Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

What Sins Lead To Death? S24e22 1Jn5:16

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 22

People have asked for thousands of years this question: "What sins, what bad behaviors lead to DEATH?" The very sobering answer is, ALL OF THEM. At least, without the intervention and grace of God, 100% of sins result in the consequence of separation from God.

So, don't purposefully, willfully, and habitually put yourself into the category of being responsible for the consequences of your shortcomings. First, don't sin. Second, don't make a habit of it. Third, repent quickly. Fourth, get a bunch of people to help you with this. Fifth, let Jesus, with His big weapons, help with the forgiveness process.

Do NOT put yourself OUTSIDE of this process. Otherwise, ALL sins lead to death. Listen 7 minutes. share this on your FB feed.  Like and subscribe at any podcast provider. Spotify, Google &  Apple Podcasts. 

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters. Welcome to Episode 22. Near the end of the book of First John, gonna ask today a big question and our title is what sins lead to death? Well, I'm going to skip right to the answer. And the answer is, all of them. All sin equals death. All sins lead to death without the intervention and the grace and the mercy of God. Listen with me This is First John chapter five. I'm going to start with verse 16. If anyone sees his brother, committing a sin, not leading to death, you shall ask and God will give them life. To those who commit sins that do not lead to death, there is a sin that leads to death. I do not say that once you pray for that, all wrongdoing a sin. But there is sin, that does not bleed to death. We know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning. But he who has was born of God protects him and the Evil One does not touch him. Alright, so let me get to it's a couple of preliminary points. Number one, it starts with it. Anyone has a brother sees his brother, so we have a brother. So just a easy question is Who is my brother. And that's somebody whose life you already in, it's someone who you already have some spiritual capital with that person, it's somebody that you send a birthday card to, or a birthday text to. There's a criteria. So maybe for some, the passage is gonna say this passage is, the only thing you need to know about this passage is you got to get back in fellowship, you got to get back and earn some brothers and people that can stand with you, because we're talking about some serious stuff here. And you're going to need some help, which is one of the points of the passage. Because now point number two is see your brother. So here, the charge is not to see sin and fault with the whole world, or the whole organization, or maybe the whole country or the whole church. This is playing small ball with people that are in your boat people that you already have this connection with people that you already send a Christmas card to or something. Alright, the third thing is to ask though this is the context of the passage is asking and asking confidently and being in accordance with God's will, God's will. So being in relationship with people, but also being in relationship with God, where we lean into God and connect confidently with him. If you want to know more about that, go back to yesterday's podcast. All right, the fourth thing here, and I think this is the greatest news of all, is that there are sins that do not lead to death. Now, they don't start that way, in my humble opinion, because all sins lead to death without the intervention of God. The point here is there are sins that don't lead to death. Why? Because God has made a plan for restoration, essentially saying, there is hope for people there's a way of restoring so we have forgiveness, we have an intervening God there is remedy. And now don't take it for granted. Because it was given preciously. It was very expensive for God to to do this. So it's kind of like yay, Christmas, but Yikes. Easter, this cost God something to forgive you, and put a plan forgiveness in place. So the point is, don't abuse this principle. So don't willfully in an ongoing way in an ongoing pattern of sin and expect God, God's forgiveness, that's presumption, and guess what his presumption is a sin in and of itself. So the fact that there is a remedy means that you are a Christian, it, you know, until the first time you said no, it doesn't mean that a Christian is in this ongoing process of restoration and recovery. But there are unrepentant sins, there are ongoing sin and people can can sort of, you know, stick a finger in God's eye and say, I'm just going to live in that pattern sin I can, you know, keep on sinning. So there are sins which leads to death, if they are not in the path of restoration of God. So the point of the passage is don't intentionally sin and don't not feel bad about it. Don't not enter this restoration process. So let your sins be unintentional. Yes, we are, you know, sinful people before so Salvation and after salvation, but let's not abuse the system. Don't make premeditated, repetitive, non repented of sins. So unrepentant sin, ongoing sin living in a pattern of sin, one that keeps on sinning, sinning, there are consequences, and the ones that are listed here are terrifying. Number one, it says the evil one touches you. Well, if we could physically see Satan, it would be a horrible sight, I think, if we could see him for his true essence, that he's a murderer, that he's a liar. And I think if we could see Satan put his hand, you know, his finger on our forearm or something, we would say, Get your filthy hands off of me. But that's what happens here is we say, I'm going to leave God's presence, if you will, then I'm going to, you know, vote with my feet and go with the Satan guide. You know, intellectually, we wouldn't ever do that. But that's what we're doing. And the other consequence is that you will be outside the perfect protection of our big, powerful, weaponized and caring God. It's essentially God saying, Hey, you're on your own. How did I get there? Well, you decided for it, read Romans one about this, you decided for it and eventually God gives you up to the power of your sin and the consequences of your sin and the payment. But trust me, you don't want justice for your sins. You want mercy. You don't want to have that you don't have that kind of firepower, and riches and ability to make your sins right, absent what Jesus has done for us. So don't abuse the system of grace Don't abuse, the grace by keeping on sin, sinning don't make it a habit. So here's my prayer today. Help me Help me to see this in me helped me to see this in my brothers. Help them to see it in me open our eyes to sin and us and then help us to see it before it happens to prevent it and if it does, let's agree with you and repent quickly and correct ourselves and lean into you and ask that You would give us life back. So never Levitt. Let us get so far to revive you and reject you forgiveness and grace. And Lord, may You give us life. Thanks for listening