Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

WHEN You See Jesus…s27e6 Rev1:17

Michael Smith Season 27 Episode 6

You will see Jesus some day.  He'll probably have Royal robes and a sash of Gold; Holy hair; feet of powerful ability; hands that hold an army; a mouth full of the Word; and my personal favorite: Eyes that are not green or brown, but are like flames of fire. 

He has a voice that can roar like the roar of many waters.  If you have ever been to Niagara Falls and ridden on the Maid of the Mist, you know what I am talking aboutl

John falls down, and I suspect we will too. Let's make sure it is not from wailing and grief at His arrival or our arrival to Him.  Let's let it be in "worth-ship".  Listen 7 minutes today and tomorrow.

Michael Smith:

Good morning, my brothers and sisters, welcome to episode six in the book of Revelation, I'm on a plane sorry about that. Trust me, if you listen to this, it's going to be worth it. Today's title is, when you see Jesus, I was gonna think about, what does Jesus look like because John's gonna get an eyeful of what Jesus looks like. But the point of the today is, we are going to see the same thing as he does. So you're going to see this Sunday. All right. This is from Revelation chapter one. I'm going to start in verse 12. Then I turn to see the voice that was speaking to me. And on returning, I saw the seven golden lampstands in the midst of the lampstands one like the Son of Man, than here today, we're gonna find out what he looks like, closed with a long rope and a golden sash around his chest. The hairs of his head are white, like white wall like snow. His eyes were like the flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze refined in a furnace. And his voice was like the roar of many waters. In his right hand, he helped the seven stars from his mouth, Kimber sharp, two edged sword. And his face was like the sun, shining and full strength. When I saw him, I fell on his feet as though dead. Alright, so we see that Jesus is in a place he's standing amidst his people. We talked about that before, that is his churches. And he's standing in the middle of the seven churches that he's got a few things to say to. Now his form is that of a man. And this is Jesus's big choice to come and be part of this world and humanity. We find that his clothes, he's roped in a sash is closed with this long road robe. And this isn't the same outfit that the angels that are coming forth from his hand are going to be closed in. So this private vision that John gets here and he shares it with us is he makes it public, you know, in a historic way, but here's the thing is you're gonna see a similar vision someday. So let's pay attention. All right, his hair is white as snow white is wool. Maybe reflecting his purity he's got holy hair or wise here. And then his eyes this is one of my favorite his eyes were like a flame of fire. And one of my friends just loves bonfires loves making big fires and and watching the flames. So why is it that campfires are a thing? Why is it that bonfires are a thing? Well, maybe because this flames that that are representative of Jesus eyes, maybe it's because it reminds us of him. And it reminds us of home. And it reminds us of our Saviors eyes that we will one gaze into so we gaze into the campfire. And we gaze into Jesus I'll Jesus's eyes. You know, these aren't blue eyes or green eyes or brown eyes. These are eyes of flame. And maybe by staring into a campfire we're saying. And Jesus is saying to us, Hey, I know you,


I see you, I truly see you. And for for purposes of the campfire, the bigger the better.

Michael Smith:

Alright, the feet are burnished bronze, they're sparkle and they're solid. And they're gleaned and refined. Maybe reflecting ability and power especially. And then the voice Okay, so I don't know if you've ever written on the Maid of the Mist. A bit of Niagara Falls, the Maid of the Mist sells two things, they sell a sight because you go right to the base of the Falls is a crash in the water. So that's pretty spectacular, but more so in my opinion, what they sell is the roar. They sell this exact thing. They sell the roar of many waters. It's the roar of many waters, powerful, overwhelming and humbling for anybody who does that. They'll never forget it. If you ride the Maid of the Mist, I recommend it. And in the in the in the in his hand is the seven stars. Now those are the angels of the seven churches. And those are kind of uniformed heavenly beings that he's going to bring forth into doing some wrath. Just like all obedient angels do 100% of the time. So they're controlled by and sent forth by his his hand. And then from his mouth again, the two edged sword it's in Ephesians. It's in Hebrews and Hebrews it says the Word is living and active, and still is and is whatever we see Jesus to last forever. It's sharper than any two edged sword. It is going to separate all the way down to the marrow. So it's going to expose marrow, and that is very significant in that it shows us that these open fractures stuff that the soul that's what the word does. It's definitely a weapon and it's going to war against them in the book of Revelation. Alright, so the response here from John is very clear, he falls at the Lord's feet. Now, part of that is fear and terror and dread. And for those that don't know him, it's it's wailing. As it says earlier, in chapter one, verses, hey, this is another way you could fall down. It's like, Lord, I've been waiting for you, I've been desperate for you. I cannot believe that you're finally here. I don't have to stare at campfires anymore. I get you. I can still be an on you trust your word. So this private audience of John becomes this very, very public audience for us now. And then for us in the in the future. So believe it or not believe whether you believe this or not, this is a fact. You're gonna see Jesus like and let's, you know, you're not gonna be the first to see him. You're not gonna be the last to see him. The Son of Man is coming on the clouds with great power and glory. So you're gonna see all of this. And the big question, of course, is are you ready? Are you ready for his big brown speed of power? Are you? Are you ready for his, his voice of Niagara Falls? Are you ready for his angels that he can send forth? Are you ready for the intimacy of his burning eyes? Are you ready for his holy hair? Let's be ready. Don't be a person who Wales at the end of this be a person who's ready to worship stands in all or folds down and even better in relief and ascribe holding this power to him.


I want you to be ready and I want you to be able as it says in Second Timothy.

Michael Smith:

I want you to be able to love his appearance. That's from Second Timothy four eight, that's all love his appearance and probably fall down at the appearance of this wonderful site of Jesus year to this Sunday.