Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

HELD While Holding Fast S24e23 1Jn5:18

Michael Smith Season 24 Episode 23

We hold on to Him while He HOLDS us, when the high waters come.

The One born in Bethlehem PROTECTS those who are born again.

We are being HELD by God, while we are HOLDING FAST.

The Lord will bring you THRU what the Lord brings you TO

For what has the Lord been HOLDING YOU for you to HOLD ON thru?

Listen 7 minutes to learn about the protection of God. On Apple Podcasts.


Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode 23. In the book of First John, we're in chapter five, almost near the end, we're going to do a single verse today, verse 18. Tight, today's title is held, while holding fast, so being held by God, while we hold fast. Let me read the verse we know that everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning, but he who was born of God protects him. And the Evil One does not touch him. But he who was born of God protects him, also translated as hell is being held by him holds, and each one does not touch him. Alright, so the first part of the verse talks about everyone who has been born of God does not keep on sinning. That's a big theme, really a summarizing sentence of the whole book of First John, that means not keeping on sinning, that the practices of believers should reflect externally what's going on internally. And this internal reality of being governed of tongue and of heart and a wallet and of zipper and of hands, governed by this relationship of God, that the habits of believers must reflect who we serve. So first, we agree with God as to his definitions of sin, and then not practice it. And so it's this practicing the moral will of God, and not making a habit of that which is not in the moral will of God. This should mark us as believers, and prove us as followers. So continuance in that process, is the test of spiritual reality. The part of this verse that I really wanted to get to was the second part of the verse, which is this, this idea of being protected or held by God. So 18, the second half of the 18th says, But he who was born of God protects him. He who was born of God, Jesus protects him, and the Evil One does not touch him. So everyone who was born of God is protected by he who was born of God, that is he was born in Bethlehem protects those who are born again. So we get continual help, to help continue on our way, and we are kept safe. We are guarded, the Greek word means to be a means to be held. So we are observed by God, while we observe His ways. But it's more than just being seen, kind of from a distance and a hands off sort of a way, we are kept by him while we are keeping his way. So specifically, we're guarded from evil. And here we find out that is an evil that wants to touch us, it sort of wants to grab us. So we are held during bad set circumstances, and while in difficulty, while forbearing difficult things or suffering. So it reminds me of Hebrews chapter 11. So Hebrews talks chapter 11, talks about those who kind of got the victories in a sense, but own us only in a promised way. So it talks about those who suffer, those who were in chains, those who were stoned mentioned is a person who was signed in to sawn into and killed with the sword. And then it summarizes the people, these people in Hebrews 1139. All these, though commended for their faith did not receive what was promised. So they they didn't know quote, unquote, victory. But what did they know? They didn't know the end of the circumstances, but they did know being held all the way through their circumstances. And that leads us to the big soundbite of today is that we are held while holding fast. That is we hold on to him while he holds us while all hell breaks loose. So we hold his promises, while he holds us when the high tide comes when the high waters come. So today is about holding his promises. While difficulty comes Natalie grant sang sang a song about 15 years ago, it was a hit. It was written by Krista wells, and it's called held ACLD. And the the words in the song this is what it means to be held. And the crazy thing about it is it was a hit song, even though it talked about pain and grief and deep trial. One of the lines there is the promise was When everything fell, we'd be held held. When everything turned bad, we were held. And for believers, this is about God's special presence in pain and difficulties, which is what this verse is about. So for believers, God is near guarding and holding when tempted and went in trial. And it's about choosing how, how to carry loss after beer after being carried through loss. So sometimes, there's three times about this that I want to talk about, sometimes we're held from suffering that we are prevented from it, we don't even see it. That's part of the package about being a Christian. So that's awesome. The second thing is we're held forbearing difficulty. So that is during difficulty. So sometimes God holds us during the difficult times. And that's kind of what the song talked about. And then thirdly, is sometimes we're held for suffering. John Piper talked about the Lord being sovereign during his his cancers that don't, don't waste your cancer and be a shining example. And an ester, it reminds me of the passage and for 14, for you kept for if you keep silent at this time, at this critical time of Israel's history, relief, and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this. And so that's the call today is maybe it's for such a time of this as this, that the Lord has been holding us all along. So the big question today is for what has the Lord been holding you, for you to hold on through? So this is a family letter, and the Lord has, maybe you hear this and say, well, the Lord is not protecting me at all. Well, the charge for you is to get in the family and get in his church. But for the rest of us who are in the church, Lord, may we know this holding and protection and the reality of being held. Thank you for keeping us from trouble sometimes. And thank you for holding us during our difficult times. And Lord even prepare us for a time where we are to be an example of holding on during our suffering. Help us with that, maybe future time. So Lord, thank you for holding us. Thanks for listening