Rescue Radio by Portland Mountain Rescue

Stay Found- How to Navigate Your Way Out of The Woods

John Godino Season 2 Episode 1

Created by Mari Feher, Hosted by Ania Wictorowicz

So you like backcountry skiing and mountaineering? If you are a beginner you may stick to known routes but if you do like getting off the heavily traveled areas and find your way through new pow in the backcountry, are you sure you can find your way out? What can you do to ensure you make it out safe without spending a cold and wet night huddled under the shelter of some branches? Do you rely on a compass, an app on your cell phone or try to rely on your memory to find your way ? What if you dropped your phone or the battery dies?  What is your next move? 

John Godino is the unofficial guru of navigation of the Pacific Northwest. He is a former US Forest Service wilderness ranger and wildland firefighter  with  a Masters degree in geosciences / cartography.  While  contributing to the new edition of Freedom of the Hills, he is  active in the sport of competitive orienteering and have been a  volunteer climb leader, navigation and mountaineering instructor at the Mazamas for the past 20 years. He is here to tell you what you can do to ensure you never find yourself in a pickle. 

Sources mentioned in the show:

Apps to locate current gps coordinates: