Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

Welcome To THE SHOW. S27e1 Revelation1:1

Michael Smith Season 27 Episode 1

Welcome to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will be a lot for our spiritual eyes to see.  This will be our exposing ourselves to God, thru Jesus, thru an angel, thru John, thru the writing as He exposes Himself to us. I cannot wait!

There is a blessing proclaimed here for the hearing, for the reading  and for the keeping. We humbly approach this book because of what it is: the revelation of God Himself. We humbly approach this book because of what it asks: to read and KEEP it. Thank you for joining me in these 7 minutes bites of the elephant of God's SHOWING. Welcome to the SHOW.

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Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, Welcome to Season 27. Welcome to the book of Revelation. Welcome to the show. The title of today is welcome to the show. This is episode one, first podcast in the book of Revelation. So welcome. So welcome to the book of Revelation, it is the revelation of Jesus. Now, before we start, I want to begin humbly. Now, of course, when we put ourselves before communications of God, we should approach all of it humbly. But honestly, I approach this even more humbly than ever. I just know one thing about the book of Revelation, Revelation, and that is that he wins. So join me, as we prayerfully and humbly, maybe a little studiously and maybe full of all awesomely, and humbly expose ourselves to His words, and his people in Asia, made in Asia Minor, and in his story and his in his history. So read with me, this is Revelation chapter one, verses one through three, to start the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him, Jesus, to show to his servants, us the things that must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant, John, who bore witness to the Word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. Then verse three, bless it as the one who reads aloud, the words of his prophecy, and bless it are those who hear and to keep what is written in it for the time is near. Okay, so this is a revelation of Jesus Christ, the type of literature is an epochal lapses. And that is an uncovering means to unveil, to reveal revelation, and to make fully known so that is, there is stuff in here that absent this book, we would not know. So who doesn't want to know about Jesus who doesn't want to see him more clearly? So why is that we just learned in the book of First and Second and Third John, that God is love. So ultimately, we're going to see God's love through, you know, some crazy stuff that's in this book. And everything that we see is going to be in the end worshipable. So Revelation is the exposure of more worshipable stuff. So the genre of literature is this is this showing literature. So this is going to be a feast for the eye, it is this show, to welcome to the show, and we approach it with the posture of humility, in anticipation, and ready worship. So the whole Bible, from the beginning, to the end is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Jesus is everywhere in the Old Testament. Now, a lot of it is in shadows. And that delineation and definition is much, much better, clearer in the in the New Testament. So it is a true statement that the Bible is the revelation of Jesus. So the title today, and the reality today is welcome to the show. So we're going to see visions and meet characters, and watch angels and be entrusted with the exposure of the doings of God Himself. And we will be entrusted with this revelation of God. And so very soberly, we approach it. So he's making this stuff known for a reason for a response for a reality. And we need to be kind of in the ready position to catch it. Now this was written in maybe 95 ad, maybe 70 ad doesn't really matter. In a real situation, so it's a real person that wrote it, his name is John's probably the apostle. It's not, not for sure. But let's say it's John. So he's, if so and if it was written in 95, he's, you know, 90 years old, maybe even older, he's respected, he's been faithful. He's kind of like the Billy Graham of the day. And yet he refers himself refers to himself and God refers to him as the servant. So it's the genius of the Christian life. If you don't know this, this little practical thing right away. Servants are those who serve not theoretically but really serve. Then if you want a blessing, go find the servants in your church and and hang out with them and do what they do and you will be blessed. Okay, so back to the revelation. So you need to know this stuff that I'm going to show you that's why the book Because here, so we should be like, Well, what do you have to show us the Lord? So this is a real author who's got himself through Jesus, through an angel, to John, to his servants, and eventually to us so that we have this chain of Revelation. And when is this will certainly it is for than it is for 2000 years ago. So their time informs our interpretive interpretation. So we're going to plant this book, first of all, in a period of time, and we're going to plant it in a place Asia major minor, which is Turkey today, and, and to a people. So we're going to start there, we'll start with them. We'll start with when, and then we're going to discern what's here for us, and I can't wait to figure this all out with you. So this must take place says, says the Bible. God gave him to show his servants the things that must take place. So there's this unstoppable train running, and that is God's sovereignty, that train is running right on time, and its arrival will be right on the right place at the right time, it's certainty is assured. So let's learn about it. So there's a show to be seen something to be read something to be spoken something to be listened to something to be seen, and ultimately, to be kept what's here. So there's something in here for us to keep. Let's go. Let's go catch it. So let's not leave this journey on the changed. He says that holy is this revelation, blessed as the revelation bless it as the show, blessed as the hearing of it, and blessing it blesses the reading of it, and then bless it at the end here. Bless the dark is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy. And blessed are those who hear it. And blessed are those who keep what is written in it for the time is near. So, Lord, we are humbled. We are eager. We are ready, at least partially for your show. May we be readers, may we be heroes and may we ultimately be keepers of the revelation of Jesus. Welcome to the show.