Stories of Astonishing Light with KJ Nasrul

We Are All Held | Erica Skone-Rees

May 15, 2022 Erica Skone-Rees Season 3 Episode 73

"We are being held in all moments.”
~ Erica Skone-Rees   

KJ welcomes her friend and creative collaborator Erica Skone-Rees to the Astonishing Story Gallery today. Erica is a mindfulness & meditation teacher, chronic illness warrior, and healing arts practitioner. For the last 3 and 1/2  years, she has navigated recovery from mold toxicity and Lyme disease which required her to identify and embrace her own resourcefulness. Erica is dedicated to living her full potential, at her highest vibration; her Heart's Work is to empower others to do the same. 

Compassionate Considerations:

  • Your pain may reveal your purpose. 
  • Invite your discomfort into a dialogue, and request it impart its wisdom upon you. 
  • Even on your darkest days, you can find joy. 
  • Create space with nonjudgmental observation and pauses to embody wise action; to become responsive instead of reactive.

Episode Mentions - Erica Skone-Rees: 

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Connect With KJ & Bliss Begins Within
Only three spaces left in June to work with KJ 1:1 in an intimate experience!  Rediscover your creativity while replenishing and re-narrate your familial stories so that you can continue sharing your medicine with the world.

Schedule a chat with KJ here >> Healing Our Healers and Creativity & Compassion Days

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