Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Eternal Life ONLY Starts Today S24e20 1Jn5:12

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 20

Eternal life has a quantity of days.  Everybody gets them. Everyone you know is going to live forever.
Eternal life has a QUALITY of days. Everybody does NOT get them. Everyone you know has an opportunity  to get them.

The Bible defines this quality of eternal life as a life WITH the Son, WITH a relationship with Jesus.  The days to choose Him are limited.  In fact, today might be the ONLY day you have, so don't waste it. Quality eternal life comes to us only 1 way: thru Jesus.  Quality eternal life comes to us only on 1 day: today.

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Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode number 20. In the book of First, John, today's title is eternal life only starts today. Subtitle eternal life starts now. So enjoy it. Alright, so make no mistake about what you do and what you believe about Jesus demonstrates what you have already done, and what you have already believed about the Father, and the state that I followed God or I obey God, or I like God, without Jesus in the mix and following Jesus makes God a liar. We mostly talked about that yesterday. And in so doing, we can accuse God, quote, unquote, of not being of the truth by rejecting the truth that he is already born to us at great cost, and that is Jesus. So here's the verse for him today. This is in chapter five, the last chapter of First John, verses 11 and 12. Here's verse 11. And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life. And this life is in His Son, I'll be putting up a way that I'm interpreting that that passage, or I'm going to teach about that passage today. And this is the testimony that God gave us eternal life. So he's talking about a quantity of days, let's say quantity of life, and this life is in His Son, and that is the quality of the life. So you either have the sun or you don't have the sun. Here's verse 12. Whoever has the sun has life, whoever does not have the sun does not have life. And verse 12, is, is pointing us to that having the sun, this is the good stuff of life. John 1010, same author, different book 30 or 40 years before, in John 1010, he said, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. John is all about this, this life. So I was thinking about one of our most precious gifts, which is the physical gift of our, you know, our life, and it seemed, we see how precious it is in life and death moments. And the person ultimately, just trying to preserve that life and tries to stay alive. And I think of two things come to mind. One is the heroic effort of the POWs in World War Two and in the Vietnam War, where you know, it at all costs, they just try to stay alive. The other one is survival stories that was thinking of Ernest Shackleton, in the endurance, through Antarctic, you know, trouble. And then, that idea is kind of flipped upside down by our befuddlement at people who kind of purposefully put their life at risk. I was thinking about the sport of free solo climbing, which I find absolutely fascinating. Probably because of the way that you know, their lives are put at risk. Okay, so John, chapter one, verse three in forces, that all things were made through Him. And without him, this is talking about Jesus was not anything made that was made in Him was life, and the life was the light of men. So we'd love life in general, we love its quantity. And we love its quality. And we have institutions on this planet that are fully committed to the preservation and protection and development of life. first that comes to mind is the family. Even the military could be put in that category. And then the big one is a whole medical system and health system, where we work on external life. So quantity of life is everyone you know, is eternal. Here's the thing about this is everybody has eternal life. If you just say, how many days do you have, everybody is eternal. Everybody, you know, is is created eternally, in a days in a quantities sort of way. But internally, think about this, everybody lives somewhere, and everybody lives forever with someone you know, so we live in some place and with some person. So I think what the passage is mostly talking about is not the quantity of the days, but the quality of our days. And our decisions here. Carry Over and not all days are available to change one's mind. So the quality of eternal life. Everybody has eternal life, but the quality of eternal life is here to find and having life If with the sun. So don't be that guy who gets eternally what he's been asking for too important, temporarily, or temporarily, or demonstrating these asked for a life, a life that is separated from God don't be that guide. So what you ask, we're here, you're going to get there. So we all have a quantity of life, but the quality of life is what we're going to get there, either with the sun, or without the sun. So we turn to life, the quality of eternal life is this relationship with Jesus, and it can start and and then last, by making decisions today. So eternal life starts now, and said most dramatically, is eternal life only starts today. Why is that? Well, we only have today to design because we don't know if we're going to have have tomorrow. So eternal life. Think about this, all the way down the river of time, eternal life. What you do today affects what you get, you know, 10,000 years from now. So eternal life starts not. And the emphasis of this passage is this good quality of life that we can have with Jesus and contrary the bad quality of life without Jesus. So life, without God with a hardened heart, that also starts now. So don't be that guy. So don't be that person that separates himself from this life with God eternal. So what we are speaking of here is mostly invisible, I realized that faith is belief in something we don't see in person of God that we haven't yet met with, in a face to face sort of way yet, and this is what stumps everybody, that it's this, the person we're describing, is present. God is present. Jesus is real. He's ongoing, he's practical, he's the most valuable thing. And the relationship that has already started is going to go on for the rest of this life. And in all of the all of the next slide. So this is eternal life. It comes to us only one way that's through Jesus, and only on one day, which is today. So join me today, as we enjoy this first day of eternal life. This is the good stuff. It's eternal life. It's life with the sun. It starts now. Eternal life only starts today. Join me in turning our hearts to Jesus.