Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Lover-Of-People, "Jr." S24e15 1Jn4:11

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 15

Those who bear the name-title "Jr." are supposed to resemble their patriarch.  The characteristic that God wants us to inherit is His LOVE. For:

  • God is Love--It is His primary characteristic; His DNA
  • Love is from God--His love spills out.  He didn't keep it all to Himself
  • Love is shown most clearly in Jesus--He fixes the unfixable and is the walking example of how to love
  • Love of People is the primary way we demonstrate being in God's family. This is where we best resemble our Patriarch. This is where we get the "Jr." title.
  • Our love of the brotherhood is attached and sourced in the knowledge that God loved me first.  

He is the "Sr.". We are "Lover's-of-People, Jr."  Let's resemble this family characteristic. or or Spotify or Google Podcasts or CastBox

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode number 15. In the book of First John, we're going to passage in John chapter four turn there, we're going to read from verses seven through 11. I'm going to title today, lover of people, comma. And then in quotes, Jr, you know how naming the next generation if you name a person by the exact same name, as the Father, that person gets a junior title to their name. And similarly, we're going to be lovers of people, in a Jr, fashion, to the primary lover of people, the original lover of people, that's God, we're in this passage where just yesterday, we learned that God is the, that he who is in you is greater than he was in the world, and we are His children. And in a sense, we cry out, hey, my dad's bigger than your dad. And we have a greater dad in significance in size and greater and significance than Bower. And today, we're going to find out a new characteristic of God that our mega dad, our great dad, our dad is greater in love. So He's the senior and we're going to be the the junior today is going to be like an Oreo cookie, the passage starts with loving one another, US people loving one another. And it's going to end with us loving one another, and the Oreo cookie, the sweet cream in the middle is going to be God's love. And so pay attention for that. So today, we're going to learn that number one, God is love and that he doesn't stop there and that the love comes from God, love is sourced from God. And it's number three, it's it's primarily sourced from God and exampled by Jesus, and that love of people are our love of other people, demonstrates that we sort of get it and we're attached to God that we are as juniors if as if you will, if you will. And so finally, the fifth point is that we ought to be loving and demonstrating this, okay, so read with me, this is from John, First John, chapter four verses seven, Beloved, let us not, Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God. And whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. That's our first big point. In this, the love of God was made manifest among us that God sent His only Son into the world that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we have loved God, but that He has loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought to love one another, but a great charge. Okay, so the first point that he makes is that God is love. It's his DNA, it's as his essence as his primary characteristic and as prominent characteristic, fortunately, and if you cut God, He bleeds love. That's number one. Number two, is that love is from God so so up in heaven, you know, an eternity ago, God was still love, but he doesn't stop there. He, he has it being a sharing love, it didn't stop just being love, He gave His love out, it spilled out. So love is from God, fortunately, Alright, number three, that the love of God is primarily shown by Jesus. So it's the ultimate clarity. And Judd in love is sending His Son and satisfying the steps of sin. So the Father's love. You know, the father had had great love and sending Jesus who suffered more when Jesus was on the cross Jesus or the Father. So in, in doing so, he is the primary mover. God is the primary mover in this passenger passage, and we are responders to his love. So he loved us first. He's the senior lover, and we're the junior lovers. So while we were yet sinners, he showed his love. You know, so God, God loves sinners, God loves the stinky. So the main lesson point is not that I love the Brotherhood, even though that's definitely one of the charges. The main point of this is that God loves us first and US loving one another is the result of him loving us first. So God loves God is love. God loves us, shows us by Jesus, and we should be loving each other. So what should we do? We ought to love who should we do it to? We ought to do it to one another, the brother are heard and why? Because God loves us. Okay, so this so this love of people is demonstrated is the demonstration of being born of God of knowing God. So the characteristic of being in his family and resembling the patriarch. So that's where I get that we're the junior, and He's the senior. And in fact, the association is so strong here. He says that without love, it's like you don't you don't have love you don't you don't know God, you don't have. Love suggests that the Highway of getting love from God is broken, that you don't understand that God is love. You don't understand that the love is primarily from God, you don't understand that it comes from Jesus. So real love is from God, because ultimately, God is love. So people of God bear the characteristics of God. And we demonstrate that as we walk around. So God's characteristics is carried around by by people, some of that unbeknownst to us, let's say life and moral conscience. But this is an active demonstration of God's presence in our world so we can resemble and carry around this primary characteristic of God, which is his love. So the bottom line is, we ought to love one another. We ought to love the Brotherhood, the knuckle hood. Why? Because God loved us. So we are absolutely are to love and reflect and resemble God. Now, obviously, we should do this humbly. Because this is not sourced in us. Ultimately, God did it first. He loved the stinky he loved the sinner, he loves us. So our love my love of the brother and Brotherhood has to be attached and sourced in the knowledge of what God has done for me. So I am the junior lover. And my father is the senior lover, we have the same name, but we're the junior version of it. So this primarily this passage is not about my love. Now, that doesn't mean we're off the hook. We're more on the hook than ever. That we are second generation. We are the next gen lovers. So we bear the name of lover comma, Jr. So yes, we're supposed to love the Brotherhood. Yes, we're supposed to be lovers of people. Why? Because God is love and God loves us and has primarily demonstrate that by Jesus. So he loved us first. And if your people lover mechanism in your heart is broken, it possibly is because you don't know or don't receive that God. Don't know that God is love and that he has demonstrated it through Jesus. So God is love. Love is from God primarily through Jesus and we are as juniors. We bear His names. We are the juniors. We have the next gen because He is the senior. Thanks for listening