Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

OOPS, I Called God A LIAR S24e19 1Jn5:10

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 19

What you believe about Jesus demonstrates what you already believe about the Father.  To call Jesus a lie by unbelief calls the Father and the Spirit liars too. We all have spent at least some of our lives in that position. We all must admit, "OOPS, I called God a LIAR."

For many, the Spirit has already helped these actually TRUE testimonies of God finally "ring true" in their hearts. For those who have not, my prayer is for conviction and the courage to say "OOPS , I have had this wrong all along. This stuff really IS TRUE." May real truth actually RING TRUE in hearts today.


Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode 18. In the book of First John, today's title is oops, I called God a liar. This is from First John chapter five. Let me read the passage. This is going to start in verse six. This is he who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not by the water only, but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the one who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three that testified the spirit of the water and the blood. And these three agree, if we receive the testimony of men, the testimony of God is greater. For this is the testimony of God that he is born concerning his son, verses, verse 10. Now, whoever believes in the Son has the testimony in himself, whoever does not believe God has made him a liar. Whoever does not believe God has made him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has borne concerning his son. So that's a sobering verse Who or whoever does not believe God has made him a liar. So in this passage, God is summarizing and saying, I've clearly declared something about myself, I have gone to great lakes to great lengths to communicate it. And so here we find the father giving us a multi prong multi channel, revelation to mankind, of of himself and of the Trinity. This is like God, here's the image for today. It's like God going to court and testifying on his own behalf. So he goes up to the witness stand, he puts his hand on the stack of his previous self released revelation, which is stack of Bibles. And they asked God, do you swear to tell the truth, and he probably has some things to say about swearing. But anyway, he says something like, I have told the truth about myself. And I'm telling you the truth, now and look at the ways that I'm demonstrating the truth. So far, so far, and John, some of the truths that he's already said is, God is love. And then he says to people, and you had been first loved. And so now go and respond in a way and Love the brotherhood. And today, we're going to find that the loving God, another way we love God, is to believe in Jesus to be born of God being his family and agree with them. So here's the shocking and disturbing reality is that there is no true, ongoing indwelling helping relationship with God that does not recognize and receive and believe in Jesus, Jesus is the great stumbling stone. His life is a little bit of a stumbling stone, but certainly his death is in the meaning in the blood. And God is saying, in this part of this, this part of the Bible, don't say I didn't tell you. The father says, I have clearly communicated this to Jesus tells us by His wonderful life, read the Beatitudes, and wonderful teaching by watching, be patient with the disciples, watch and be impatient with the people that are standing against him. So Jesus testifies. And then in this passage, the spirit is testifying. He's telling, testifying, and he does that because that's his primary nature. That's his DNA. That's one of his primary jobs is to guide us into truth, which is another way of saying is to guide us into Jesus, and manifest the main thing which is Jesus, which is, you know, what he is a part of, and to teach and declare it to you. So that's the spirit. So Jesus despise the spirits as device, and now the father testifies, they're all in agreement here. This is 100%, accurate word. This kind of doesn't specifically says, but I think it hints at the, the accuracy and the authority of Scripture, but the testimony of God, the Father is in the coming of Jesus. So to deny Jesus is to deny the Father, to deny Jesus is to make God a liar. So he talks about three things. The water testimony is kind of like the start of his ministry. That's when the Spirit descends like a dove. That's when the father champion Jesus verbally. He says that he's pleased with the sun. And all those things happened at Jesus, initiation of His ministry, which I think is what the baptism is. I think it's the Father, Son, and Spirit all agreeing agreeing that hey, you guys need to be rescued from sin. And we've made a plan and here's how we're going to do it. And we see the Father, Son, and Spirit all agreeing, and they carry that plan all the way through to this horrible end, which is the blood of Jesus, and then one step even further than that. is kind of the last big miracle, which changes everything which is, is after this, the Spirit helps us and the spirit is going to in dwell us and then we get his presence in his power. And then most importantly, we get his, his person to the Father is saying here, make no mistake about what you do about Jesus demonstrates what you've already done with the Father. So to call Jesus a lie, which is what we do by unbelief calls the father, a lie and the spirit a lie. So I've given you the father saying, I've given you every evidentiary piece here, I've testified truthfully, what else is necessary? What else are you waiting for? answer is nothing. So practically, in conclusion, if this passage is true, and you are a believer, think about this, you spent a bit of your life maybe the majority of real life, literally making God a liar. So don't be prideful, as we approach this. And if you don't, if you don't yet believe or if you love someone who does not yet believe, ask with me, plead with me before the throne. May these testimonies, all rings true in this beloved person, by your Spirit, could you possibly Lord, change the receiving of them from their perception of hey, this is a lie to this is the truth. This is one of the miracles This is the miracle of belief, Lord, could you please give this beloved person, the miracle of belief, and help them at this essential moment of consideration? And help them to say, Hey, this is true, and all along, I've been making God of liar. So please, Lord, give them conviction, which is to say, the courage to say, oops, I have been calling God a liar. I've been perceiving this wrong. All this is actually true. So Lord, please help us at the moment of conviction, which is that oops, moment I pray that your spirit would give an oops moment to the people that we love. Thanks for listening.