Stories of Astonishing Light with KJ Nasrul

Receiving Pretty Foods for healthier stress responses | Lauren Bryson

October 19, 2022 Lauren Bryson Season 3 Episode 74

After an unexpected and adventurous 6 month hiatus, KJ and her beloved listening gallery The Stories of Astonishing Light Podcast returns today!
We're in Ultra Celebration Mode because KJ brings her friend and colleague Lauren Bryson, Certified Nutritional Consultant, back to SOAL to chat about the premiere of Lauren's new podcast Go Play In The Dirt! Listen in as Lauren shares her wealth of knowledge and witness the way these friends jam about the impactful connection between nutrition and mental health. 


  • The impact of nutrition in healing from complex trauma is vast. 
  • How might one prepare for a big transitional event (i.e. a move) through the lens of nutritional wealth? 
  • What we ingest in our bodies informs how (if?) we healthily respond to stress. 

Want to work with KJ? Only three (3!!!) spaces remain in 2022  to work with KJ in an intimate container of replenishment, rediscovery, and retelling of familial stories. Find out more here >>> Creativity VIP Day Retreats

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