Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

My Dad Is Bigger Than Your Dad S24e14 1Jn4:4

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 14

We are like the child on the playground who calls out to another, "My Dad is BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD." And it is indeed true.  Spiritually, we are in the family of the MEGA-DAD.

He's great in SIZE, in VOLUME, in SIGNIFICANCE, in STRENGTH, etc. etc.

The question that I was left with was: Is my RESPONSE to the MEGA-Dad, also a mega response?  Am I like a Mega-child, who is struck with MEGA-Wonder; who calls out in MEGA-Worship; who thanks with MEGA-Appreciation; and utilizes the MEGA-access that I have from being in the family of the Mega-Dad? It is right to "think the world of our Father" because it is true: My Dad is bigger than your dad.

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode number 14 In B with me in First John, we're going to start chapter four. Today, I'm going to use a little illustration, you know, the you got a couple of five year olds on the playground, and one of them was bragging on their father. And the other one says to them, this line, my dad is bigger than your dad, or my dad is stronger than your dad or my dad is taller than your dad. So we have a similarly, the passage today is going to say the famous verse for today as little children, you are from God, and have overcome them, for he who was in you is greater than he who was in the world. So my dad is bigger than your dad, and it's true. And then at the very end, we'll get to a response. Alright, so this is from chapter four, verses one through six, Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know, the Spirit of God, Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard is what's coming in now is in the world already. Then here's verse four, the famous one little children, you are from God and have overcome them. For he who is in you, is greater than he who was in the world. They are from the world, therefore they speak from the world and the world listens to them. We are from God. Wherever God knows God listens to us. Whoever is not from God does not listen to us. By this, we know the Spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. Okay, so we're in this in the intersection here, where my affiliation to God has been tested. And how has it been tested? Yesterday we talked about, it's tested by my affection for the people of God. So they're practically my people, because they're God's people. And knowing God is to love his people knowing God is to today, knowing God is going to be to test spirits. So there are theologies that use the word Jesus and supposedly recognize them, but God him from the, from his true essence in his divinity and his resurrection. So the point in the first couple of verses is that Jesus is not optional. And I don't care. You know, what part of this blue dot that you live on? There's no plan for the people that live here, whether you're in the Antarctic or how much melanin you have in your skin, or what language you speak, or what country you live in. It doesn't matter because Jesus is not optional. And by Jesus, we mean the full Jesus specific the scriptural Jesus, the suffering Jesus and the resurrected Jesus. Alright, so you cannot set aside Jesus, that's a big, a big point of this, which is what the Antichrist, the one that's contrary, and opposed to Christ, what that's what he's doing. So to do, to do so, is to set aside the spirit of truth and embrace the spirit of air. Okay, but the big verse I wanted to get to is verse for little children, you are from God, and have overcome them. Why? For he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. So little children, I love this that they refer first to children. So children are of the highest value in the kingdom. And we're kind of using Child's Play today, Child speaking today, to get to the wisdom. So when a child on the playground says, my dad's bigger than your dad, today, spiritually, we're gonna find that it's actually true. And compared to the Spirit of the Father of the Antichrist, there's no comparison. So we talked about the characteristics of children with, you know, having some humility in need and awe. And today we're going to find the thing we're going to feature in them in them is their proclamation. So you're from God, people, and we represent them on Earth. That is, we're from the the greatest family, that is here. It's a great honor. And if we just kind of get that it changes everything. So I'm part of his family, I'm a child of the King, I'm adopted in and then we get to this math equation that he who is in you than the big greater sign than he used in the in the world. So that's the Antichrist and the spirit of the Antichrist. So he who is in you is great. So wait a minute. I've got someone this divine person in residence here. He says he's in me, little children, you aren't from God and overcome them. Greater is He Who was in you. So you tell me that this great divine person is inside of me. And I'm going to run into him at unexpected times. And I'm going to run into him at scheduled times. And he is going to be helped. Yes, that's the point. All right, so the Greek word for greater is this megasquirt Mega. So we have this great, it's translated here, great. It also can mean loud, which means grade and volume. It also can mean large grade in size. It also can mean important grade and significance. It also can be translated surprise, grade in wonder. It also can mean strength, great in great, great and power, it can even mean tall or make us great, great in height. So when the child says, my dad's bigger than your dad's, my dad is greater than your dad. That's exactly to its true. He's great in every category. So the child thinks the world of the Father and kind of that's the question today is do we think the world of our father, that's going to be the challenge? So you are in this overcoming family and your dad is able to bring to bear all the resources of every category that we've talked about? So what kind of a dad do we have? We have the spiritual father and let's think on him, as wise and powerful and large and loud. Alright, so do you think the world of your father you should why? Because it's true. So today, the charge is to be like children and to say my dad is bigger than your dad. And to put in spec perspective, the enemy of Christ, the so called antichrist, the one that's opposed, and we can just say flat out oh, wait, my, my God's bigger than that. So here's the truth is you have the mega Father, he is bigger in truth and strength and size and significance and power. And the question is, is my response also a mega response? Do I also have mega wonder, mega worship, mega mega access, mega appreciation and mega childlike proclamation. Like, like their little story to hear. So let's think the world of our father. Why because it's true. My dad is bigger than your dad. Thanks for listening.