that are already there so so can you share with our audience your perspective of coaching and the benefits and what someone can accomplish with the coach versus without a coaching the discipline of coaching from the discipline of say teaching or Consulting because there's lots of people who call themselves coaches and they mean lots of different things when I think of a consultative leader versus a coaching leader a consultative leader is one who knows the right answer knows the best practice teaches someone how to do it tells them what to do the coach is one who they might know how they would handle the situation and yet their focus is shifted to the client to help the client discover how they want to do it what's important to the client where does the client want to go and so that discipline of coaching it's a it's a subtle but significant shift for the client because I is the coach I'm not telling you what to do I am helping you figure out what is already inside of there because my belief is a coaches there's a lot inside of there for you that's important to you if we can cover that and then help you figure out where you want to go most people catch fire and they're so excited about what they want to do because it comes from their hearts right right right and I could not agree with you more and I think the problem that and what someone can accomplish with the coach versus without a coaching the discipline of coaching from the discipline of say teaching or Consulting because there's lots of people who call themselves coaches and they mean lots of different things when I think of a consultative leader versus a coaching leader a consultative leader is one who knows the right answer knows the best practice teaches someone how to do it tells them what to do the coach is one who they might know how they would handle the situation and yet their focus is shifted to the client to help the client discover how they want to do it what's important to the client where does the client want to go and so that discipline of coaching it's a it's a subtle but significant shift for the client because I is the coach I'm not telling you what to do I am helping you figure out what is already inside of there because my belief is a coaches there's a lot inside of there for you that's important to you if we can cover that and then help you figure out where you want to go most people catch fire and they're so excited about what they want to do because it comes from their hearts right right right and I could not agree with you more and I think the problem that anyone has that is an entrepreneur I'm running a business you know any type of a go-getter I would think it's a it is a it is across the board they do not slow down they do not take the time to go deep with themselves you know they may start but then you know the phone rings I get you know a text to email a notification whatever so can you tell me what you've seen just the power of slowing down but you but I'll take just a general principle and then drill down into a real life example I think that generally us we are very productive and and that's worth a lot of money and so the more productive we can be no in kind of the better yeah and that kind of describes some of that pace we moved so fast and we're so quick to figure things out and that's what gets rewarded what we don't often hear we don't often say is let's spend some time just thinking about what the real problem really is I think there's a nice guy and he said if he had 60 minutes to figure out a problem he spent $55 anyone has that is an entrepreneur I'm running a business you know any type of a go-getter I would think it's a it is a it is across the board they do not slow down they do not take the time to go deep with themselves you know they may start but then you know the phone rings I get you know a text to email a notification whatever so can you tell me what you've seen just the power of slowing down but you but I'll take just a general principle and then drill down into a real life example I think that generally us we are very productive and and that's worth a lot of money and so the more productive we can be no in kind of the better yeah and that kind of describes some of that pace we moved so fast and we're so quick to figure things out and that's what gets rewarded what we don't often hear we don't often say is let's spend some time just thinking about what the real problem really is I think there's a nice guy and he said if he had 60 minutes to figure out a problem he spent $55 so there's so much power in slowing down getting out of that pace and thinking in a new way so the way that I found that's really helpful to do that is to start with vision which is the the way out there what do I actually want life to look like what's important to me what's important to my family we all have values systems whether we've uncovered those yet or not we all have things that are really important to us things that we've learned things that we've seen models and when we can develop a vision about who we want to be and you know as a Believer what I think God has put me here on Earth to do there's a lot of significant a lot of value in that that's not something that comes easy for me and it hasn't for a lot of the people I work with it take right slowing down and getting a little bit outside of yourself sometimes having someone to have that sort of dialogue with to get to that place what has your life look like in the last three to six months where are you now and then how do you sort of make that transition yeah I feel like the first 40 years I believe that God has put me in that place for the next step and so that is you know the lifestyle that I mentioned the farm and then the airline and then the so there's so much power in slowing down getting out of that pace and thinking in a new way so the way that I found that's really helpful to do that is to start with vision which is the the way out there what do I actually want life to look like what's important to me what's important to my family we all have values systems whether we've uncovered those yet or not we all have things that are really important to us things that we've learned things that we've seen models and when we can develop a vision about who we want to be and you know as a Believer what I think God has put me here on Earth to do there's a lot of significant a lot of value in that that's not something that comes easy for me and it hasn't for a lot of the people I work with it take right slowing down and getting a little bit outside of yourself sometimes having someone to have that sort of dialogue with to get to that place what has your life look like in the last three to six months where are you now and then how do you sort of make that transition yeah I feel like the first 40 years I believe that God has put me in that place for the next step and so that is you know the lifestyle that I mentioned the farm and then the airline and then the manufacturing and then getting to work at Ramsey solutions that was all in line with taking that next you know I'm Glorious Step after the other it became clear early this year that it was time for me to step out on my own and that was a an exciting and terrifying sort of decision to make working at entry leadership and Ramsey solutions that have been a dream for a very long time so to think of leaving was exciting and scary at the same time and it was clear that that was the next step for me and my family and so my my tendency and everything that I wanted to do was just get busy building the business contacting people reaching out networking doing all those things that I've seen other successful people do and I looked at my wife as we were talking to stuff on my own I said you know what we we probably need to do what I encourage all of my clients to do which is take a day at least slow down revision recalibrate on what we want like to look like and then get busy but do it from a place of conviction and intentionality I'm not how we actually want this like to look like rather than simply get busy and ending up wherever we happen to end up so you find yourself in a season of a transition and you believe that you're supposed to go out on your own and you manufacturing and then getting to work at Ramsey solutions that was all in line with taking that next you know I'm Glorious Step after the other it became clear early this year that it was time for me to step out on my own and that was a an exciting and terrifying sort of decision to make working at entry leadership and Ramsey solutions that have been a dream for a very long time so to think of leaving was exciting and scary at the same time and it was clear that that was the next step for me and my family and so my my tendency and everything that I wanted to do was just get busy building the business contacting people reaching out networking doing all those things that I've seen other successful people do and I looked at my wife as we were talking to stuff on my own I said you know what we we probably need to do what I encourage all of my clients to do which is take a day at least slow down revision recalibrate on what we want like to look like and then get busy but do it from a place of conviction and intentionality I'm not how we actually want this like to look like rather than simply get busy and ending up wherever we happen to end up so you find yourself in a season of a transition and you believe that you're supposed to go out on your own and you I mentioned things like a networking and just you know reaching out to folks and were there any was there anything else just super practical things that you did to help you make that help you make it up you know is the one thing that I told her that we needed to do was to get the vision down on paper and I said I don't care if you know maybe we go to the beach cuz that's a happy place for our family is to get away at the beach and you know that's that's an investment of itself I said look at whether it's at the beach or whether we go to the food court at Costco I don't really care as long as we pause long enough to really look at what we want like to look like I keep glancing over here at my wall which is where I have our vision board that we made on that Beach vacation so we went to the beach we decided to go ahead and take the plunge on that one so we went to the beach we bought a bunch of magazines so we just went to a local store and grab like a dozen a variety of magazines Home Goods hunting fishing camping sports music all different kinds of things just so everyone knows and understands what we're talking about is that you want to have a visual for not just yourself or I mentioned things like a networking and just you know reaching out to folks and were there any was there anything else just super practical things that you did to help you make that help you make it up you know is the one thing that I told her that we needed to do was to get the vision down on paper and I said I don't care if you know maybe we go to the beach cuz that's a happy place for our family is to get away at the beach and you know that's that's an investment of itself I said look at whether it's at the beach or whether we go to the food court at Costco I don't really care as long as we pause long enough to really look at what we want like to look like I keep glancing over here at my wall which is where I have our vision board that we made on that Beach vacation so we went to the beach we decided to go ahead and take the plunge on that one so we went to the beach we bought a bunch of magazines so we just went to a local store and grab like a dozen a variety of magazines Home Goods hunting fishing camping sports music all different kinds of things just so everyone knows and understands what we're talking about is that you want to have a visual for not just yourself or not just you and your wife but your whole family let's get together go away somewhere so we can sort of unplug bank and you get all these magazines and then what's your next one to see yourself doing over the next three to five years and then cut out and so that's what we did we spent an afternoon on vacation out on the screen and put those in a pile and then we started combining them and looking at some hilarities and where are the places we wanted to go the things we wanted to do whether they were aspirational and they just became new to us or things that we had talked about for years on a really a girl for the family yeah so it's a you and your wife Heidi and then the youngest is 20 months are the ones that are in on the family project came out baseball not just you and your wife but your whole family let's get together go away somewhere so we can sort of unplug bank and you get all these magazines and then what's your next one to see yourself doing over the next three to five years and then cut out and so that's what we did we spent an afternoon on vacation out on the screen and put those in a pile and then we started combining them and looking at some hilarities and where are the places we wanted to go the things we wanted to do whether they were aspirational and they just became new to us or things that we had talked about for years on a really a girl for the family yeah so it's a you and your wife Heidi and then the youngest is 20 months are the ones that are in on the family project came out baseball learning adventures in the mountains boating biking some Fitness things so there were a number of things that we saw and one thing that was funny to us was four out of the five of us ended up with either eggs or chicken chickens on the vision boards and having some farm fresh eggs So within I don't know probably a month of getting back home we have four laying heads so we got we found our eggs see this is the power of having a vision it you know as a silly as this sounds with you know chickens and eggs but the power of slowing down getting some it is like you have to do the ridiculous if you want to have the miraculous conception that you know every step is a super special step and you know you know you know which Stone to walk on and everything is like you hear angels singing or something you know that was awful but but but it is Just Having the courage to take that unglamorous learning adventures in the mountains boating biking some Fitness things so there were a number of things that we saw and one thing that was funny to us was four out of the five of us ended up with either eggs or chicken chickens on the vision boards and having some farm fresh eggs So within I don't know probably a month of getting back home we have four laying heads so we got we found our eggs see this is the power of having a vision it you know as a silly as this sounds with you know chickens and eggs but the power of slowing down getting some it is like you have to do the ridiculous if you want to have the miraculous conception that you know every step is a super special step and you know you know you know which Stone to walk on and everything is like you hear angels singing or something you know that was awful but but but it is Just Having the courage to take that unglamorous Next Step what if you don't slow down enough to capture Vision like this and for me what I've noticed is then we might get 5 or 10 years down the road and say why didn't we try XYZ thing you know at least in this place for a year and that's it right but we're not going to get five or 10 years down the road and say what did you ever try keeping chickens that would have been a cool thing to try and I'm talking about family like in your business it is no different is no different to slow down with your leadership team right do that work with your leaders to say where do we want to take this what do we want to accomplish together otherwise you simply do what happened to fall in front of your lap based on the pace that you were running instead of saying what do we really want to build together what do we enjoy doing together how do we want to get there that's really what it's about you know the old Zig Ziglar quote if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time for people to think about what is the thing that I want to aim at you know and maybe you do something crazy something that's out there but what if you get only halfway you wouldn't have gone anywhere in relation to that thing if you didn't Next Step what if you don't slow down enough to capture Vision like this and for me what I've noticed is then we might get 5 or 10 years down the road and say why didn't we try XYZ thing you know at least in this place for a year and that's it right but we're not going to get five or 10 years down the road and say what did you ever try keeping chickens that would have been a cool thing to try and I'm talking about family like in your business it is no different is no different to slow down with your leadership team right do that work with your leaders to say where do we want to take this what do we want to accomplish together otherwise you simply do what happened to fall in front of your lap based on the pace that you were running instead of saying what do we really want to build together what do we enjoy doing together how do we want to get there that's really what it's about you know the old Zig Ziglar quote if you aim at nothing you will hit it every time for people to think about what is the thing that I want to aim at you know and maybe you do something crazy something that's out there but what if you get only halfway you wouldn't have gone anywhere in relation to that thing if you didn't set something out there in front of you might as well be something that I'm enjoying doing right right and you know there's this whole thing well I don't want to do XYZ because I might fail well I guess what you are going to fail that is a part of life that is a part of leadership and a part of well that's just a part of everything every action every aspect of our life you will fail but the key is to have non-fatal failure you know I want to fail again tomorrow so I don't want to have a fatal failure but but it is do failure don't repeat the same failure again period set something out there in front of you might as well be something that I'm enjoying doing right right and you know there's this whole thing well I don't want to do XYZ because I might fail well I guess what you are going to fail that is a part of life that is a part of leadership and a part of well that's just a part of everything every action every aspect of our life you will fail but the key is to have non-fatal failure you know I want to fail again tomorrow so I don't want to have a fatal failure but but it is do failure don't repeat the same failure again period the closet do you put it under the bed it's right up here right next to a whiteboard what we wanted to do one was half of this visual representation of what we want our life to look like and have it up in front of us because the norm is to go back to the right of normal now these things that we put up here like visiting out west it's not easy to do with a family of six but if we put it up here and remind ourselves of the places that we want to be vacations that we want to take places that we want to take the kids and expose them to then we will continue to have those conversations about what it was we wanted to do and then we can break them down into gold so in addition to attaching them to the Whiteboard which I know they can't see but we've got them along the Whiteboard and then up on the Whiteboard are some of our goals that are broken down year by year and so we can even identify okay this year these are the sorts of vacation that we think would fit and this base on the kids ages and what they're able to experience and that sort of thing all the way out for almost the next decade when our oldest would be going off to college so we've got them broken down into annual goals and then we can put our quarterly goals down what do I want the business to look like where might we want to visit in the next 90 days and then we can actually plan some of those things out and do them right wow I love it I love it I love it I recently heard a quote that the quote was the closet do you put it under the bed it's right up here right next to a whiteboard what we wanted to do one was half of this visual representation of what we want our life to look like and have it up in front of us because the norm is to go back to the right of normal now these things that we put up here like visiting out west it's not easy to do with a family of six but if we put it up here and remind ourselves of the places that we want to be vacations that we want to take places that we want to take the kids and expose them to then we will continue to have those conversations about what it was we wanted to do and then we can break them down into gold so in addition to attaching them to the Whiteboard which I know they can't see but we've got them along the Whiteboard and then up on the Whiteboard are some of our goals that are broken down year by year and so we can even identify okay this year these are the sorts of vacation that we think would fit and this base on the kids ages and what they're able to experience and that sort of thing all the way out for almost the next decade when our oldest would be going off to college so we've got them broken down into annual goals and then we can put our quarterly goals down what do I want the business to look like where might we want to visit in the next 90 days and then we can actually plan some of those things out and do them right wow I love it I love it I love it I recently heard a quote that the quote was dare to suck you know you know sort of again back to that well it's not going to be perfect I want to wait until it's perfect and then we'll do it you know it you know it is like even even right now changing up the podcast adding on a guest okay how am I going to do it what is what is the best of platform how do you do an interview you know how do you get you know it is like all of these things is like the first time that you wrote a bike I mean what happened are you doing a jumps and you know a tricks off the Jump and you know I definitely never did any of that yes yes yes the handlebars but the the the the first time that we do anything it is not pretty but you get up and you do it again and you don't quit because really the hardest part about anything is sticking with it yes yeah that is the absolute hardest part because anyone can have a big start but it's what do you do after you start and so so how does this vision board helping your help dare to suck you know you know sort of again back to that well it's not going to be perfect I want to wait until it's perfect and then we'll do it you know it you know it is like even even right now changing up the podcast adding on a guest okay how am I going to do it what is what is the best of platform how do you do an interview you know how do you get you know it is like all of these things is like the first time that you wrote a bike I mean what happened are you doing a jumps and you know a tricks off the Jump and you know I definitely never did any of that yes yes yes the handlebars but the the the the first time that we do anything it is not pretty but you get up and you do it again and you don't quit because really the hardest part about anything is sticking with it yes yeah that is the absolute hardest part because anyone can have a big start but it's what do you do after you start and so so how does this vision board helping your help when you're just regular everyday life and I'll keep switching probably between the family example and how I see it work with businesses too man I was listening to Jordan Peterson talk on this the other day and he was talking about how uncommon it is in our culture to develop Vision we're not taught how to do that if you go to school you might learn how to take tests and to do that okay but what you're not going to get is someone talking to you about what you want your life to look like what would be meaningful to you so it's one I just want to say it's not a common discipline for most people I hate it I hate it Vision planning and the only reason that I started to get even average at is because I have a wonderful wife who is excellent at it she's wonderful at brainstorming envisioning so that's really what got me on the track a vision there's two things that I've noticed that almost happened whenever you get a clearer picture of what you want like to look like and again I say that the second time what you want your life to look like that's really exciting for those people right because you get to figure out what you want to look like it's not what someone told you you need to do it's what you actually want it draws you towards it and then the second thing that happens again almost eighty is you can when you're just regular everyday life and I'll keep switching probably between the family example and how I see it work with businesses too man I was listening to Jordan Peterson talk on this the other day and he was talking about how uncommon it is in our culture to develop Vision we're not taught how to do that if you go to school you might learn how to take tests and to do that okay but what you're not going to get is someone talking to you about what you want your life to look like what would be meaningful to you so it's one I just want to say it's not a common discipline for most people I hate it I hate it Vision planning and the only reason that I started to get even average at is because I have a wonderful wife who is excellent at it she's wonderful at brainstorming envisioning so that's really what got me on the track a vision there's two things that I've noticed that almost happened whenever you get a clearer picture of what you want like to look like and again I say that the second time what you want your life to look like that's really exciting for those people right because you get to figure out what you want to look like it's not what someone told you you need to do it's what you actually want it draws you towards it and then the second thing that happens again almost eighty is you can clearly see what a distraction is if the thing that's in front of you to do doesn't align with your vision if someone tells you you should try something and it has nothing to do with your vision then you can push it aside and say thanks but no thanks that's not something that I want to do whatever the you know the chaos emerges and it's not something that you have to tend to and it doesn't align with your vision you can push it to the side as a distraction it makes much more clear what should you do when what shouldn't you do because it's either in line with your vision or it's not yeah and then anytime that you say yes to something you are saying no to something else so if you don't have a vision if if you don't have a direction and then you're seeing saying yes to everything that has nothing to do with the vision or the outcome that you're a driving towards and then you're all a dissolution one day that oh you know I should be over here or over there while you haven't been looking at it for the last 40 years so why should you even think that you should be there period clearly see what a distraction is if the thing that's in front of you to do doesn't align with your vision if someone tells you you should try something and it has nothing to do with your vision then you can push it aside and say thanks but no thanks that's not something that I want to do whatever the you know the chaos emerges and it's not something that you have to tend to and it doesn't align with your vision you can push it to the side as a distraction it makes much more clear what should you do when what shouldn't you do because it's either in line with your vision or it's not yeah and then anytime that you say yes to something you are saying no to something else so if you don't have a vision if if you don't have a direction and then you're seeing saying yes to everything that has nothing to do with the vision or the outcome that you're a driving towards and then you're all a dissolution one day that oh you know I should be over here or over there while you haven't been looking at it for the last 40 years so why should you even think that you should be there period what you want your life to really look like right right right right right is there a anything else that you want to tie into that into a Division I just want to encourage that business leader who has the team who maybe you feel like they just don't get it or they're just not doing it the way that I really think that they should be doing it what might be missing is you getting your team together and envisioning the future together I say that because I've seen so many teams who will actually dare to slow down for a day and plan out the vision for the future and hear them say I just can't believe how much work we're getting done together because they slow down enough to go really fast and get excited about what they wanted to do that's the other thing that I see teams get out of this is they say my team is so excited about what we're doing one because they got to participate in the vision rather than being told 18 this is what you need to go do right right you got to get it done by this date they build the thing together so they can own it so I want to encourage that business owner who just doesn't quite get why would I slow down to do this why would I do this Vision work it'll have massive impact for you and your team if you will yes yes because there is such a mindset of well that's a waste of time we have too much work to do what you want your life to really look like right right right right right is there a anything else that you want to tie into that into a Division I just want to encourage that business leader who has the team who maybe you feel like they just don't get it or they're just not doing it the way that I really think that they should be doing it what might be missing is you getting your team together and envisioning the future together I say that because I've seen so many teams who will actually dare to slow down for a day and plan out the vision for the future and hear them say I just can't believe how much work we're getting done together because they slow down enough to go really fast and get excited about what they wanted to do that's the other thing that I see teams get out of this is they say my team is so excited about what we're doing one because they got to participate in the vision rather than being told 18 this is what you need to go do right right you got to get it done by this date they build the thing together so they can own it so I want to encourage that business owner who just doesn't quite get why would I slow down to do this why would I do this Vision work it'll have massive impact for you and your team if you will yes yes because there is such a mindset of well that's a waste of time we have too much work to do for things like this and it is like you know I'm not necessarily a Nascar fan but you watch these races and the pit crew you know they can get those cars out in like lightning speed but from the Pixar movie and I think we can learn a lot from Steve McQueen no sorry a Lightning McQueen the lightning yes well he didn't want to pull into the pit stop because I'm too far ahead I you know I can't slow down well what happens he has a blowout and the ends up not winning the race and is exact same same thing is that we have too much to do to slow down but you really have to slow down if you want to go fast yes I could not agree more so as we begin to wrap this up I'm going to have what I call the lightning round here what is for things like this and it is like you know I'm not necessarily a Nascar fan but you watch these races and the pit crew you know they can get those cars out in like lightning speed but from the Pixar movie and I think we can learn a lot from Steve McQueen no sorry a Lightning McQueen the lightning yes well he didn't want to pull into the pit stop because I'm too far ahead I you know I can't slow down well what happens he has a blowout and the ends up not winning the race and is exact same same thing is that we have too much to do to slow down but you really have to slow down if you want to go fast yes I could not agree more so as we begin to wrap this up I'm going to have what I call the lightning round here what is something new and exciting that you're working on right now what is my coaching look like and it's the three things of making the plan growing your leadership and then measuring what matters and help them spend the time to build the plan figure out where they really want to go grow their leadership because as you set this company up to do new things you have to leave in new ways to make that happen and then measuring what matters actually staying the course and staying disciplined to the goals that you say were important to you so that's that's something I'm working on with the business right now wow that is exciting because whatever is measured can be improved absolutely so what is your favorite book favorite and it was about the development of the the space program so this was like origins of of Apollo one yeah and building the Saturn 5 rocket and just to see the race that was on something new and exciting that you're working on right now what is my coaching look like and it's the three things of making the plan growing your leadership and then measuring what matters and help them spend the time to build the plan figure out where they really want to go grow their leadership because as you set this company up to do new things you have to leave in new ways to make that happen and then measuring what matters actually staying the course and staying disciplined to the goals that you say were important to you so that's that's something I'm working on with the business right now wow that is exciting because whatever is measured can be improved absolutely so what is your favorite book favorite and it was about the development of the the space program so this was like origins of of Apollo one yeah and building the Saturn 5 rocket and just to see the race that was on the the pressure that people were under and to see brilliant people doing what they love to do and building something incredible and putting a person on the moon that was quite a read very very cool what is your favorite thing about working for yourself and what is the least favorite thing which includes both my clients and right alongside my family and having the freedom and autonomy to be able to spend a lot of time with my family you know he's got these four young ones and they're only in our house for a short season and then they're gone so to be able to spend some of these childhood years with them close to them teaching discipling them and raising them alongside my wife we also I didn't mention we homeschool and so being able to be inside of that experience with the kids and being able to save her that you know is that can be from day-to-day to have these moments that will never get back is really important to me yeah fun funky ideas for me to be able to bounce ideas so now it's just a little bit different to pick up the phone call the the pressure that people were under and to see brilliant people doing what they love to do and building something incredible and putting a person on the moon that was quite a read very very cool what is your favorite thing about working for yourself and what is the least favorite thing which includes both my clients and right alongside my family and having the freedom and autonomy to be able to spend a lot of time with my family you know he's got these four young ones and they're only in our house for a short season and then they're gone so to be able to spend some of these childhood years with them close to them teaching discipling them and raising them alongside my wife we also I didn't mention we homeschool and so being able to be inside of that experience with the kids and being able to save her that you know is that can be from day-to-day to have these moments that will never get back is really important to me yeah fun funky ideas for me to be able to bounce ideas so now it's just a little bit different to pick up the phone call connect with people that way so it's a little bit slower to to build up a thought now in a thought partnership sort of a way right right what is what is an interesting fact about my Carrollton the things that other people might find interesting just come from my normal life and I was just tell my story when I say I grew up in a farmhouse that was built in the 1850s by one of my great grand dad's and I didn't have heating and air conditioning in my bedroom in the 90s and you know the Lowe's in the winter and the teams that's quite the temperature range and I don't I just don't meet many people who did grow up without you and that is only partially true but that's part of the reason why is my wife is no air conditioning all right maybe we should try that in our house because because because because it is like how do you become a successful to whatever a degree and then you have children and then how do they not raise up not being thankful so yeah no he didn't are my might be the solution for that period connect with people that way so it's a little bit slower to to build up a thought now in a thought partnership sort of a way right right what is what is an interesting fact about my Carrollton the things that other people might find interesting just come from my normal life and I was just tell my story when I say I grew up in a farmhouse that was built in the 1850s by one of my great grand dad's and I didn't have heating and air conditioning in my bedroom in the 90s and you know the Lowe's in the winter and the teams that's quite the temperature range and I don't I just don't meet many people who did grow up without you and that is only partially true but that's part of the reason why is my wife is no air conditioning all right maybe we should try that in our house because because because because it is like how do you become a successful to whatever a degree and then you have children and then how do they not raise up not being thankful so yeah no he didn't are my might be the solution for that period

located just south of Nashville Tennessee I live here on 18 Acres with my family we got a little Christmas tree farm out front too so we we're here in the area the easiest way to get a hold of me is through my website that's Howerton coaching.com so that's an easy way would love to connect with people there my email address is Mike that Howard and coaching.com so those would be the easiest ways get me on my website or shoot me an email awesome and I'll make sure to drop that in the show notes as well to make sure that anyone who wants to reach out to you can get first class VIP access so thank you thank you so much for being for being here today Mike I really appreciate it you have any last thoughts at all grateful to be here I am so sorry you're just doing the best he can to figure it out from day to day I wish that I had a coach or thought partner 10:

15 years earlier than I did so I want to encourage you whether you reach out to me or whether you reach out to someone in your your network for some help do that sooner than later because there's some real help that will help you in new ways that you really need so ask for help absolutely awesome thank you again Mike for a meeting with us he was a 15 years earlier than I did so I want to encourage you whether you reach out to me or whether you reach out to someone in your your network for some help do that sooner than later because there's some real help that will help you in new ways that you really need so ask for help absolutely awesome thank you again Mike for a meeting with us he was a fantastic fantastic conversation thank you so much for joining me I trust that that was super valuable build a vision board let me know how it goes send me pictures posted on social media well thank you once more for joining me if you can do this you two can overcome adversity avoid the crash and burn and have the life and business that you want make sure to write review and caps.com remember never judge a person for their mistakes judge a person on how they fix them till next time fantastic fantastic conversation thank you so much for joining me I trust that that was super valuable build a vision board let me know how it goes send me pictures posted on social media well thank you once more for joining me if you can do this you can overcome adversity avoid the crash and burn and have the life and business that you want make sure to write review and caps.com remember never judge a person for their mistakes judge a person on how they fix them till next time