Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Keep On Truckin’ With Jesus S25e1

Michael Smith Season 25 Episode 1

A crisis launches the letter of 2John.  It is a failure to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus. There is a group that fails to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' but says otherwise. They don't match  the truth and the love, with the words.  (Credit R.Crumb for the 1960's era cartoon and concept!)

We discern the truth in people by what they say and do.  Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with the TRUTH?  Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with love of the knuckleheads? Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus?

The caution is of course don't KEEP TRUCKIN' with those who aren't KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus, but say they are. subscribe to Keep on Truckin' tomorrow. Or at Apple Podcasts.

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters. Welcome to Episode 25. In the book of second, John, it's our first and maybe one of two recordings in the book of Second John, this is episode number one I'm going to title today. Keep on truckin with Jesus now, this was a cartoon and a song of the late 60s and early 70s. The song was just kind of the soundtrack was by Eddie Kendricks, which is a groovy tune. I listened to it this the this morning. But the real genius behind it was a cartoonist from California by the name of our period crumb, Cru MB and he was this underground anti establishment cartoonists of the late 60s. And it's just guy with the great foreshadowing and kind of a groovy guy. The idea is keep on going. And that's a big theme of the letters. We'll see your see here today. Now we're going to look at Second John today. But first John was written because of the threats from antichrist, quote, unquote, that is those that are opposed to Christ. So these people had gone out from their congregation, they'd gone up from them, and they acted like they were a part of us. And the deception is an important part of this concept. So they were actually deceivers, they were liars. So no one who denies the Son has the Father. It says in First John, chapter two, verse 23, and every spirit is not to be believed, ladies and gentlemen, but they should be tested. So false prophets, false communicators are out there. And you can know the difference, and how do you know the difference? So every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. And then today, we're going to find a group of people who have failed to keep on truckin, keep on trucking with Jesus. And that's another one of the ways that we can discern whether these people are in the kingdom or outside the kingdom and we should be wary of them. So similarly, second, John, calls out similar warnings is that many deceivers have gone out into the world, verse seven, it's only one chapter. By the way, verse seven, says, many deceivers have gone out into the world. Many people are out there that don't confess Jesus. In other words, they don't keep on trucking with Jesus. So not trucking with Jesus means you're deceiving means you're antichrists and that you have failed to abide in the teaching of God and Christ and no abiding equals no practicing the ministry of stability, no keeping on trucking in Jesus. So remember, continuance, this is a good thing to write in the corner of your Bible continuance is the test of reality. And crews, true Christians abide that is they keep on truckin with Jesus. So the author here is going to give you John is going to give you some ways to know things to say things to do. So people that are in the kingdom, they keep saying the right things, Jesus centered things, they're tracking with the truth. So in verse four, he says, I Rejoice greatly to find some of your children, walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father. So what a great thing, young people, spiritual heritage, people are tracking in the truth, and then stay saying the right things. So Jesus centered trucking with the truth, so continuance and truth. And then the other thing is doing the right thing, which is, in the context, John is loving one another. So keep on trucking with the truth. And also keep on trucking with love. So what is love? Verse six says it this is love walk according to the commandments, and it's an action, it's motion, its continuance. It's keeping on trucking, it's keeping on loving, so no trucking equals no lovin. So keep in the truth, keeping the commandments keeping the communication of God. So let me read the passage. This is from Second John, verse one. This is season 25, to the Elder, the elder to the lady and her children whom I love in truth, and not only i but also all who know the truth, because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever. Grace, mercy and peace will be with us from God the Father, and from Jesus Christ, the Father, Son in truth and love. Two big things their truth and love. Verse four, I Rejoice greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as we were commanded by the Father. And now I asked you to your lady, not as though I were writing to you a new commandment, but the one that we've had from the beginning that we love one another. So keep on truckin with the knucklehead, loving the knuckle hood for six and this is love that we walk across into His commandments. So keep on trucking with his commandments in his truth. This is the commandment just as you've heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it. For seven For many deceivers have gone out into the world. Those who did not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. So these people are now failing to keep on trucking with Jesus. such a one as a deceiver. That's the big warning here, such as one is the deceiver and the Antichrist. Watch yourself so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ doesn't keep on truckin in the teaching, does not have God, no teaching no God. Whoever abides in the teaching, keeps on truckin with the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you, and does not bring this teaching, do not receive Him into your house, or given any greeting for what who, afore whoever greets him takes part in his wicked neat deeds. So don't verse 10 says don't keep trucking with those who aren't trucking with Jesus. But say they are these deceivers final greetings verse 12. Though I have much to write you I would rather not use paper and ink instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face so that our joy may be complete the children of your Alexis to greet you. So everyone first nine everyone who goes on ahead and doesn't abide in the teaching that is keeps on talking with Jesus does not have God, abiding in the truth and trucking with Jesus, that person has the Father and the Son, and don't lose what we have worked for. So Don't stop. Keep in trucking for Jesus. And this is love that you keep trucking with Jesus, keep on truckin with an old a new commandment, which is to love one another and keep on trucking in truth. So Biden is keeping on trucking with Jesus keeping on trucking with the truth and his teaching, keeping on trucking with love and keeping on trucking with a father and don't truck with those who aren't trucking anymore and say they are so true believers true brothers. Keep on trucking